How it works and for whom it was invented
The FlyLady system ("the flying housewife") are designed for those women who are never able to restore order in the house for only one reason: misplaced perfectionism. They are confused, they don't know where to start, they are selected for harvest for weeks, then spend the whole day with broom and duster, and then another month cannot undertake cleaning so they are tired! Marla calls careless Housewives to forgive yourself, to leave the pursuit of perfection, not try to do everything at once and bless yourself and your home.
You just need:
- to abandon perfectionism
- move small steps
run morning and evening "routine" (so called from FlyLady complex of the same actions that help maintain order in the house)
- clean sink to Shine and always fill the bed
to give yourself at least an hour a day
The bottom line is that you, according to Marla, "made this mess, not for one day - and it is silly to try to scrub all of the night". Small steps (in the system they are called Baby Steps) you will be able to approach the goal - perfect order - faster than convulsive marsh throws once a month.
Where to start?
To become a full member of the FlyLady system, you must do three things:
- Dress and aboytes. Not only in the old Bathrobe, and in decent clothes, in which you can go outside (for example, to take out the trash) and work around the house.
- Fill the bed.
- Nacistima sink to a dazzling Shine.
Shell generally has a sacred significance in the system. I don't know how it works, but really - you should naderite the sink and remove from it the dishes, as all the space in the house magically "pulls" and strives for purity. Even my husband and kids are trying to clean up after ourselves, if you see how all - and sink in the first place! - shines.
The basic concepts of the system
FlyBabies novice in the system. For them the most important thing is not to break the General cleaning, take care of your power and move a minimum of steps.
"Reminders" - FlyLady daily sends about 15 short reminders on emails registered participants. Something like "did you remember to remove the checks from the table? ", "try to clean the space between the handles of the wardrobe", "it's time to throw away 27 things". Someone finds it useful, but newcomers from such systems are crazy - so subscribe, only if you are advanced mistress!
Audit trail - a special notebook in which you need to write a list of their daily Affairs, important phone numbers, area cleaning, shopping lists, and important thoughts.
The blessing of the house - the actual cleaning, which should last only 1 hour a week (the rest of you time to do a short five-minute approaches during the week).
Hot spots are places in your home that forever the messy. Tables near the bed, the bedside table in the hallway, an empty chair - if within one hour after cleaning they are mountains of magazines, papers, clothes and unnecessary things to you, it is a "hot point".
Zone - the whole house (or apartment is divided into five main zones):
Zone 1: the entrance/hallway/ dining
Zone 2: the kitchen/back door/Laundry/pantry
Zone 3: the main bathroom, an additional bedroom/playroom/workshop
Zone 4: the master bedroom/bathroom/toilet
Area 5: living
Every week you should spend all their time (timer! the cleaning in one of these areas.
The timer in order not to get carried away and try not to scrub the whole house for one night, FlyLady is strictly advised to remove just the timer. Start with five minutes in the morning and five minutes in the evening, gradually increasing the dose housekeeping" to 15-minute intervals three times a day.
Shoes lace-up - if you go home with sneakers or loafers, you avoid the temptation to lie down and relax, plus you can always pop out in entrance and throw out the trash, open the door to a neighbor or go for the mail.
"Boogie-woogie 27" - short and fun exercise, during which you run around the house with a garbage can and throw 27 first got under the hand of unnecessary things. Week cruel "Boogie-woogie" and your house not to know!
The Commandments FlyLady
- Keep your sink clean and shiny.
- Get dressed every morning, even if you do not want. Do not forget the shoes lace-up.
- Perform every day my morning and evening routine.
- Do not allow yourself to linger in your computer.
- Clean up after yourself: got the thing put in place.
- Don't try to do two things at once. Only one at a time!
- Do not remove more than you can remove 1 hour.
Every day do something for yourself. Every morning and every evening.
- Try to work as quickly as possible. This will free your time for more pleasant things.
- Always smile! Can't? Force yourself! It is contagious. Your brain begins to think that all really is well.
- Don't forget the laughing every day. And pamper yourself! You deserve it!
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