Transport has certainly made our lives easier and more comfortable; but, as always, this coin has a reverse side. Frequent long trips can be very dangerous for health. What suffers first of all?
A recent study of British scientists has shown that all the hours spent in the sitting position without movement, increases the chances of heart attack by almost 7%! However, increasing the risk of obesity, diabetes, stroke and even premature death from any chronic disease in General. The nice thing is that to prevent these misfortunes is much easier than to treat them, for this is easy enough to warm up at least every 30-40 minutes.
On the other hand, to warm up in the cabin of the car or in hammered the subway car even with a great desire not so easy. So remember: you are risking your life every time you sit in the vehicles, and means to drive it must be possible standing. And, of course, not to neglect simple walking - they are easy and affordable means of preventing many diseases.
According to statistics, 30% of people suffer from a hearing impairment, the cause of the disease was excessive noise exposure. This is especially true for people living in big cities, and, oddly enough, is guilty of this transport. On the street, bus stops, in wagons and on the subway during the day, we repeatedly exposed to their ears a lot of testing, and from the time that you can come back to haunt" at least hearing loss.
By the way, is common to many the habit of listening in transport audio-player only exacerbates the situation. According to doctors, the level of noise in the headphones can reach 90-100 decibels, and that is how much is enough to earn hearing impairment.
If your car is equipped with heated seats, do not hurry to rejoice: autumn cold you may not threaten, but may have problems with potency.
The fact that temperature increases have a negative effect on sperm and its quality. Therefore, the nature and placed the male sex glands outside the pelvic area, and not as women, inside - because for the normal functioning of the testes, the temperature should be slightly lower than your body temperature.
So needless to heat this area is not necessary. Moreover, when sitting for a long - especially if your clothes and upholstery chairs are made from synthetic, "not breathing" fabrics in the groin so overheating may occur, so that those who got a car easier, we shouldn't be in it much of the time. It's bad because in a sitting position, the blood in the organs and tissues of the pelvis stagnates, which can lead to varicose expansion of veins and also adversely affect potency.
This is another typical location of varicose veins. In addition to heredity, disease can cause a "standing profession" or "sedentary lifestyle", as long lack of movement is not good for the blood vessels. Over time, the veins lose their elasticity, special valves, push on them the blood, can not cope - and on the legs is ugly blue mesh and the so-called varicose "stars".
If you have to spend sitting in the car (or standing in the subway) more than one and a half to two hours, don't forget to stretch your calves simple exercises. Lift one leg off the floor and alternately pull the foot from yourself and to yourself, and then make intensive rotational motion. Do the same with the other leg, 15-20 repetitions should be sufficient.
Beauty personal car was voted the dirtiest and the most unfortunate place for a meal, and yet 70% of motorists regularly eat behind the wheel. These results showed a poll conducted by Aston University in the UK; and in addition, his staff found a lot of bacteria that live in the cabins of cars.
According to estimates biologists, on the seats, arms and especially on the handlebars thousands of pathogens that get there with our hands and dirty soles; and we, nothing suspecting, quietly eating this "hotbed" of infections and consequently much risk anything to pick up. The mild symptoms of intestinal infection, bloating, diarrhea, nausea; severe intoxication can cause high fever, diarrhea, dehydration and will deprive you of the opportunity to properly eat at least 5-7 days.
Don't be surprised, but the plague, living in a car and trying to ruin your digestion, can also have a negative impact... on the eyes. Some bacteria can infect the mucous membranes of the eyes can cause irritation, pain, suppuration, etc., and they fall down very simply: if you take on a dirty wheel (door handle or handrail in the subway), and then mechanically rubbing the eyes.
Arguments and facts
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