Choosing a particular method of contraception, women want not only to prevent pregnancy but also to get a guarantee that this method will work and will not cause health problems. Nevertheless they do happen. Recently the European media spread the news about the death of Croatian girl who took the pill. The cause of death was pulmonary embolism (blockage) of the pulmonary artery is one of the most serious complications that can occur when the underestimation of contraindications to the use of some contraceptives. Then followed the publication on 24-year-old Australian, who died for the same reason.
Less serious consequences for the selection, appointment and acceptance of certain contraceptives also occur, but they do not fall into the press. Gynecologists do not link the deaths of the girls with the action of contraceptives, but do not deny that mistakes doctors and patients can lead to sad consequences for health. What is it, and how to avoid them, we were told Sergei Baksheev, Deputy chief physician of the center for women's and reproductive health, "Mr. and Mrs".
Possible consequences from the use of....
... Low-dose combined oral contraceptives
(COCS). This hormone pills that contain the hormone levonorgestrel in a dose of not more than 30 micrograms. Packaging of such contraceptives contains 21 tablets, which should be drunk every day at the same time. This dose hormone inhibits the secretion of pituitary hormones, and this leads to the fact that your ovaries cease to produce eggs and ovulation does not occur. In addition, this method has therapeutic effect: reduces the risk of inflammatory diseases of internal genital organs, protects against cancer of the ovary and endometrium, cyst and fibroadenoma. If you take the pills on time, that contraception is a high degree of protection - 95-97%.
Error doctor
1. Not to examine the blood of the patient. Many women may wonder why so many tests, but they in most cases really need: General and biochemical blood tests, blood on female hormones (hormonal mirror), liver function tests, cholesterol, triglycerides, fibrinogen, sortelement blood sugar. For example, if a physician prescribes a blood test on female hormones, he can lose from hyperestrogenemia (elevated levels of estrogen, one of the female sex hormones), which will accelerate the development of estrogen-dependent complications, such as uterine fibroids and breast.
Not appointing a blood test for cholesterol, triglycerides and study of blood clotting (coagulation tests), you can miss atherosclerosis and hasten the onset of complications of this disease - heart attack, stroke, venous thrombosis. This may be due to the fact that the long-term COCS cause thickening of the blood, and this is a risk factor for the progression of atherosclerosis and thromboembolic complications: when the blood is thick, it tends to form plaques and blood clots.
2. Not to explore vessels. It is necessary for the diagnosis of thrombosis is a serious contraindications to COCS: they can cause thickening of the blood, and therefore, the formation of new blood clots and increasing old. Under unfavorable circumstances (for example, when the massage, injury, physical activity, infection), the clot can break off and then the further fate of women depends on where he will go: if in a shallow container, it may end with the death of the areas it serves, and if in large (e.g., pulmonary artery) - even death. Vessel examination includes inspection of the feet, phlebography and Doppler study.
3. Not to do breast ultrasound and abdominal organs. This study helps to identify changes in the structure of many organs, to see the presence of tumors. If you take KOK on the background of this pathology, their growth may become uncontrollable.
4. Not to do a urine test. Despite its apparent simplicity, this study can do a lot to say about the functional state of the kidneys. If they seriously wrong (renal failure), they will not be output from the blood of all that it will be, including the hormones that enter the body in the form of a COCK. The result is the same as if hyperestrogenemia.
Errors patient
1. Self-treatment. If you have not consulted before taking with your doctor, gynecologist, you can miss the disease, which is a contraindication to the COCS. He must examine you to do an ultrasound and necessary tests. If you suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system and hypertension - theoretically there is a risk of heart attack and stroke (but if you pick up a dose minimum dose of estrogen, there is no risk). And in the case of diabetes - KOK reduce sensitivity to insulin and you will have daily to control the level of glucose in the blood.
2. Dissimulation. You should tell the doctor that you are currently taking any other medications. Some of them (e.g., antibiotics) may reduce the effectiveness of protection and on the background of this cause prolonged bleeding. With regard to the compatibility of COCS with other drugs, data on adverse health effects no (unless you count reduction effect of drugs).
3. Forgetfulness. If you forgot to drink one tablet, you can still drink it as soon as you remember and consequences, in most cases, will not. But if you miss two or more pills, you will have to urgently go to the doctor to do an ultrasound to rule out pregnancy. If you miss KOK systematically, it is fraught with intermenstrual bleeding and hormonal imbalance. In this case, the woman needs to find another method of contraception, for example intrauterine system.
4. Negligence. You should monitor your health while taking. Any violations (for example, breast tenderness, absence of menstrual periods, nausea, headaches, hypertension, depression) require the consultation of a doctor who must find out what they're like and maybe pick up another more suitable drug, more suitable medicine.
... Emergency contraception
The way of protection from unplanned pregnancy if unprotected intercourse has already occurred, or if the condom. For the effect you want within 72 hours after intercourse to take the drug on the basis of levonorgestrel and repeat administration after another 12 hours. The effect is based on the fact that this drug alters the surface structure of the uterus and prevents implantation of a fertilized egg. However, if conception has already occurred, emergency contraception works such as "abortion". Efficiency is about 95%.
Error doctor
1. Ask the girl if she has a serious chronic problems with their liver or kidneys. Unfortunately, you have to trust her words, because the time for examination because of emergency in most cases it is up to the same patient by the time the appointment has already received one dose of pills. If you take the medicine during these contraindications, can exacerbate problems with sick bodies.
The expression "pobochek depends on the degree of the original infringement of these bodies. If the violation is minor, nothing terrible will happen if expressed - may be worsening kidney failure, liver: a leading symptom of both disorders is weak.
2. Recommend this way to a girl under 16 years. The fact that data on the safety of emergency contraception in this age (all studies were conducted in older age groups). It can be assumed that there will be a disorder of the menstrual cycle.
Error patient
1. To take a double dose of "reassurance". In this case, the side effects (which occur frequently) - nausea, vomiting, irregular uterine bleeding, breast tenderness, headaches, dizziness will be very severe and can cause the appearance of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
2. Not to see a doctor if after emergency contraception you feel bad. By that time it will be known tests and if you find contraindications, the doctor will be able to adjust your body so that the risk of unpleasant consequences was minimal.
... Intrauterine devices
This is a special metal device that contain copper and secrete into the uterus of the hormone progestin. Put the spiral for a period of from 3 to 10 years depending on type. Progestin reduces sperm motility, thickens the mucus in the vagina and alters the structure of the endometrium. The efficiency of 75-80%.
Error doctor
Not to do an ultrasound of the uterus. If the uterus is abnormal form (e.g., curved or bicornis), the spiral can be inefficient and cause discomfort. And if in the uterus there is a tumor, the spiral can trigger its growth.
Errors patient
1. Actively playing sports with the load on the lower part of the abdomen. For example, the hard lessons of the wrestling or women's football can cause intrauterine devices can move, which can lead to ectopic pregnancy.
2. Not to keep the term "wear" of the spiral. Preferably the coil should be removed after 3, 5 years. If you do not, you can earn inflammation of the uterus.
The experts
Lesia, Sizonenko, obstetrician-gynecologist Kiev maternity hospital # 7: "Some contraceptives increase the risk of developing thromboembolic complications. But this is not all, but only in women from high risk groups, for example, varicose veins, increased blood clotting. And it is the duty of the physician to determine the presence of any contraindications. In practice this is not always the case, for example, the same coagulation tests do not all. However, even despite this, serious complications are extremely rare. If someone accuses KOK in the death of a patient due to thromboembolism, it is not proven: the clogging of blood vessels can be many reasons".
Natalia Dankovic, D. M. H., Director of the clinic of reproduction: "of Course, every doctor must examine the patient before medication. If you pick correctly the drug, it can not only be guaranteed to avoid complications, it is reliable to protect themselves but also to obtain a therapeutic effect, for example, delay the onset of menopause, cure a woman from bleeding and even go from surgery to remove the uterus with fibroid".
Personal experience
Elena K., 28 years old from Kiev: "My acquaintance with contraceptives began with a drug, which I was advised by the doctor without prior examination. The first two months I did not notice any discomfort, was just a little nausea in the evenings. However, six months later I stood on the scales and was stunned: my weight has increased by 10 kg, the Doctor ignored my complaints and said that KOC is not connected. I continued to drink tablets, and my weight was increased.
When we with the husband have any desire to expand the family, I threw contraceptives and 2 months later got pregnant. The pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. Diagnosed with a hormone deficiency. Then "went" ovarian cysts and severe premenstrual syndrome. I changed my doctor, went through a thorough examination and found that the group KOK, which I ordered, categorically does not suit me. The treatment lasted for years. Now we have a child, and my weight has bounced back".
Anna S. Yalta, 26 years: "When I had a permanent sexual partner, there was a question about contraception, because the use of condoms for us was unacceptable. The doctor found out that my grandmother had varicose veins of the lower extremities, so sent me for blood donation, in addition, saw a small rash on my face, forehead and chin and offered to hand over analyses on hormones of testosterone to assign contraceptive therapeutic effect on the skin, which I have always been moderately fat. Receiving tests, he picked up my medication. I am taking this contraceptive for several years. The skin became more dry, went acne, health problems no".
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