Precious stones and precious metals has attracted people since ancient times. But if before the ancient people adorned themselves with only what nature has created, today's jewelry market is filled with exclusive, traditional or branded products from various gold and other precious metals. As the same piece of gold can be done so elegant decoration?
The technology of creation of jewelry is not difficult and has several stages.
1.First, the artist makes a drawing decoration on paper, then using a 3D simulation, you can view it on your computer.
2. Ornament cast in silver to get the full-size pattern.
3. The specimen is placed between layers of special rubber and heated to a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius, as a result, the rubber holes are formed, identical in shape and size of the sample.
4. In the formed holes in the rubber is poured wax, it creates a wax model of the device.
5. At this stage of the prepared wax products napivayutsa on a special rod that looks like a Christmas tree. Then this rod is dipped into a cylinder, filled with a mixture of plaster and put in the oven for a few hours. During this treatment the wax uitableviews and plaster remain cavity, then fill in gold, silver and other metals.
6. In cold water blocks to cool, the gypsum is washed, and the rod, which was attached wax products, transformed into a Golden tree.
7. Gold billet removed from the "Christmas tree" and send to pry. On the site of the mount process them, and if necessary, solder.
8. After this product put the sample in the state Inspectorate of assay supervision.
9. The next step is polishing products and pinning stones. Gemologist selects the correct stones, and scripsick holds the stones in the product.
10.The final stage is polishing the finished product and send it to the technical control Department, where check the quality of the product and wear the label with the bar code, and then send in a jewelry store.
A real work of art is the embodiment of the author's imagination and professionals in the noble metal. Such art should be enjoyed and to give his expensive to people. To buy jewelry is easy for this is to visit a jewelry store or boutique, but if you want something unique, then ordered jewelry from gold is not difficult, but to help in this will be able jewelry design Studio J&d
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