Monday, March 31, 2014

How to get a boy and as a girl?

How to get a boy and as a girl? As it turns out the boy and as a girl? For parents this is a real intrigue. Today geneticists already know what factors affect who you born, and what weeks of fetal development is a fundamental adjustment of the whole organism under a particular gender.

Remember, in the famous fairy tale high on a tree hanging jewelry box in her egg, and the egg - needle?.. Now, in humans, chromosomes - those "boxes" for DNA molecules that carry genetic information. For the birth of a new person need to get the "tree" appeared 46 such repositories: 23 chromosome from the sperm and 23 chromosomes of the female egg.

This "tree" all the boxes-chromosome is indicated only Latin X and the other X and y In the language of geneticists, this means the following. The representatives of the beautiful half of humanity all the sex chromosomes are the same, they look like the letter X and the so called X chromosomes. But the sex chromosomes of the male body is different. One of them, a big size, also X chromosome, but the male is by and large meets the Y-chromosome.

"The sex of the baby is determined at conception, before the fertilized egg has joined the uterus. Boy or girl, depends only on men, " says Pavel Bazanov, leading specialist of the division IVF clinic "Mother and Child", obstetrician-gynecologist, K. M. N., judge of the Happiness of motherhood - every woman! ". In the oocyte chromosomes always "female" (23X). Men more diversity in sperm half of the sperm "female" (carry the X chromosome) and half male (carry the Y chromosome). Therefore, the sex of the baby depends on which sperm will be the champion. For example, if the quicker will be the "male" sperm, theoretically occur, the embryo is male, if he did not hurt... "

The sperm remain in the vagina its activity up to 7 days. "Female" sperm's less, they move slower, but they are stronger and life expectancy. The "male" sperm-Y - sprinters, but they are fragile guys, the duration of their existence, much less.

Based on these data, there is the theory of "programming" sex: the sexual act of two days before ovulation, promotes the pregnant girl, and the ability to conceive a boy is more likely to have sex the day of ovulation. However, this hypothesis still requires confirmation. Obviously, the probability to conceive a child of each gender is 50: 50.

Who is smarter?

X chromosome contains 5% of the genetic information of the whole organism (1098 genes), a Y - such a little, what to talk about (78 genes). But then it turns out that women have a gene pool richer, because girls are made of XX chromosomes? Why are men more famous people? Thank evolution, which took care of the survival of the species. In every cell of the body of the female has only one X chromosome, and the second is silent - almost entirely "off the network". But what of the X-chromosome will be the "main", dad's or mom's (that is, whose genes in a particular case will take up until the scientist is unclear.

Who is healthier?

Why more boys are born sickly and nervous system more sensitive to stress? It turns out that to blame the maternal X chromosome, which for trillions of years has accumulated a lot of things, including a variety of disorders. That is, the mother may be a carrier of the genetic abnormalities that occur in her son and not a daughter (hemophilia, pseudohypertrophic Duchenne myopathy, mental retardation, autism, blindness, cleft palate (cleft palate), and so on). Tiny male Y chromosome is unable to withstand the impact of a huge X-chromosome. In girls, the negative impact of one X-chromosome can be balanced by the second normal X-chromosome. Boys this support. From the point of view of evolution and girls should be more healthy and lively.

Based on these data, experts strongly advise prospective parents to a genetic analysis. If you plan to become a mother using technologies, you should keep in mind that specialist, studied the history of your family, may insist on embryos of a certain sex. "Today, modern technologies allow to know the sex of the embryo on day 6 after conception. Embryos of a certain sex, we can choose for implantation only in the most exceptional cases, one of which - some diseases that are transmitted through the male or female line," says Pavel Bazanov.

How different they are!

The female chromosome is larger than the male, because they all started. The male Y-chromosome came later, actually - this is a short female chromosome. But her most important function: the Lite version is more mobile and therefore more capable of change necessary for evolution. In other words, for female chromosomes - accumulation, survival and adaptation, and for male - experiment and progress. In addition, the Y-chromosome is a "switch" in the process of determining the gender of the person.

Genetics comment on it: to get a girl have to do to get a boy, nature must try. Embryos initially like hermaphrodites: they have the beginnings of both the reproductive system, that is prepared natural "clay" to form a complete genital organs of both species (ovaries and testicles, clitoris and the head of the penis, labia minora, and a penis made of the same material). How is it boy? The crucial role played by hormones. Between 5-10 weeks of pregnancy the male Y-chromosome sends the signal to throw the male hormones. The female reproductive system is resorbed, and the body of your future son starts at full production male reproductive system: testes, prostate gland, excretory ducts and penis.

Unlike men, women do not need such a powerful influence of hormones to become women, nature and so is initially configured for the birth of girls. The female reproductive system can afford to be formed later.

To the 14th week of development of male and female embryos have a completely different structure of the internal reproductive organs and other brain structure.

It's all in your head?

Of course, not only the sexual organs give us a sense of belonging to a particular sex. The brain is the system that controls our life. Approximately 6-8 weeks of intrauterine development of the embryonic gonads of the embryo begin to secrete hormones - androgynous. Thanks to them we have a penis or not, and is a serious upgrade rudiments of the brain and nervous system of the male or female type. Modern scientists have proved that the configuration of the male and female brain are different. In 1962, Roger Sperry received the Nobel prize for deciphering the functions of the cortex of the two hemispheres of the brain, which act separately. Studies have also shown that the left side of the brain in girls develop faster than boys, and as a result she begins to speak earlier and clearer, and in school is reading more fluently and easier mastering foreign languages. Also, the girls give the impression of a more orderly and obedient, because they developed the relationship between the two hemispheres is the corpus callosum, so they can do two things at once, without being distracted from the task. The boys quickly develops the right side of the brain that provides them with the best spatial and logical thinking, as well as a better perception. Boys outperform girls in mathematics, construction, spatial tasks. These features are necessary for the survival of the form. In other words, education and the environment only to a certain extent, can affect our preferences and sexual behavior.

Calendar pregnancy

5 week.

You made contact with your baby through the umbilical cord and first feel the signs of pregnancy. And he already has monoblast cells with the first hints of the reproductive system. More precisely, on two at once male and female.

8 -10 week. It is extremely important period. Already the program of development of the organism, and in the next 6, 5 months, she will be completed. The boys formed the testes that secrete testosterone, the chief designer of the male reproductive system. But apparently there are no significant changes, the most interesting things happen while inside of a small calf. In General, the location of the genital organs while "sex hump" and folds - "sex cushions" framing the sexual gap.

week 11. Head size is half the size of the whole body - the brain is developing rapidly, we have already outlined the differences between "male" and "female" type. Boys under the influence of testosterone from a genital tubercle begin to develop a head and a stem part of the penis. From the genital folds surrounding the urogenital opening is formed urethra and genital folds, ridges, growing, form the scrotum, where the birth of the fetus down the testicles.

In girls genital tubercle increases a little and becomes the clitoris. Genital folds grow and turn into small labia. Part of the gender gap is becoming wider, where in a few weeks will open the female urethra and vagina. Sex cushions into large labia, which accumulate a significant amount of body fat, and then they cover a small labia.

15-20 week

. The genitalia are quite distinct by gender, although ultrasound is not always gives a precise statement of fact. The embryo is a male is tiny tiny scrotum and penis, and he has already formed the prostate gland. The 20th week, the girls complete formation of the uterus and vagina.

28 week. This week your child opened his eyes. And he's already well developed hearing. Recent studies have shown that men and women due to different organization of the brain and nervous system differently developed these senses. For example, girls are more sensitive to noise, sharper respond to higher frequencies. Boys can determine the direction of the sound and frequency. Therefore, there is a theory that the girls sing better, and with the boys to talk or read to them the verses.

Baby's skin thickens and becomes more like the skin of a newborn. And then there is also their sexual differences. In the skin there are more than 3 million receptors, and girls approximately 10 times possess greater skin sensitivity to touch, than boys. So girls, girls, women and grandmothers love hugs and kisses. Boys at this time, the testicles begin to descend into the scrotum.

40 week pregnancy - first week after birth. In the last days of pregnancy and childbirth mother's astrogeny and prolactin enter the bloodstream of the child, causing the newborn baby a condition called sexual crisis. What is it manifested? During the first-second week of life boys and girls negrobeat Breasts, they begin to secretariats colostrum, boys swollen scrotum, the girls have vaginal discharge.



How to prepare your child for the birth of a brother or sister

How to prepare your child for the birth of a brother or sisterBefore the eyes of each of us many examples of the relationships of brothers and sisters. Often they are very warm and close, but we see the opposite - many native people almost do not talk or even are at enmity.

First, in order for children to have common interests, the difference between them should not be more than 7 years, otherwise they will belong to different generations, and they will have too few points of contact. However, this is the age when mom and dad also need senior and newborn child.

Secondly, in order for your child so impatiently waited for this important event, it is important to include your older child in anticipation younger:

1. Together to choose the name because it is believed that the name of the second child must choose first. Besides, it's just us adults already deliberately choosing a name, to represent in the eyes of the baby as if he did it himself;

2. It is necessary to take ultrasound not only the Pope, but the older kid, even if there are weakly something clear. By the way, is best seen on ultrasound at 12 weeks. Our oldest son for a long time asked him to show "cartoon" about the baby, although the "cartoon" and was without color, sound, and lasted a couple of minutes;

3. need advice about shopping for younger, you can sometimes do them together. It is important having bought something given to newborn, to buy something for the older;

4. It would be great if the eldest child is to talk with Your tummy, sing their songs, because the baby in the tummy hears all this and gets used to the voice of the elder;

5. Be sure to buy from a senior gift to the younger, and the younger you buy a gift to the elder. And let after returning from the hospital they will exchange with each other gifts. This will configure the older more friendly wave and will not feel forgotten;

6. You can also ask friends who will be visiting your newborn that you must present both children.

Third, watch your tongue and don't say "shame on you, you're already big and adult, senior was not great only because there's a Jr.
How would you not tired, mitigate the sharp corners and emphasize that you are a family, saying "we", "our family, our wonderful children," and so on.

The main thing - remember that the second child (and first) did you give birth exclusively for themselves. Repeat as often as you can that you love both kids, don't forget to joke, and try to carve out a little time for yourself to rest and feel like a woman. Calm mother is much easier to solve problems.


Women's Magazine

If dad drinks...

If dad drinks... Life in a family where there is a problem of alcohol dependency is built around a dependent: quarrels, action control, constant thoughts about how to do to change the drinker. Alcohol addiction parents and the problems that have children relate very rarely, and in vain.

Unfortunately, the family flees from the recognition that alcohol is not just bad behavior, bad habit or a weak will, and it is a disease that affects not only the drinker, but also the whole family. When some of the parents there is alcohol dependence, the child usually takes on one of four roles.

"Family hero"

It is an obedient child who demonstrates excellence in various fields. The teacher or parent will never call it a "problem", on the contrary, it is probably the pride of the family and school. But much of what the child does, he does not because he has to, but for the approval of others: "to be noticed, praised to be the best". Their behavior is such a child sometimes looks like a small adult: serious, responsible, always ready to help others (because of his praise for it). It is very painful experiences for the slightest error, "four" is a tragedy. He cannot be wrong, otherwise it will become imperfect. He doesn't feel valuable and worthy only of the achievements and praise others give him the opportunity to experience it. And adults enjoy pass on such a child all responsibility for household chores, for performance in the classroom, for the conduct of the younger:).

When the child grows up: the willingness to take responsibility for everything and everyone remains for life: such children, when they grow up, they often become workaholics, choose partners needy people - emotionally unavailable, infantile or dependent on alcohol - which you should save and close you can feel needed and important.


This is a child who lacks the strength and inner resources to get positive feedback and attention from the adults around them, as does the "family Hero". It is rarely praised for achievements, a very common phrase, teachers and parents in relation to these children: "it is not something to praise, he did not deserve". But the child needs to be noticed, so he is looking for other ways that will cause adults to pay attention to it: he answers back, skipping class, fighting with peers. Such a child a lot of pain and anger with which he cannot cope, he lacks the strength to overcome the obstacles that get in the way. Such children are afraid to see the real consequences of their actions. Necessary support from adults, as a rule, no; so selected methods available devices: these guys are often combined in groups in which they receive the missing support to them; many of them start early to alcohol and drugs come into conflict with law enforcement agencies.

This "problem" behavior of the child performs an important function for the family - it distracts attention from alcohol dependence father (or mother). Parents can spend years studying "ugly" behavior of the child, instead of to solve the Central problem of the family and to seek the necessary help. "Scapegoat" you can always shifting the blame for what is happening and to release all your negative emotions, which for the most part not connected with him, and with what is happening in the family.

When the child grows up: rebelliousness, hostility, blaming others in what is happening given the opportunity to avoid responsibility for their actions. Often this behavior persists into adulthood: it is difficult for them to succeed, to take responsibility and obligations.


The child can put on the mask of a Clown": he is always cheerful, active, sociable, always jokes, parodies others, and these jokes are not always appropriate and are becoming more and more unsafe for others. For such behavior, as a rule, is self-doubt and fear to build a close relationship, because they can bring the pain. The child is afraid that someone might laugh at him when he is not ready for this. And so he laughs at all, including on himself saying that he "still". Adults often make the mistake of thinking that he really still: laugh at himself, not his jokes.

In addition, the problem is that, having begun the clown, the child can not stop. When you talk to him one on one, it is quite adequate, but as soon as the child gets into a group of peers, he starts "acting up", to mimic others. And the more attempts to stop him, the more it distracts attention becomes, the more clowning.

This behavior of the child distracts the family from the problems that exist, and gives the opportunity to relax. As soon as tension increases in the family, need something to do", and then everything will turn into a joke. And it turns into a lifestyle: as soon as there is a serious problem, it is necessary to defuse the situation (the main thing is not to deal with the real problem, to get away from her decisions, forcing everyone to laugh).

When the child grows up: a child grows up, will continue to remain a "clown" who can't stay in his "jokes", saves the immaturity and not able to build deep relationships.

"Invisible angel"

Such a child is very convenient for parents: "there are so many problems, but at least with a baby luck, not cause trouble, is growing - not even notice as". As a rule, it is a quiet, shy kid who spends a lot of time in solitude, absorbed in his dreams and fantasies, avoids conflicts. He has few friends, he is very attached to things. And we rarely think: is it not important to defend your opinion? and he really has no discontent? Of course, this is not the case. In this way the child behaves because one of the basic sensations in his life is the feeling of unimportance and irrelevance: "I'm not interesting". He lives with anxiety that he alone with their problems and, as a rule, adults allow him to live and even proud of it. The real talent of this child cannot be shown because it does not believe not only in yourself, but in what it really needs someone and interesting.

The involvement of parents in conflict and family care, the child turns into a performance: "parents are not to me".

When the child grows up: as a rule, and in adulthood he preserves isolation, isolation, feeling of uselessness, of which he never speaks of little interest to life. Against this background, developing depression and other mental illness.

All described mask-roles do not contribute to the personality development of a child. They help him to survive in those conditions in which he found himself. Growing up, he will take this role with them into adulthood and will not be able to get out of it yourself. Therefore, regardless of the role chosen by the child, he needs expert help of a professional psychologist, no less, and maybe even more than dependent on alcohol.


Why it helps children to cry

Why it helps children to cryTears kids is not always a cause for concern and immediate action.

Scientists within six years watched 225 mothers with newborn children. It was found that if the mother gave the baby a full cry, and not comforted him through sickness and other means, the duration of sleep in infants has increased on average by 30%. In addition, these women 40% decreased the number of cases of postpartum depression.

For a long time excessive crying in infants was considered a pathology. Parents strongly crying child started to run to the doctors for the cause.

Meanwhile, the crying can be not only a sign that the baby is hungry, thirsty, wet the bed, he is cold, hot or he's got something hurts. Babies usually cry quite often, and not just "in case". This can be, for example, the way to attract attention. In other words, he's just cranky. The stress in this situation have no children, and parents.

One of the authors of the research - Anna Price says: "I Want to say that baby tears do not bring any harm to the psyche of the baby. Leaving Harry alone with his tears, mom and dad only let them get used to sleep, and not to rely on parents, ready at short notice to take them in his arms, rocking, sing lullabies, to offer to drink or eat".

However, up to six months to ignore a child's cry still not worth it, experts say. The thing is that before this age children still need feeding at night. And if your child is screaming in the night, not allowing you to sleep, then most likely, he simply hungry. However, since six months babies should wean itself from such a mode.



Here, you can bet!

Here, you can bet! Parents somehow believe that only they know what is best for a child. They hope that the child thought the same as they, and they strongly impose his point of view. For example, parents believe that sitting at home is empty pastime, you have to constantly led his first-grader at the theatres, museums, mugs, that he was an educated man. And the baby is crying:

Only I start to play with something interesting, like mom is screaming: "get ready! Go! ". Still in all these theatres and museums, I only think about my game!

The game desperately needed a first-grader. In his life came a time when games give him the necessary knowledge, raise it to a new stage of development. But how to explain this to my parents, who are deaf to the true needs of the child?

Children who are brought up strictly and all the time forced to obey, we have to suppress their desire. Why dream if still dreams will never come true? This leads to frustration - negative condition that occurs when the needs are, and to satisfy them is impossible. Then the energy that is designed to meet the needs, reborn in the energy of hate, of destruction. Frustration turns man on one of the three development paths.

The first path

Man unleashes his destructive energy on himself. In young children it is expressed in constant diseases, and teen - addiction to alcohol, Smoking or drugs.

The second way

The destructive energy is directed at other people: forming hatred for others, the desire to hurt them.

The third way

The child agrees with the views of parents and sincerely believe that this opinion is his own. As a result, the self-knowledge he does not develop his "I" is not formed own beliefs. He waits for him will instruct authoritative people.

Yes, probably, it'll be a good employee, acting in good faith orders, always satisfied with the salary and nothing more from life is not waiting. He can be a decent husband, who doesn't believe in the existence of love. But will he happy? Then, in his old age, he will say, "I had to live a different life! " So why not allow him to live differently now, while it is small? Let's help him to understand himself, to know himself and to find his place in this world!

Practice shows that the more overpowering the child in the preschool and early school age, the harder it will be his teenage crisis. The child obeys obeys, and suddenly... again! "Go where you want, and none of your business! " But fourteen-year-old son force will not keep! Here is the result of a child's frustration. Parents tortured child, did not want to understand him, now he will torment them and refuse to understand them. They were stale, and it became stale.

Mom will ask myself, "Why the son is hiding everything from me? When lost trust between us? " You know, when. Even in childhood, when he sincerely told her about their sale posts, and she had shamed him. When he wanted to get her a gift for the holidays nick, and she scolded him for what he is without asking, took a pair of scissors. His opinion then no one listened, his arguments were ignored. Somehow, when they walked past a kiosk, the boy timidly asked mom, "Can I buy a dinosaur? " Mom said angrily to him, "we've Got a house full of junk! " Objections, she did not accept. But then what confidence can we talk? And would then adult child to understand her and sympathize with her?

Children who are always allowed to have an opinion and defend it through a teenage crisis are easier. They don't need to fuss and slam the door. They can quite easily explain to parents where you are going, and give arguments in favor of his decision. They will also listen to the arguments of the parents if they mind. The main thing is to be able to conduct a constructive dialogue!

However, as practice shows, adults often do not know how arguments to prove their point of view, but because of a dispute with the child moving to a Creek, which, of course, unacceptable.

To master the art of the dispute, it is necessary first of all to learn the proper argumentation. The argumentation is based on the laws of logic. First you need to properly build the thesis. For example, parents want to convince the child that going to disco dangerous. The thesis should be formulated clearly to avoid ambiguity.

For example, the phrase "We don't like your behavior! " is ambiguous because it is unclear what parents have in mind.

In the course of the proof of the thesis should remain unchanged. If we are talking about the dangers discos, we need to talk about.

What can be errors in the construction of the conversation?

- Loss statement. Discouraging the child from going to the disco, you started to talk about the dangers of night clubs, and then started talking about the dangers of drugs. Then I remembered that Vanya from the third entrance - addict, and it was such a good boy! So the conversation doesn't go to the party, you need to constantly monitor itself.

- Full substitution thesis. Putting forward a certain position, for example, "In Nightclubs dangerous", you begin to prove something else that is close or similar meaning. For example, the danger of night walks at all. A variation of the substitution thesis is the trick, when discussing specific situations pass to the discussion of the identity of the interlocutor.

Another form of substitution statement is a "logical Skye sabotage" when, unable to prove his thesis, we will concentrate the attention of the person on the other thesis, is very important, however, not directly connected with the original. For example, speaking about the dangers of discos, you begin to prove that you do not sleep at night is very harmful. So the discussion artificially switched to another topic.

Partial substitution of the thesis. During the conversation you are trying to modify his thesis, narrowing or reducing too General or a dramatic statement. "We allow you to go to clubs at all, but just not this time! "

On the contrary, the thesis of the opponent you are trying to modify in the direction of increasing or expanding, so it was easier to refute him: "So you're saying that an adult and can do whatever you want? " But the child didn't say that, he just said he wanted to go to the disco.

The argumentsthat they were convincing, the following requirements:

a) as arguments can be only such provisions, the truth of which no one doubts;

(b) provisions must be proved independently of the thesis;

c) the arguments must be consistent;

d) arguments should be sufficient.

The arguments in the aggregate shall be such that they flowed prove the thesis.

When reasoning there are two types of errors.


Failure argumentswhen certain facts are trying to justify a very broad thesis. For example: "disco to go dangerous, because your friend will take place after this disco beat".


"Excessive proof". If too many arguments, then, eventually, they begin to contradict each other or look unconvincing: "Tomorrow it is cold outside, we should arrive grandmother on TV will be a good movie, so don't go to the disco! "

Don't use

logical trickswhen to substantiate his thesis he leads logically unrelated arguments.

The argument to ignorance:
"You have too little life experience, you don't know what is going on in these discos! "

The argument for the benefit of:
"If you stay home, we are your computer repair! "

The argument for common sense:
"Well, you're a smart man, why do I need you to explain something? "

The argument to the power of:
"If you go to the disco, money I don't give! "

The argument to authority of:
"Your friend Yura such discos never goes! "

The argument for compassion:
"Have pity on your mother! "

The argument for loyalty:
"You grow up in an intellectual family, and had to behave! "

Such arguments, you will not be able to convince the child. At best, temporarily prevent his going to the disco. But your task is to make the child found the arguments convincing and acted in accordance with them.

Learn to listen to your child. Try to seriously think about his position and put yourself in his place. How to get the child to listen to you? His example. If you will take seriously his opinion, he will learn as calmly and respectfully listen to your arguments.


Gum Yu


The health of the schoolchild

Is now the time of the first call?

Is now the time of the first call? Here ends the preschool child your baby - it's time to think about the choice of school. But did it come? After all, school readiness is not just a calendar age and not even the ability Boyko to read and count, and a combination of various factors. And if the kid is not Mature enough to study physically or psychologically, school stress can be unbearable for him.

Only for school age!

By the beginning of the study, the child must be at least six and a half, and even better - seven years. It would seem, what's the difference - six and a half or six and three? But in the period between six and seven years, children make a huge leap in development: they begin to change the teeth, change body proportions (it shows the so-called "Australian test: child under growth jump can't reach through the head to the ear lobe of a heteronymic hand, and after - may). Global changes happen in the brain: Mature and run those mechanisms, which is essential for normal school training. In short, if to fall to seven years is still very far away, we should postpone the entrance to the first class. But if the child is in September will mark more than six and a half years? This is also not the fact that he is ready for school. So weigh all the "pros" and "cons". And it should be done now, in January.

To learn or to be treated?

Don't wait till the summer medical examinations required for registration of a medical card. It is better to visit all the doctors at least six months before school: if a child has found a serious chronic disease, let the school can wait. So, may hinder vision problems and musculoskeletal disorders. In 6-7 years, in the period of intensive growth, these systems are particularly unstable, and excessive strain can break delicate balance. Also do not rush to start school, if a kid feels the speech difficulties. It is not useful to go to school before seven years hyperactive, slow, overly sensitive and emotional child. If your child is one of them, ask for help from an experienced therapist or psychologist for the year maximum will correct the problems of the future first-graders.

Play school or..?

One of the most important criteria of readiness for systematic education is the ability to clearly divide the game and learning activities. For preschool children, the leading type of activity and the most important way of understanding the world game. But the game assumes no responsibility and is based only on the interest of the partners and the process itself. And learning not only in school, but in secondary school requires a concerted effort, a certain degree of responsibility, overcoming himself.

If the child sees the study as a game that you can stop when she get tired of the means for systematic education he is not yet ready. Do not rush to snatch the child from the world of games. Experience shows that successful students are those who are in preschool children had been let loose to play.

Play accept this role

In order to attend school, the child must recognize teachers significant adults. And understand that relationships with them are built quite differently than with your parents or kindergarten. If the baby does not respond to the comments of strangers adults, shy with strangers to showcase their success, then he is not yet ready to be integrated into a complex system of relationships "student-teacher". While effective teaching is possible without it.

Do not expect that within a few months of training in the gymnasium all by itself is formed. Most likely, the child only gets the reputation of being unsuccessful student, which in the future will be extremely difficult to change.

It is more useful to write a six-year-old in some circle or a Studio, where the distance between children and teachers are not so great. There he will gradually learn to build relationships with others older.

Arbitrariness - Yes?

The first is to act on a defined pattern in accordance with the rules. For example, to withdraw the desired number of cells in a notebook, copy the pattern to solve the example similar to this one.

If the child does not delusive until the end of the job, can't reproduce on the model even simple drawing or unable to comply with the rules of the game (e.g., table), in preparation for the school he may have serious difficulties, because this is what the majority of jobs in the gymnasium. You should not torment the child tasks, the fulfilment of which he does not psychologically ready. Better to gently adjust the "stay-put" function. For example, suitable training in martial arts, dancing, games sports. Help and games that require compliance with certain rules: "shtander", "Elastic", "Classics", "cops and robbers".

And yet, perhaps, the most important criterion of school readiness is the desire of the child to become a first-grader.

If you have any doubts, it's time to send the kid to school or is still a year to wait, just ask him. And if the answer is negative, it means the time of the first call has not yet come.


Stein A., teacher of the highest category


The health of the schoolchild

I'm sorry...

I'm sorry...Unfortunately, parents are not always right, not always behave in an adult way. Can restrictase over trifles or hurt a child's careless word. How should we behave if this situation was the place to be?

Understand me!

Some adults prefer to just forget about those cases that were wrong. It seems important to preserve the image of infallibility and self-confidence, in order not to lose the respect of children. However, you should consider the fact that children tend to feel guilty whenever he sees that the parent is dissatisfied with something.

Apologizing to your son or daughter, an adult takes responsibility, addressing the emotional burden that is crushing on baby's shoulders. How nice it would be to a child to know that her mother criticized him figure not because he considers the young artist mediocrity, but because of trouble at work! Losing reputation of impeccable man, you are doing much more important acquisitions:

- increase the level of trust in your relationship with your child: it turns out that you are as a real person, as he did, and also can make mistakes;

- teach your child to forgive;

- give your son or daughter a reason to respect you because it takes courage to admit they were wrong;

- help the child to feel confident that you will continue to treat them fairly.

How to admit that you were wrong?

Do not tighten with apologies. The longer you do not acknowledge his guilt, the greater the stress experienced by the son or daughter, trying to find a reason in itself.

Do not try to justify mistakes fatigue, bad mood or other reasons. Otherwise, the child may get the impression that it is less important to you than, for example, a conflict with the boss. Shifting responsibility for any circumstances, you devalue apologize. For children it is important to understand your feelings, to feel love, to see the desire to make peace, so do not hesitate back tears and don't hide the excitement. You can share with your child your problems, adding that it was impossible to break it.

Do not attempt to make amends with exaggerated attention, affection or gifts. Children's perception and thinking are specific, so while the child will not hear the words "sorry" or "excuse me", it will not leave a feeling of vagueness and uncertainty.

Do not try to translate a serious conversation into a joke. Pretending that nothing happened, you thereby give to your child that his feelings are not important.

At the same time, we should not dramatize the situation and to engage in self-flagellation, stating that you are a "bad mother" or "don't know how to raise children". The child may decide that further to your advice do not listen, if you do not believe in their parental competence.

Do not promise your son or daughter that will never raise my voice, will not experience irritation and so on, You can't guarantee that will always control himself and not make any mistakes. Children are very sensitive to any promises, so you should not lay on the future of the bomb, giving the child the reason for the new offense. Better ask the student to remind you about the current unpleasant incident in similar situations. This will allow you to resolve conflicts at the earliest stages.

"I no longer will be"

To teach your child to apologize, parents should be able to forgive. If errors are children perceived the family as unacceptable, the guys often extremely difficult to admit their wrong.

In this case, the natural reaction is for students to hide their mistakes or blame another. At the same time he realizes that he has done wrong, and this understanding gradually leads to a kind of "split personality".

On the one hand, the child realizes that mom and dad love him. On the other hand, he is afraid that his parents will stop loving if the mystery will be revealed.

Strategy excessive demands and rigor in the education of children leads to negative consequences. This reduced self-esteem students, and fear to do something wrong, and the belief that parental love must be earned. If mom and dad are always ready child to understand and forgive, it is easier to accept as their own, and others ' shortcomings.

To admit their mistakes not injured children and at the same time, it was a sincere note of the following tips.

Many children prefer to hide behind a simple and universal language: "I no longer am! " While you and the child understands that a similar situation is possible in the future, and this statement makes no sense. It doesn't Express any emotion, while the person receiving the apology, it is important to see sincere regret. When you hear this phrase from the child, ask him about what he feels, why is sorry that it did not.

If the student something you are offended, do not demand from him an apology, not blackmailed by "retaliation": "Now ask for forgiveness, otherwise I will not allow you to watch TV! " Hearing the threat, the child begins to experience fear and aggression, as a result, the guilt fades into the background. Also not worth it for people to get son or daughter to apologize. Depart together in a party chat alone.

Encourage the child not to tune in to the fact that his apology should have an immediate effect and the person will immediately forgive him. Some people are forgiving, others vindictive, therefore, cannot be applied to a single stereotype. For example, do not apply with apologies to the outrageous is better to give him "cool".

Please note son or daughter that if there is an opportunity to correct his mistake, it should use. For example, it is not enough just to apologize for bottled tea at the table, you need to take a rag and wipe the puddle.

Tell the children about the different situations in which you should apologize. Sorry, you can not only bring after making any missteps, but also in advance, preventing possible errors. For example, referring to the busy person, you should say: "Excuse me, can You bother? "

Many students believe that if someone is offended or, in child language, "the first began," it gives them the right to any response. In such cases, conflicts between peers are tightened and come to a standstill. To help the child to build relationships with friends, convince him that in any quarrel both parties are guilty. But the one who apologizes first, is able to offer its own terms "peace".


Baulin M


The health of the schoolchild


The specificity of this phenomenon is that in real life, it is typical for women only. Breastfeeding in the dream reflects the archetypal human experiences about belonging to one or other sex. The woman in the dream breastfeeding, thus affirms the role of mother. We can talk about it as literally and figuratively, when a woman in a love relationship with a man assumes the role of caring mother.


The hawk is a very interesting character. It's not an eagle, but not Raven. As eagles, hawks occupy a specific place in the cultures of many peoples.

Indians worship the hawk and eagle as well as Greeks worshipped Zeus and Hermes, and the hawk rather associated with way of the warrior, while the eagle is a symbol of wisdom and power.

The hawks have people who are superior to their opponents mind, because they have the ability to assess the situation more deeply. The hawk is also a reflection of the ability to care about yourself or others by skillful calculation or a successful maneuver.

In real life you soar with the hawks in the skies or peck of grain from the earth with pigeons? Perhaps you are concerned by turning that takes your life.


Water plays a huge role in the history of mankind. Regardless of whether it is a deep freshwater lake, river, bearing life, or the ocean, absorbing people, water is both friend and enemy. If the dream contains this significant character in whatever form, it is extremely important to understand its role.

Water in dreams is a strong character, because very often its appearance coincides with the highest point of the senses. If other objects have a relaxing effect, babbling stream running through the meadow, enhances this action. If some characters will generate a sense of fear or ANXIETY, the turbulent ocean amplifies it.

Water is symbolic, the primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps secret, is fraught with danger. It is a reflection of human experience with water.

At the dawn of mankind hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water is a Central component of life. (From thirst die much faster than from hunger.) Even more important was to know where the water, for it was given to understand where the FOOD is. However, with the proliferation of trade in water has become a necessary evil, which was fraught with unknown dangers. TRAVEL by water was dangerous and mysterious as the sea creatures, storms and rough seas took the lives of many travelers; contaminated water struck the cattle and the spread of the disease.

Emphasizing a positive view of the water, it should be noted that often it is a symbol of new life, regeneration, and energy. Water in controlled amounts or in a controlled atmosphere almost always causes sleep this feeling. Managed water is the key to solving problems.

If in a dream there is a lake, that is the whole line of coast within sight and likely reach?

If you dream of a river or stream, not did they come from banks, and whether they, in your opinion, to overcome the usual ways? These are all examples of managed water.

Water presents so often testifies about the update. For example, travelling and tired, dreaming suddenly runs into the Creek. A place where you can cool off and gain strength to continue the journey, close at hand. Perhaps dreamers sail on the BOAT, slowly sliding on the surface of the water.

Must sleep with a chip time of respite from worldly cares or tries specifically to create such an opportunity.

Unmanaged water generates anxiety. Raging river rapids and vast lakes reflect the absence of control over the circumstances in which it is dreaming.

Quiet deep water, seeming refreshing, can also cause anxiety. The reason for this is potentially lurking in the darkness danger and neizvjesnosti that is in depth.

With the exception of the above statements of a General nature are water taps. In the dream, it is important to determine controlled faucet dreaming or another person and with what purpose it is done. If dreaming is ineffective controls the crane, we can assume that he feels that he does not control and is not able to cope with simple circumstances (or, worse still, perhaps, in the faucet no water). If the valve is controlled by another person, then we can conclude that dreaming feels that his position, regardless of whether it is good or bad, is determined by the whim of another, This fad can force to feel significant discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from the unpredictable boss, lover or other significant persons.


To cut off part of his body. Dreams often draw us a picture, in which we break any part of the body. People do have various forms of damage. It often speaks about the physical weakness of man or semidestructive psychological early. Try to determine what caused the amputation, as it is carried out, and analyze the resulting process ANXIETY. Also look at how the amputation affects your life and what it is associated inconvenience, and she brings a sense of liberation? Think how remote part of the body you want in real life for the functioning of the body.

Amputation in sleep can have a religious, moral or ethical basis. For followers of some religious sects own body is the worst enemy professed social or religious principles and values. Christians, for example, believe the Holy Scripture, which says that it is better to pluck out his eye, which causeth thee to stumble, than save it, but to commit sin and hell. Adherents of various faiths follow such stereotypes on the SUBCONSCIOUS level.

Cut off a piece of someone else's body. To understand why in a dream you cut off body parts from another, it is important to analyze the relationship between you and that person. If they cut out something from a loved one, this indicates the area in which you feel hurt.

Bodily injury to a colleague at work can be caused by a simple desire to get even with him or to benefit from it. If you cut the body during sleep is regenerated, it seems that this colleague or opponent is lucky: he is beyond your influence.

If you apply mangle a stranger is a manifestation of feelings of insecurity when we are forced to everyday conversations with different people.


With the appearance in a dream of the dead is usually associated with the following interpretation options: normal presence, resolution of issues and condemnation.

To remember a dream in which you visited the deceased person, sometimes a little scary, but by itself, its appearance does not bear much sense to just dreaming. This is a common dream in which the sleeper sees the deceased alive and unharmed, just a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant character of your dreams. Perhaps his image caused by memories of a certain event, participants were once and sleep, and died. It is likely that in the dream this reflects the hidden sadness and regret that there is no longer the man, who was dear to you.

To the category of permissive dreams are dreams in which the dead are linked to specific events and actions. In this case, the appearance of the dead becomes the Central event in the unfolding of the plot. You may not have what they need, or their behavior makes you certain emotions (positive or negative); in any case, action or failure to commit one way or another connected with the resolution of relations, depending on whether permitted or not, in such dreams is the share of the condemnation or joy.

"Condemning" dreams show us the dead or just dead, or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings, because we are not able to do anything to change the situation.

What character traits in life were endowed with the dead? (For example, uncle John was a Saint; aunt Agnes was mean as a snake, and so forth)

Match if their behavior during sleep with real or ran counter? Maybe you should try to better understand the personality of the deceased, to understand how it was seen by the other.

Berlin aims to become a trendsetter

Berlin aims to become a trendsetter

Berlin aims to become a trendsetter...

Jean-Pierre Mocho, President of the French Federation of women's pret-a-porter, has alarming: more famous fashion houses, among them the fashion house Jean-Paul Gaultier and even traditional fashion house Christian Dior, enjoy the cheap "sewing services" in China, Indonesia and Eastern Europe. Proud stripe "Made in France" are increasingly giving way to a place hidden on the underside of the label "Made in China". "If you buy a suit from Gautier, there is still hope that it is made in France. The skill of tailors still lives, " says Mr. macho in an interview with radio station Deutschlandfunk. But if you buy a t-shirt or jeans of the same company, you can be assured that they were manufactured in China or India".

The disappearance of crafts and outsourcing fashion

Coco Chanel, as is known, was personally involved in fitting dresses her clients and possessed great scissors and a sewing machine. But those days are long gone. Modern fashion houses only develop the model, the production of a greater or lesser extent delegated to the factories and workshops. In its pure form, outsourcing, when doing part of the work is given out. In the ideal case, the fashion house is a co-owner of the production line or at least works with regular partners, as of which there is no doubt. But the cooperation with young European workshops are expensive. At least a tailoring factory in Asia is much cheaper.

Berlin aims to become a trendsetterPhoto: Couturier Yves Saint Laurent, who died in 2008, is considered one of the "last of the righteous fashion: the model was made exclusively in the Studio of fashion designer. Today, many of them took place in the Museum

Only over the past decade, and in one only of France in the field of textile production the number of jobs has decreased by about a hundred thousand. And it is not just about reducing disappear the whole craft. Estimates of the French Federation of women's pret-a-porter, in recent years, under the threat of closure was more than a thousand small exclusive enterprises: grosgrain workshops, manufacturers of buttons and lace, Studio art embroidery. Or, say, in Paris, almost no professional Gladilina. Once every fashion house had its own "iron". "We lose the knowledge and skills that have been accumulated and perfected over the years - distressed Jean-Pierre Mocho. - Entrepreneurs have only one thing in mind: to quickly get their profits. We will never return lost".

Where do you watch politics and society? Do high fashion is not the same domain of French culture and French cuisine? Is! So last year the Minister of industry Christian Estrosi acted as an intermediary in the conclusion of the agreement on mutual support". The document is addressed to the acting in the international arena French fashion houses and French manufacturers. This Charter about proper behavior" has signed dozens of companies, but it does not have the proper effect. According to Monsieur macho, "the fashion house will be seized by a head only when their glory is spoiled, but because of low quality will fall sale". But the process of rethinking of values has already begun, he said with a slightly strained optimism. To ensure that people have learned to appreciate food from local producers, also took time.

Berlin is replaced Paris

If the glory of the French high fashion, alas, pales, German style and fashionable design on the rise. "Over the next five years Berlin will take place one of the fashion capitals of the world, on a par with Paris or Milan," said the Berlin fashion designer Michael Michalsky (Michael Michalsky).

Berlin aims to become a trendsetter

Now held twice a year Berlin fashion week (Berlin Fashion Week) has attracted greater international attention than traditional commercial fashion shows in Milan. "Big money is still being made while in Milan, but all fresh and interesting, you receive it in Berlin. For Berlin the future! "I am sure Michalski. And he is not alone in this opinion.

One of the strengths of the trendy Berlin is, in particular, its geographical proximity to the countries of Eastern Europe. Here they show off their collections by young designers from Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and other countries. "Without exception, all the Directors of the leading fashion houses come here in search of talent," issues Michalski behind-the-scenes information." According to him, today women's fashion are not frivolous ladies in fancy dresses, and women who in the morning rushing to work, and by the way bring your child in kindergarten. "These women want the whole day to look stylish and attractive," says fashion designer. It is Berlin represents for him "live fashion", which can be seen on the streets of the capital.


Anastasia Butsko

How to teach your husband to help around the house

How to teach your husband to help around the houseHousehold chores: Laundry, cleaning, cooking and Ironing of linen not be called interesting, and stereotypes of our society is such that most of these chores must be done by a woman. On the other hand, in our society that a woman must work too, but this time to cope with the housework. But, as it is known on two chairs won't stay, and this dichotomy: household chores /work will lead to the fact that efficiency will fall there, or the time will come banal mental and physical exhaustion.

You need to actively attract her husband to perform certain business operations. How to do it so as not to disturb the family wellbeing?

Shock therapy

Stop for a few days to do all kinds of housework. When her husband will see what a mountain of dishes you washed almost every day, piles of Laundry that need to be paraglading, and go shopping dumplings, boiled in "haste", it is very likely that he will appreciate your work and agree to perform tasks independently.

The compromise

As a result of negotiations, find a compromise and divide responsibilities: he's taking out the trash and wash the dishes you prepare food, and iron linen. You can also divide responsibilities weekdays: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - ware washing her husband, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - wife.


Not a very good way, but still use sometimes. Put him an ultimatum, "if you will not do this and that, I'm not going to do this and that" or "honey, if you love me, you will do this and this". However blackmail should not be aggressive, men rarely bear the pressure. The impact should be soft and persistent.

Technical equipment

Buy a home-the-art techniques with many buttons. As you know men are more likely to interact with technology than women. Ask your husband to deal with a dishwasher and a new vacuum cleaner, as he will understand, you will understand that to restore order by using this technique, will not be easy. And it will be much easier to attract people to work in their home.

The affection and positive

Praise your husband for the slightest manifestation of his thrift, emphasize how good he is, to perform a particular job. Your instructions must be no writ of nature, and as soft and tender Board.

Help husband must be relevant and in demand in fact, you don't want to do his homework just so "in order not to relax". Do not make her husband a maid, do household chores joint exercise, don't blame each other and do not shift the responsibility. Thank husband for work, show the significance of his help.

Finally, before you blame your husband that he is not helping you around the house, remember, who did all the housework in the family, father or mother, did my mother's father in the management of household Affairs, or it was purely a woman's occupation. The installation received in early childhood are the strongest and most sustainable, not "GRIZ" husband, sat down he is unable to understand how it is hard for you in the household chores, he really does not understand this, because he was accustomed all his life to see a completely different situation.

Do so and you and he was comfortable. If it does not bother linen, which lies two days in anticipation of the iron, and you do not pick, not to do through the power of this work, will do when you have time. In the end, family life is not limited to only perform domestic work. Don't drive yourself into a corner, when you take away all the hassle, and then fall exhausted and accused her husband of not understanding and participation in the economic, positive changes.


Kurochkin M


Women's Club

General cleaning

General cleaningBetter to do it by the rules. The suggestions below are simple, reliable and time-tested. Good luck!

So going to win! �����������

- Wipe the dust with a wet cloth is not recommended. The fact that during the evaporation of moisture formed the so-called aerosols - tiny, hovering in the air, water particles, nuclei which are individual motes. Therefore, to use should woolen dry cloth, or better yet - a special cloth flannel.

-Vacuuming is not recommended to use in the evening, as it disperses in the air in the dust particles microorganisms that can cause people as allergies, and some infectious diseases. Why tonight? Because scientists have proven that in the evening the body's resistance is significantly reduced.

Not too polluted glasses well washed with a solution of starch (tablespoon per gallon of cold water). If they got quite, you can use a bleach solution (50 g of substance dissolved in a liter of water).

-Black mildew on bathroom walls is not only unattractive, but also allergic. To get rid of it can be prepared in a strong solution of baking soda (pack of soda in a small bucket of hot water), add a tablespoon of any washing powder and brush dipped in this solution to wipe contaminated sites. Usually after two treatment fungus disappears.

- Remove stains with plain paper Wallpaper is recommended as follows: stir in water, tooth powder until thick cream and spread it over the contaminated site. Leave the mixture on the wall for a day and then remove it with a clean dry brush.

- Clean the heating battery, you can use an ordinary kettle. It should pour hot water and pouring it on the battery with such a distance that the spray was quite strong. Under the battery close to the wall, replace the tray from the refrigerator.

In order better to vacuum curtains, must be placed between the fabric and the tube of a vacuum cleaner some hard mesh, e.g., tennis or badminton racket: the matter will not be delayed inside.

- If you supply a vacuum cleaner brush magnets, small metal objects, lost on the floor (for example, needles, pins), will not cause much trouble.

- Yellow enameled tub or sink should be cleaned with warm vinegar, which added a bit of salt. Heated as vinegar to remove stains and Nickel-plated valves. A few minutes after handling cranes washed with water, wipe dry and Polish sukonkoj.

- Window glass longer will stay clean if immediately after washing, wipe them with a mixture of glycerol (70 g), water (30 g), a few drops of ammonia.


Arguments and facts

The smog: where "hiding" household radiation and how to protect themselves

The smog: where In any home electrical today - more than enough. Have you ever thought about how this affects health?

Our expert - Director of the Center for electromagnetic safety Oleg Grigoryev.

Good assistants or enemies?

To live without electricity for even a few hours? For many, this is a real nightmare. Imagine: disconnect the refrigerator, do not operate electric stove, kettle, iron, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, computer, TV... We got used to the fact that our "good helpers" facilitate homework, make life more comfortable, entertain us, teach our children, etc.

But when countless advantages in home appliances and there are serious disadvantages: any device or unit emits electromagnetic waves or, in other words, is the source of smog, which poses a threat to health. Experts say that the smog is a major factor of environmental pollution, comparable in its impact... radiation.

This view is based on the fact that the centers of radiation contamination of the local, and the electromagnetic radiation is ubiquitous, and we are constantly exposed to its effects. The total magnetic field increases rapidly in comparison with natural "harmless" for us in the background. Radiation, affecting the body, weakens the immune system, the person becomes vulnerable to infections, it can worsen chronic diseases. Electromagnetic waves can cause serious malfunction of the endocrine, nervous systems, failures of cardiac activity. There are two potential hazards - radiation intensity and duration of human contact with its source. But this does not mean that all appliances are potentially dangerous - you just need to use it correctly.

TV and Co

Scientists studying the effects of electromagnetic radiation on our health, believe that the greatest negative effect on the person providing the TV when he continuously runs for several hours. In second place is the computer. He has a whole bunch of sources of electromagnetic radiation of high intensity. Moreover, we communicate with him the most intimate way", spending the whole day at the screen.

By the way, and the TV and computer are often equipped with network filters, uninterruptible power supplies and other accessories, which dramatically increases the density of electromagnetic fields. The third place mobile phones: their impact is exposed directly to our brain, which is very sensitive to radiation.

Strong enough "manufacturer" electrosmog - fridge. He is small breaks is available. By the way, if this unit is standing against the wall bordering the room, it is impossible to put a bed or to equip the workplace. Do not abuse and heater, for example, to leave it on all night and especially not to put it next to the bed.

As with other appliances, the "fellowship" with them, usually short. For example, microwave oven, if it is used for heating food a couple of minutes, not dangerous, but when you cook it some dishes half an hour, try to stay away from the furnace.

The situation becomes dangerous when multiple appliances are concentrated in a small area and work at the same time. And this often happens when we try to cope with household chores quickly. For example, when cooking dinner, working electric stove, extractor hood, microwave oven, refrigerator, plus food processor or blender. "Then how are tired! "we say to myself after such a "work crew", not even realizing that headache or increased pressure was not due to physical overload, the culprit - an intense electromagnetic field.

Bad neighborhood

However, you can be at the mercy of dangerous waves, neither sleep nor spirit without knowing about it. For example, if the walls of your apartment are the total power supply units, cable lines, switchboard (not the simple shield in the stairwell, which is designed for multiple dwelling units, and the distribution or transformer substation, which provide electricity to the entire house).

There is a series of buildings where they are located literally behind the wall of the apartment. What to do if you learned that your lodging it is? Do not place sleeping or working place more than 2, 5 meters from the "harmful" wall - otherwise elevated levels of electromagnetic fields can lead to serious diseases.

Intense electromagnetic environment is observed in those houses which are located near the TV towers or relay centers. The most permeable to electromagnetic fields are considered to be a brick wall, and inside the apartment - plasterboard. The most reliable protection - reinforced concrete with rebar.

Dangerous when in the immediate vicinity of the houses are of high voltage power lines. Working continuously and with high load, they create a strong electromagnetic field. According to the world health organization, this may provoke the development of cancer. The law prohibits to build houses under the "vysokovoltnoye". In planning this prohibition works, but as for suburban areas - alas! Twenty years ago in the vicinity of the cities were actively carried out unauthorized construction coveted "six acres" on the high-voltage line was not paying attention. If they are not involved, they are back, it is still possible to accept. In case, if the lines run continuously and with a high load, they create a very strong field. Buying a new suburban area, remember this!

It is important

Five rules for the protection against electrosmog

1. Take care about the correct placement of equipment in the house: it must be at least five feet from the man. This applies not only to the fridge, television and so on, but also to the power supply, charging devices, "databases" phones.

2. When you are finished using household appliances (food processor, blender, iron and so on), immediately unplug it from the wall outlet.

3. The most protected from radiation by the place in the apartment must be the bedroom, where we are daily at least 6-8 hours, so don't post there the TV, computer and so on Outlet for the lamp must be located no closer than three feet from the bed.

4. All appliances must be properly connected to the power supply system.

5. Waiting for connection on the mobile phone, do not hold the phone to your ear, watch the signals on the display. Try to keep your conversations on cell were as short as possible.

By the way

Electromagnetic fields, we are in the transport - trains and Railways, trolley buses, trams. Of course, the road to and from work or vacation in a long distance train that injury will not cause. But those who work professionally in this field - the subway drivers, train drivers, drivers of trams and trolleybuses - is it safe to use special portable devices for personal protection from electromagnetic radiation (worn as a mobile phone, on a lanyard), not to get involved overtime shifts, etc.


Arguments and facts

As the story of the blinds on the plastic window?

How to hang a curtain on the plastic window without making holes in the frame of recommendation from personal experience.

This method, however, is not for curtains and blinds horizontal, aluminum. But the principle of it and the curtains will fit.

All this advice is quite clear from the pictures, but it's ordinary silicone suction Cup (silicone or transparent plastic - precisely because it is transparent and, therefore, is not flashy and does not spoil the details of the overall design of the window, but this is not essential, though desirable - rubber suction cups are less durable than plastic).


Buy some clear plastic ("silicon") suckers - they are cheap, and Spacecom, and then suddenly, a defect among them will fall, or in the process, some sucker will be damaged accidentally. Sold these useful things in office supply stores, and other households.product departments are often found, and in the most different variations of what can be seen in the picture:

As the story of the blinds on the plastic window?

By the way, options D and E in the figure does not involve the use of screws in General: it is necessary only to choose the appropriate diameter rod (decorative tube, which will later slip rings with "crocodiles", which, in fact, will hold the teeth in our blind), and insert in the holder.

As the story of the blinds on the plastic window? For other options need self-bugs, not too long, so that the column suction Cup through not brochurepath. And still need a transparent silicone sealant in the most minimal packaging and neighbors to ask if the repairs do need a few drops. Well, Scotch common, better wide.

Now the process itself....

Engage (not yet tightly - slightly pinning to hold only, so to speak, “nametype” ) suction cups to suit us places on the frame, do in the center of the suction Cup feet shallow nadkoly with an awl (to you afterwards is easier and smoother to screw in the screw - bug). Next draw out-note the fancy places on the frame where we are hanging suction Cup (to then know exactly where to fix all of our finished design) applied pre-cut according to the required size (in accordance with the window opening) rod. It can be decorative pipe under the rings, and the cornice (plastic? aluminum? under curtain hooks, or even as in my diagram - purchased the right size horizontal blinds.

The diagram is very clear, as you put it together, so the details I omit, the only additional tip - bring the barbell to presscam and mark it with a marker designated holes for the screws - bugs. And I repeat: the screws should not poke through the plastic column through, is required to reserve a couple of mm to the brink of bowl sucker.

As the story of the blinds on the plastic window?

Remove suckers and collect design. And now the main focus of this useful advice - the highlight, so to speak.... Before final installation design on the frame (or directly on the window - who will decide for themselves what is more convenient), must be wiped with alcohol suckers and those places on the frame, which we have marked with pencil, allow to dry and “brushing” a couple of drops of silicone sealant-Cup suction cups, set design in the marked place, tightly pressed to the ground. Someone from home will help: need (good day) to fix a design tape, tightly and netgecko to give hermetico how to harden. After this procedure, you are unlikely to detach the suction Cup hands if necessary to adovart” (little? ) will be used (gently! ) screwdriver or knife, and then “roll” the remains of the sealant fingers, not even traces will remain.

Well, that's all, then your imagination how to make a window family and welcoming to the world beyond it and live before him were as beautiful!

Success! If you have any questions - ask here in the comments - will certainly see and advise will help than I can.



How to plan a kitchen?

How to plan a kitchen? To plan the kitchen, no need to be a great master, it is enough to understand that everything should be at hand and not to clutter the space.

If you get it, it is time to cook you need to spend exactly as much as it requires.

Let's start with the "rules of the triangle, the sequence storage - beef-cooking is called work triangle. Depending on the sizes and shapes of dishes the size of the triangle change, but this layout is desirable to retain in the design of any kitchen.

The ideal distance between the sides of a triangle from 3 to 6 meters. A greater distance would no tiresome walking, less a cramped.

Oddly enough, but the convenience food depends not only on its size, but on the plan. Often people prefer the kitchen more, however, with proper planning and a small kitchen has a lot of advantages.

The layout is convenient, if the Central axis is the desktop, for example: refrigerator - Desk - shell - desktop - stove.

Depending on the architecture of the building, the kitchen can have different shapes and sizes. There are six basic types of layouts, each of which together with the principle of the triangle will make your kitchen beautiful and comfortable.

Kitchen in one line

Designed for one or two people, is installed in a very confined space. Furniture and large household appliances have in one line along the wall.

The sink put in the middle, can anything be hung from the top, so as not to lose inches of usable space. If there is no sliding or folding tables, we eat, of course, in the other room.

Kitchen in two lines

If the size of the kitchen help, the furniture are arranged along two opposite walls. The layout depends on the position of Windows and doors. Perfect: sink and stove are on one side, and the fridge and the cabinets on the other.

The location in the two lines is very simple and compact layout of the kitchen. But make sure that the distance between the furniture and the opposite wall is at least 1, 5 m, otherwise, this layout can be inconvenient. If both ends of the kitchen there are doors, this creates additional difficulties for the movement.


This is a very flexible layout. Furniture and appliances are arranged along two adjacent walls, creating a comfortable working triangle, protected from through traffic.

With this layout, effectively using the angle, it can often set the Cabinet with revolving racks-go-round, or you can make the angle beveled and can accommodate built-in oven or refrigerator.

You can increase the distance between the stove, sink and fridge and put additional desktops. L-layout suitable for uncomfortable dishes, allowing two people to work, not interfering with each other.


Best of all; compact, convenient and safe. Furniture and appliances installed along three walls. It should be remembered that the distance between the furniture with the opposite walls should be sufficient to working't seen before. U-design allows you to use as a kitchen table.

Kitchen Peninsula

For a larger room or kitchen-dining room suitable flexible layout Peninsula. Short line separates the kitchen from the dining room. Typically, it consists of a sink or cooker with extractor fan, Breakfast counter or kitchen table.

Kitchen Island

This plan includes L - and U-plan with additional work surface in the middle. The island looks great, but is only suitable for large areas and requires a well thought out plan to avoid unnecessary walking.


Design, decor, etc.

Still you led! From 1 year to 3 years

Still you led! From 1 year to 3 yearsFrom 12 to 24 months

I water, I water...

Sitting in the tub, baby loves to mess with water, to fill and empty small bottles, pour soapy water from one Cup to another, squeeze the sponge, pressing her hand, playing with swim toys and make boats out of the camera.

Grocery store

Lay on the floor a big blanket and put him baby. Give it a different capacity that can be distributed (lentils, semolina, corn, small stones, colored sand, shells). Show him how to pour, pour, mix, stir, and let me enjoy this lesson on their own. But don't go away, this game requires your careful observation!

Saddle up!

All kids love to climb on the backs of his dad and play horse riding throughout the apartment. Don't forget to ask for a rider to have a good hold on your clothes, especially if you decide to stand on its hind legs! And the boys like to fight with fathers pillows and girls to dance, standing on daddy's feet, so as not to lose the beat.

Paint for fingers

To become a real artist, you must first learn to draw with a brush and fingers. To do this, take special paint and show your baby what would happen if you dipped them the finger and attach it to a blank sheet of paper, will teach the novice painter to mix different colors, to make an imprint own hands... once is enough for your baby figured out what was happening!

Salt dough

All sorts of funny figures to sculpt not only from clay. For this fit and salt dough. Recipe: 2 cups flour, 1 Cup salt, 1 Cup water, food coloring.

The ball never drops

Inflate a large colored ball and teach your child to throw his hands in the air, feet, head, knees. The aim of the game is to not let the ball fall. After some time, let's complicate the task, let the child to play multiple balls.

Not to lose face in the dirt

Take a little water, sand or earth and knead thick... dirt. Let the kid do whatever he wants, let slapping bare legs or hands, leaves finger prints, kneads, mixing up, sculpts something, prepares soup with herbs, leaves, stones and shells or builds houses. Attention: do not forget for this case to make clothing that is easily cleaned.

Puppet show

Instead of just reading "the Three bears" or "little Red riding Hood", use as puppets plush toys and dolls. Select the characters you need, and play improvised dialogues from your favorite fairy tales.


How interesting to observe how inflated, flies and shimmers in the sunlight soap bubble. And even more interesting to catch up with him and make you burst.

Magic box

Using some imagination, an empty box can be a ship, train, car, castle or swimming pool? You need to draw it to the door if the car or Windows, if this ship. And even in large boxes you can hide.

Upside down

Teach your child to lower his head down and look at the world Vice versa. By the way, any gymnastic exercise (velocipedes, scissors... ) can be turned into a game!

From 2 to 3 years

Make me scared!

Ask the child to portray different emotions: angry wolf, frightened kitten, the terrible tiger, which he prepared to jump, good dog before the lion, sad birdie, looking for her the bird, happy monkey... Together imitate the cries of chickens, roosters, pigs, horses.

Who was the first to notice?

Not to be bored in the car, ask your child to look carefully at the road and as soon as possible to find the red car, a red truck, a cow, a solitary tree, the river.

Guess himself!

If the child is forced to sit, for example, in a clinic or in a cafe, ask him to solve puzzles. The essence of the game is to guess which animal is it. White with black lives at the North pole, who is it? Baleen, striped and meows, who is it? It has a long neck, and he loves the sun, who is it? Whoever guessed, in turn invents a mystery.

Birthday bears

Put a favorite toy the kid for a small table. Stick one or two candles on the cake, made from salt dough, light and ask the child to blow out. Let him do it as many times as he wants, in your presence, of course.

Sea fun

On the beach there is always something to do? Can be entirely buried in the sand, to build a dam from the waves of the sea, the fortress with many inputs and outputs, fishing Lodge or to lay out a mosaic of shells, pebbles, seaweed, shells of crabs and shrimp. Long live the velvet season!

The game of "as if"

Of course, you already forgotten how to play in the store. But your participation in this game you will need definitely. "How much do you weigh tomatoes? " "Please, add in the chocolate ice cream gravy! " Your kid will grow up learning to imitate social codes. Therefore, without hesitation, "try", we offer cakes of salt dough or cake of sand.

"The seas are troubled times... "

The meaning of the game is that the kid did the commands you give him. For example: raise your hand, jump into the water, jump up and down on one leg, sit down on a stone. And if you say nothing, then you need to stay in the same position and wait patiently for the next command.

Come on, pick up!

Stick to a few cartons pictures of different animals and cut them to pieces. Mix them, ask your child to fold original image or invent fabulous animals. For example, to attach a horse to fishtail. When he learns to perform this task, let's complicate the task of cutting the images on a larger number of bits.

Suitcase discoveries

Gather your old stuff (hats, shoes, clothing, jewelry, scarves, ties that no longer wear and give to the kid. Let him come up with his purpose.

Journeyman at work

At this age children love to help mom with the housework. Take advantage of this fact and give the kid to wash a few small plates, ask to disassemble purchase, put canned food in the cupboard, to hang towels on the battery, put spoons from the dishwasher to water the flowers.

What's in the bag?

Take the pillowcase off the pillow and fold it various items (toothbrush, spoon, ball, cube). Ask the child to run down the arm and to determine by touch, laying in there.


Teach your child to write funny poems one line, picking up rhymes to the names of his friends or family members. For example: Mary is preparing porridge. Veronica gathers strawberries. Get ready for what you will hear and "hooligan" rhymes like "Dasha is a piece of shit" or "Deniska-pipiska".


Fill sand a few plastic bottles, put them in the way they do in the bowling alley. The goal is simple: to bring down the ball as many "pins" at the same time.

Songs reminders

To the tune of some well-known children's songs compose poems, in which you will learn about the latest mischief your baby, about his quarrels with brothers and sisters or what happened when he ate too much ice cream. In short, make it a new character songs. This is a great way to get him to laugh at themselves.

Still you led! From 3 to 12 months


The family site

Choose a kitten! (The VIDEO! )

Choose a kitten! (The VIDEO! )According to knowledgeable cocovado, kittens can be compared with children, because they grow quickly and quietly as children. And probably for these reasons, many people who wish to get a cute fur ball try to choose the smallest, larger kitten already seems to be a late bloomer. And we can agree with that, because, the older the animal, the more difficult it will be to get used to and love of the future owner. 8-14 weeks is the most suitable age for purchasing a pet.

Kittens are quickly gaining weight. If the kitten at birth, on average, weighs 80-125, then next week its weight is doubled. Not all know that eight years of a child's life, the kitten home for their cat six months. You need to be prepared for the fact that the pet will most likely live in a family of 10 or perhaps 20 years, will require a lot of attention and decent content and regular costs.

Buying a kitten, be sure to check the condition of his teeth and eyes, look under the tail. Especially if the animal is bought on the market or in other natural areas the pet trade. Consumers often forget about the physical state of a kitten, paying attention only to his appearance. Yes and buy a completely healthy and strong baby will be difficult, if not only to produce skillful examination.

Determine the color and length of coat a kitten, you need to check the status of his abdomen, putting tummy on the palm. If it is unnaturally swollen, it should raise doubts about the health of the baby. Also check for sticking Lee ribs and vertebrae, holding a hand along his back. Do not leave without attention and ears: gently wrapped the ear, inspect the condition of the inner part of the ear canal, the presence in them of a dark brown mass indicates the infestation of ear mites.

In good condition should be eyes. Watery eyes, leakage from the inner corners, swollen eyelids with traces of pus, frequent blinking talk about possible diseases. Nostrils - clean, with no discharge. At the age of 4-6 weeks in kittens already have milk teeth, healthy gums - not pale, not red, and pink colors. The absence of teeth suggests that the kitten must be near her mother and to separate it cannot.

Be sure to check under the tail and inspect the anus: it must be dry, no sticky wool and mucus. The presence of these signs of possible diarrhea or viral disease. To check firmly kitten stands on legs that do not bend back and not lose balance, put it on the floor.

If you are offered to choose from several kittens, select from them the most active (but not aggressive). Liveliness indirectly suggests that the animal is healthy. Most likely, the kitten is friendly and confidentially related to man, being quite small, in the future he will become a good friend of the owner. In other words, hire the one who wants to be picked.

The quality of wool fluffy kitten can be judged by the absence of knots (mixed wool), especially in the groin and under the tail. And really bad if you find signs of ringworm, dermatone diseases: bald rounded skin areas with sparse guard hairs. Fur healthy kittens smooth and shiny. You should check for the presence of fleas. On the kittens with a light coat is easier to do with dark-colored have to Tinker. Traces of fleas is easy to find behind the ears, in the groin, under the arms.

Even small deviations from the norm should cause alarm. Do not believe the words of the seller, they say "with age, everything will be okay". Buy healthy kitten, in order not to have problems. It is also desirable after purchase to carry your pet to see a veterinarian to consult on account of vaccines and drugs against worms. But if you buy a purebred kitten, with contracts for the sale, so a thorough inspection is not required. According to the agreement, the responsibility for the health of the animal shall be nursery.

A bit of humor:)

And finally managed to turn what could be interpreted cat...

Picture from Sweetlana Kiss

