Colleague who sits opposite, constantly pulls legs under the table and touches the power supply on my computer, it restarts several times a day! Hate, because unsaved travel documents have to restore half a day! " It's a familiar situation. What else is annoying office workers?
Bad mood
Sometimes the work can not be glued only because sitting next to people with sad. Causes sadness can be different - got up on the wrong foot, parted from his wife, favorite team summed up in the championship. As a rule, colleagues with such problems want help or support by the Council. But there is another caste "sad" - grumpy and sullen nerds who passed his bad mood all around. Just from those I want to get rid of in the first place.
Elizabeth, 23 years: "We are working for the company accountant, which raises the salary of a nervous aunt retirement age with a large wart on his right cheek. When I come for the money, it makes it look as if I ask her alms - reluctantly counts the bills and pressed lip. Fortunately, I meet her only once a month! No idea how it endures the Department in which it operates".
Work equipment
What could be worse than a slow computer, especially if work experience is associated with drafting documents or working in a special photo and video?
Computer failures are also disgusting, and uncomfortable chair and jammed paper in the printer, not less annoying ballpoint mouse.
Only poorly functioning heating system, ventilation and air conditioning when it's hot, cold, or even better - could not breathe because of the stale air. Computer failures are also disgusting, and uncomfortable chair and jammed paper in the printer, not less annoying ballpoint mouse.
Nicholas, 29 years: "As a rule, once a month we sometimes unpleasant situation in the office, cut down electricity for exactly one second, and then turn on again. Who does it, I don't know, but this man wants to kill, because all the documents that crapiest day, disappear, not preserved".
High volume
According to a sociological survey research company Opinium Research, 37% of office workers in the UK can't stand ugly and gloomy colleagues.
The most annoying sound for most office workers is the crunch of the chips and the rustling of bags with various snacks. Anger can also cause colleague who drinks tea Prilepko, loud techno bass line on your mobile phone, unnerving bubner, conversations, public showdown over the phone or beeping Fax, which is without end receives the message.
Alexander, 28 years: "With me in the sitting room of an old grandfather. So he was drinking tea six or eight times a day, so hlupic, snorts, sighs, ciceet and even rinsing the tea mouth... "
Filled to overflowing dumpster with trash, from which Apple cores fall directly under his feet, cluttered desks, unwashed dishes and dusty technique - no one likes to work in the dirt, but clean up after themselves many companies are also not accepted. Well, when the office is open Technicals.
Irina, 21: "One of my colleagues builds on the work of Jack - pulls all the junk on his Desk, puts all kinds of crazy pictures of animals on the walls of stores on the table a lot of unnecessary magazines and Newspapers. I'm not talking about the numerous toy Pets at her workplace. You come in the morning in the office, and there's a dump, even do not want to work! "
According to a sociological survey research company Opinium Research, 37% of office workers in the UK can't stand ugly and gloomy colleagues. 36% said the most unpleasant problem that they have to deal with at work, computer failures. In the third place according to the degree of irritability workers allocated annoying music mobile phones. However, many respondents said that all of these factors can affect the decision to change the work.
Bogdanchikov Mu
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