Is it true that head lice pick up only people who does not observe the rules of personal hygiene?
- Neglect of hygiene often at anything lice, on the contrary, prefer nice smelling hair, so as to clean the scalp easier for them to stick.
- As usually happens, the infection? Is it possible to catch lice from Pets?
- Lice - heat-loving insects. Children and adults often bring these "Souvenirs" with resorts, camps, infected trains, trains. For a closer acquaintance with the parasites is not necessary to comb someone's hair, sleep on someone else's pillow or change with someone headgear. To the insect "changed residence", sometimes only brief contact heads (for example, when the crowd in the subway). You can pick up the infection, just passing by the patient. With regard to the risk of infection from Pets, then it is absolutely impossible. Lice are human parasites on man.
- How to detect this disease in a child?
The most obvious symptom is itching. If the child is constantly scratching its head, especially behind the ears and at the bottom of the neck, then most likely it is for a reason. Parents need regular check-UPS, especially after the child's return from summer vacation, especially if in a children's institution visiting their son or daughter, was recorded outbreak of head lice. To detect head lice, it is enough to comb the hair on the entire surface of the baby's head with the fine toothed comb, and then carefully consider the comb. Lice themselves are colorless, but nasosavshis ' blood, they get a brown tint.
Hazardous to the human health head lice?
Itself the head louse is not a big danger. But, however, head lice can significantly spoil the appearance (hair stick together and get in the Mat), and also to break the overall health of an infected person. The saliva of the insect that falls into the wound during the bite causes intense itching, which causes compulsive desire to scratch the skin. This, in turn, causes a secondary infection leads to the development of pustular diseases. Due to the constant itching in children with parasitic dermatoses can not only be broken, but even linger development.
What better medicines to treat head lice? Do I have to cut the hair?
A short haircut will not solve the problem, because nits are attached almost at the base of the hair. You can only shave bald. And if you leave with the hair you do not want, you have to destroy the intruders with the help of special tools. To achieve this, used drugs, containing chemical insecticides. These poisons fatal to insects, but for humans it is unsafe, that is why we are not using DDT proved that the poison has a negative impact on our body.
Today pharmacies to buy drugs of new generation, which quickly and effectively solve the problem. They are sold in the form of shampoos, creams, sprays. It is important to pay attention to the absence of insecticide - poisons, unsafe for children.
After treating the hair, the child can interact with other children - quarantine is not required. As prevention specialists recommend to use these drugs to all family members. Immune to head lice does not occur - they can be infected several times. Special aerosol is also worth a process pillows, blankets, quilts, soft toys.
Kovalev D.
The health of the schoolchild
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