To realize their wildest fantasies, to make love to a Negro or eskimo, try BDSM, become a Casanova or Messalina - and all this without the Registrar's office, the risk of catching the disease, without alimony and hassle.
How came progress
Cybersexual contemptuous look so funny when the virtual sex compared with reading erotic literature, raids on porn sites or banal Masturbation. Here everything is much cooler: this non-contact fusion of souls and bodies, using the most modern technologies and media.
In the days of our great-grandmothers media was the most ordinary paper. Want to meet a typical example of sex chat XVIII century - read "Dangerous liaisons" Choderlos de Laclos.
With the advent of the telephone virtual sex has expanded incredibly. First on the lines and connections worked a charming young lady on the telephone, but as soon as the negotiations were private, the lovers began to use them to share their erotic fantasies and desires. Pretty soon in the West realized that girls with sexy voices are popular, and offered the service "phone sex". "Hello, you have reached sexual service support! Wait for an orgasm... wait orgasm..."
Pagers and mobile phones diversified tools virtual sex erotic messages and text messages coming in, usually at the most inopportune moments. The advent of the Internet gave erotomania sex chat rooms, Dating sites. ICQ, Skype and other messengers have provided a wonderful opportunity for playful conversations with strangers that may apply to you directly from the street. Connected to the computer video camera created the effect of presence. And the site "Chatroulette" was the Mecca of cybersexual: here you can get acquainted with anyone from any corner of the world and through video chat to get almost any sexual experience.
But it was not enough. Clever Japanese have gone deep in development on the basis of teledildonic; they design artificial, stuffed with electronics gadgets, manipulating whom in the Network interlocutors can hug, kiss and enjoy each other sex.
The device Kiss Phone captures the speed, power presses and the temperature of the lips, to kiss "on the phone". T-shirt Hug Shirt through built-in sensors captures the same data for the hands, and when you embrace yourself, your friend feels it for a thousand kilometers.
Virtual Hole is designed for men: in the thickness of the plastic cylinder contains sensors, motors, and even the container with artificial lubricant, in order to fully simulate ordinary, oral or anal sex. Optionally can be used in a pair with e-Dildo - Virtual Stick. And the Toy vibrator controlled via text messages increased: sit in the queue in the cleaning, or at a parent meeting at the child, all of a sudden wham! and orgasm.
It remains to wait for the sex girls full effect of interaction; but until then, happiness, apparently, we will soon live.
Who, why and why
Who is engaged in virtual sex? Let's be honest: almost everyone who uses modern communications, had at least once to get erotic adamescu, intimate call or indecent proposal from a stranger. And many have tried to answer at least once, even in a whisper, just out of curiosity.
Why choose virtual sex? Because it's easy. To find a partner "in real life", you need somewhere to meet him, to spend time and money to communicate and gifts, to seduce, to bed, to be at risk of unplanned pregnancy or unrequited love. To engage in cybersex, enough to go on the Internet and spend 10 minutes searching accommodating companion.
Why is this good? Because it is convenient and safe, and imagination is not limited by anything. You can imagine yourself arbitrarily beautiful goddess. Or a virgin - even if the real number of sexual partners well over a hundred before your age. The cybersex easily raise your self-esteem with zero effort on your part. It provides a wealth of experience, to understand their own sexuality and desires.
And yet, ironically, virtual love protects from physical infidelity: encounters in the real world ends not more than 2% virtual sex Dating.
Why is it bad? People can't compete with the ideal image that you yourself have come up. Real husband or lover have a serious technical flaw: they will not be saved for three seconds, click on the x in the browser. With them it is necessary to communicate, build relationships, to take into account their wishes and that the most difficult thing to reconcile their desires with his. The cybersex does not provide the ability to compromise, respect and tolerance.
He also works as an artificial sweetener and kind of sweetness there, and harm from unnecessary calories no. But the body feels cheated; brain assures: "sex received, and no tactile contact, either pheromones or hormonal response is not in sight. All this provokes serious depression.
The madness of the brave we sing the song
If you are still reading this paragraph - virtual sex you really interesting. What you need to know to dive into the world of cyberspaces, not risking to fly online real trouble?
First, take care of privacy. For sex talks and text messages increased keep a separate phone or at least a SIM card. For erotic correspondence - individual mailbox with a complex password. For communication sessions - room where you can close the key. And no cybersex in the workplace: system administrators monitor all office computers and virtual love erotica not less than you.
The next legend. More precisely, thoughtful stories for a session of debauchery: actually, you have to write pornoasis. We must learn not to blush and not fall into a stupor from the descriptions of what he wants to do with you partner, to pick up themes and develop them. Don't be afraid to design the way: your partner adds no less of fiction in the description of their appearance and dimensions of the member.
Of the accessories you will likely need beautiful lingerie, sex toys and comfortable headset or keyboard. If you use the camcorder, make sure that the frame does not get anything unnecessary - for example, your diamonds.
Pictures - generally a separate issue. Send virtual companion picture of yourself Nude or Topless only if you are deeply still, decorate if tomorrow your bright image half of the porn sites Runet. But better not take chances. Use found on the Net pictures less cautious beauties. If anything those shots where you can't understand neither your face nor noticeable birthmarks and scars. For video chatting, you can use the mask and dim lighting.
In order to find a partner for sex, enough to put it in the status messenger or social network free or register on the website virtual Dating is a common or thematic. Those wishing to speak will be more than enough.
You will send dozens of photos of erect penises, will offer a lot of themes and topics for conversation. Your task is to choose the desired and enjoy. And of course, one should not expect that all your interlocutors will be perfectly beautiful, competent and deeply intelligent. However, there is always the chance that your partner is really a Prince who decided to be curious, but what of cybersex.
Among cybersexual accepted to introduce fictitious names and give as little real information about yourself. Don't be surprised if your Romeo will be pimply schoolboy or playful retired. If you do not like it - unplug sex chat and all. As in normal sex, at any time, you can say "no" and terminate the communication. Your partner, by the way, too. If he lost, then you disliked him. Even if two minutes ago he promised a trip to Paris and the Golden mountains.
The process of virtual sex is simple: after more or less a short conversation-preludes partners begin to describe (and show) how they make love, caress each other and meet. The degree of openness from soft porn to hardcore. Outstanding cybersexual can maintain simultaneous contact with two or three partners. At least two-thirds of virtual novels ends after the first session, others can last a few days, weeks or years. Isolated instances end exploring and real sex usually disappointing participants.
Virtual contraception
Cybersexual Network await danger of four kinds - virus attack, the collectors of dirt, perverts and crooks.
From first to protect a common habit is not to walk on unfamiliar sites, do not open attachments in emails and don't say "EXE" unfamiliar programs.
- From the second the thorough protection of all personal data that dishonest people, threatening to send your husband write "Virt", had no chance to know your name and how you look actually.
- Third will protect simple ignorance. If you are feeling boring sex maniac - ignore it, whatever grandiloquent nonsense in your honor he was carrying. Block contact, RUB the letters, change the number, instant messenger and phone - sooner or later he will bother to knock on the closed door. And on the threads threats report that you really are a minor and your mother have already submitted an application to the police Department.
- Fourth podmahivat you text messages and promises of Dating, talking on the phone and chat, and then it turns out that you have to pay crazy money. But do not rush to pay: in our time virtual sexual freedom you can always find yourself a fan of absolutely nothing.
Virtual sex destroys human life
Bathan Century
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