Monday, February 24, 2014

"Pregnant" sex

Pregnancy in any case, neither should a contraindication for normal sexual life. In this happy time partner wakes up a special tenderness for each other., Should take full advantage of this state and to discover new facets of your love. Moreover, all the mothers, especially on a small time when the stomach is still not very large, and chest day by day is becoming more elaborate, be very sensual and sexual. Some couples are afraid to make love during pregnancy, as the fear of harming their babies. These fears are unfounded, because the baby in the womb mothers are protected from any physical effects.

Another common myth States that the child feels like his parents are making love and it can inflict psychological trauma. And this assumption is devoid of reason. The child, of course, feels everything, but these feelings are based on the feelings of his mother. If it is good, and the baby too. During pregnancy increases blood flow to all

genital organs, including the vagina and clitoris, so many women notice that the orgasm was stronger. If your desire became too strong, this may indicate the predominance in the body hormones-estrogen and cause various disorders, including spontaneous abortion. Consult a doctor. The norm at this time is the prevalence of the hormone progesterone, which prevents the uterus from cuts, and hence from the threat of miscarriage. In the second trimester you may note that your desire has become more. This is easily explained by the fact that the abortion of the first half of pregnancy long gone, you come to grips with his new condition, and your man is also already got used to the idea that the soon to be dad. The nervousness of the first months has evaporated, and you want to enjoy the proximity of each other. In addition, a small tummy does not prevent making love, and even on the contrary, more exciting man. Enjoy this period, because towards the end of pregnancy sexual attraction usually wanes. This is due primarily to the psychological state of the mother, her feelings about the upcoming childbirth. Yes, and the future father of the loaded mass of the problems associated with the heir, which do not contribute to the strengthening of his sexual desire. In addition, a large stomach physically interfere with making love in the positions to which the pair used to, and by itself sex can sometimes cause women pain.

However, even a perfectly healthy women doctors recommend abstaining from sexual intercourse during the first trimester and in the end, on the 9th month of pregnancy. During the first months of the fertilized egg is still in its infancy, the placenta is not fully formed, so any damaging factors, such as infection, trauma, etc. can harm an unborn baby, and can contribute to miscarriage in the early stages. Moreover, at this time, the woman often suffers from nausea, irritability, etc. the initial signs of pregnancy, which themselves do not encourage her sexual desires. The main thing in this situation, try to keep good relations in the family and not to spoil relations with the father of the unborn child, who may not fully understand the changes in the character of his beloved wife. At the end of pregnancy any influence that irritate the cervix will be a precipitating factor for the onset of labour. The vaginal mucosa at this time is particularly susceptible to infectious agents, it is easy to corrupt. All these reasons make sexual intercourse on the 9th month is extremely undesirable.

There are situations when it is better not to make love during the whole period of pregnancy, because only in this case it is possible to bear a healthy child. So, at the wrong position of the placenta, in particular when it is before the lying, sexual intercourse easily lead to bleeding, which

PoE is very difficult to stop. If during the examination the doctor has determined that you have an anomaly in the structure of the uterus: a two-horned, saddle, etc., it is better to abstain from sex throughout pregnancy because of lovemaking can cause a number of serious complications. There are cases when the uterus becomes excessively excitable and reacts by reducing any impact, whether vaginal examination or sex. Sexual intimacy with such pathology is contraindicated as it can cause miscarriage. The excitability of the uterus is often increased when the hormonal background, high excitability of the nervous system.

Sometimes a woman tolerates pregnancy, as it had comorbidities that may at this time be complicated. Such diseases can be diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, angioma ment of the retina, severe myopia, and a number of others In this case lovemaking unnecessary risk to the health of the mother and child.

If you have all previous attempts to have a baby ended in miscarriage, but you keep trying to get a baby from sex during pregnancy it is better to abstain. In some States while carrying a child can cause bleeding. In this case, you cannot make love before you show your obstetrician-gynecologist, because sex often provokes re-bleeding and can lead to complications. Naturally, the expectant mother is not

need extra infections, especially sexually transmitted diseases, so you should ensure the health of their partner.

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman's life, which makes her body's increased demands, so sex was a joy and not caused any damage to the health of mother and unborn baby, you should try to follow some rules. You want sex the way women were well hydrated, otherwise the penis during intercourse may cause damage to the delicate vaginal walls and create conditions for the development of infection. For this you need to pay special attention to the prelude to love. If, despite all efforts, self-lubrication of the vagina is not enough, you need to use special moisturizers, lubricants. Correctly selected remedy should not cause irritation of the vaginal walls. The favour of humidifiers, water-based, as they are easily washed off and does not damage latex based condoms. By the way, on the issue of protection during pregnancy. Many couples do not use any method of contraception because they think that they don't need. However, during this period the woman is very sensitive to various kind of infection, so it is useful to additionally protect it with a condom of good quality. On the other hand, there are studies that show that the sperm is in contact with the neck of the uterus, improves its maturation, t. e. preparation for childbirth. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that if you are confident in your partner, and he passed the necessary tests, you need to have sex during pregnancy without a condom.

"Interesting position" imposes certain constraints on the pose when having sex. Some poses that were once loved and quite convenient, it is not easy even run, and not to get pleasure. It is better to use the points at which the pressure on the growing tummy will be minimal. Very convenient, for example, pose on the side, when a man enters the woman from behind (see figure)

In this case, the pressure on the abdomen is completely absent, and the partner less tired. Good poses relates and such, when a woman sits on a man (see picture)

This position allows you to actively caress her, to look her in the eye, which results in a deeper emotional connection between the intended parents. Good posture is when the woman lies on her stomach or is on all fours and the man enters her from behind (see figure)

Normal position when the woman is lying down, and the man is on top, is also possible, but requires that the partner was physically well developed, because he would have to keep his body weight to eliminate pressure on the abdomen.

If the doctors are adamant, and you are expressly prohibited from making love during the whole period of pregnancy, should think about this alternative to conventional sex, like oral sex. It allows you to give pleasure and to satisfy not only the woman but also the man. Thus, the emotional climate in the family will be saved, and it will not spoil recriminations.

According to the materials of medical resources

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