Monday, March 24, 2014

17 harmful tips on how to get rid of her husband

17 harmful tips on how to get rid of her husbandEvery man is the architect of his own misfortune. Especially in a marriage relationship. There are a few tricks that will easily make your family life unbearable.

1. Be jealous husband to all subjects of the feminine, including the keyhole. Don't believe that he looks after a beautiful girl only because so arranged their dastardly male breed - he probably already slept with this annoying. Check his cell phone, take the control all the "unidentified" non. Strictly follow his email - learn to read between the lines, you can certainly find plenty of food for thought. Podslushivaet calls her husband on the phone, keep in mind: all pause in the conversation - it's a Declaration of love that on the other side of the wire. A good idea to hire a private detective to follow your noble: to work for their money, he'll find you a dirt. Don't believe any excuses husband, you will not hold! If you got a wife and a very stupid man who does not realize that you are jealous (and, therefore, are madly in love), once a week, throw tantrums on the subject: "I saw you with her! Don't you dare deny".

2. Constantly compare your husband with other wives of friends, neighbors, relatives.

If you last summer rested two weeks in Turkey, then be sure to "stick" to her husband: "But Petrov went to the Maldives". Get your missus to go with your favorite work on that though not much, but still get paid more. But don't stop: how much money her husband was not brought into the house, always be dissatisfied. Here the possibilities are endless: always in the foreseeable region have someone richer. Do not forget desperate to repeat: "You are my whole life ruined! "

3. The rule is to hate his parents, relatives, friends. Especially you are lucky if her husband until you had a family. Strictly forbid him to meet with the children, putting the issue squarely: "Or I - or they! " As his former wife just spray the mud at every intersection. By the way, don't forget to remind her husband that he is not able to build family relationships, as evidenced by his divorce. So let them obey you always and everywhere. Set a goal to wean from her husband and all his friends and (God forbid! ) friends. Sure they are bad influences on it. With whom and when your spouse to communicate now better known only to you. Introduce it with the (well-tested) men who can really help him in his career and in changing views on life. In which case you always through these friends will be able to influence her husband, if he starts to do something is not the way you want.

4. They use their friends, relatives, parents like a vest. Every time you quarrel with her husband, run to one of them to complain. And tell all in the smallest details, even about intimate life. Often ask dad, older brother to talk to her husband "like a man". At the same time close if you do not understand or do not want to stand on your side, be sure to complain to their blessed.

5. Take care of the education of his spouse, is actively fight with his flaws. Inculcate in him a taste for healthy food and a healthy lifestyle. Assure that meat, coffee, cigarettes, wine is extremely harmful for him, he can, for clarity, to show in the encyclopedia picture "Light smoker". Don't let him sleep in on the weekends - bring it at seven in the morning in the Park for a walk, hike.

6, Take patronage over the education of their half. We strongly advise what to read, what television shows to watch on TV (no football, no eroticism! ), drive it on exhibition in the theatre, even if they themselves passion as you do not. Accustom him to order - require that every thing was in its place.

7. Monitor everything he does: kills if the shelf does lock the door, does the car. Definitely give him advice. If it hangs up on "How to assemble a coffee table", subtract it from him and begin to understand themselves. In the car sit and comment on all his actions (of course, with a minus sign). Take advantage of the behavior of the ladies from the commercials: "What we stand? Anyone waiting for? "

8. Skillfully manipulate children in the process of education of the spouse. If the child asks you to buy him some toy, tell me so, that it must have heard the husband: "that's when your dad will earn normal, then we'll talk." Scold a child for the wrong thing, be sure to provide a clear example: "will behave badly, will become like dad".

9. Deprive her husband of personal space and time. Married - live! No fishing, no "with the guys on the football," no "to drink beer with friends! Everywhere with you, always only in the family! Demand that everything at home you did together: cooked soup, cleaned the apartment. And the husband should be the gofer - "clean potatoes, delivers a bucket". If you have noticed that the blessed lay down on the sofa with the newspaper, immediately think of the task at hand and get it to carry out faithfully! Remember, he is now buried in a book or in a computer, if you and not there, and tomorrow will feel free from all family responsibilities. Neupuskajte this in any case - look to him through the shoulder, and ask: "what do you read? And about what they write? Tell us! " And talk, talk, talk without stopping!

17 harmful tips on how to get rid of her husband10. Use your unlimited possibilities of influence on her husband sex. You can set an ultimatum: "Until you have to earn as Ivanov, get nothing". Knowing how important her husband's intimate relationships, you can set a rule: had a falling out - no sex. And the reason for the fight look easy. To saprogenic was not wrong about his masculine features, immediately after sex casually think about the other men who were in your life. And if none can be found, admire the brutal macho, which you saw on TV. Whenever the husband wants to have sex, clearly demonstrate that it is doing him a great favor.

11. Let, again feels guilty - guilty easier to manage. Their sexual desires are carefully concealed, otherwise the husband decides that knows your weak spot. After a particularly successful intimate act you can afford and dream - certainly aloud to, God forbid, my husband did not sleep. Let's talk about how to be cool when... (we will have our own house; children grow up and go, and will remain only the two of us; buy a new bedroom set, which, incidentally, can now borrow). During foreplay call her blessed "poopsie", "fat cat", the word, try to choose such "cute" nicknames that accurately reflects its shortcomings.

12. Have weekly shows: "How we love each other! " In fact, the need to educate not only stick, but the carrot. Tell her husband about his love, and better about what you sacrificed for the sake of this love. Remind him as often as possible that you are simply created the friend for the friend. Constantly require and your spouse as often as possible confessed his love to you, talked like he was lucky, he was happy to be with such a woman.

If these funds are not helped and the husband is still with you, change tactics.

13. Live only for his beloved. Leave your job, say goodbye to friends ("Now I'm married"), forget about your hobby. Try to do nothing all day and only remember that he told you that he had done. Diorite the phone, fearing that her husband would want to tell you something important, and you will not be at this point on the wire. If he leaves on a business trip, well it happens to povit into the pillow, feeling sorry for myself, left for a whole week.

14. Always and at all agree with the opinion of her husband. Learn phrases that you can insert in any conversation with your better half. For example: "I likewise think", "It's amazing - it's like you read my thoughts! ", "Totally agree with you. You know, there are times when I want to argue with you, but now I agree a hundred, a thousand percent!!! "

15. Take care of the health of their blessed. Every day ask clearly worked his stomach? No need to do an enema or give a laxative? Check in the pockets of her husband's presence handkerchief. Often ask: "How do you feel? Nothing hurts? And as the foot, which lamented last week? " Pay special attention to the mood of the husband. If he came home from work tired and gloomy, make sure he told you everything, being sure that it will be easier.

16. In detail tell about their health. It is because you have a very weak, isn't it? Especially talk a lot about their gynecological problems - let hubby know: for his pleasure you pay pain and suffering. Every morning retold their dreams with details, details. If the missus decides to saccarate" and at this time, the corner of his eye will slide on the paper or screen television, abilites, you can even silently cry: "You just don't listen to me, you are absolutely not interested in my inner world." Read aloud horoscopes, time to keep her husband out of trouble, which in this day promise him a star. And if astrologers hint at romantic adventures, strengthen their vigilance.

17. Polovinkina not forget to remind his own half, that you has sacrificed everything for his sake. Sometimes, climbing on the sofa with his legs and curled into a ball, through her tears, repeat: "I could be... I could be... If it wasn't for my great love for you... I was a fool, that their best years... "

And most importantly, always remember: happy families do not happen - this is proven by the statistics and experiences of others. Believe it - and life will meet your expectations!!



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