Meet - up special weapons makeup artists, beauty wizards, you can trust special tasks.
Secrets of disguise
We all know how to disguise untimely pimple and smooth skin: makeup base, concealer, then powder. At the same time, there are several tools that will help you make the perfect disguise - concealer, enticer, camouflage, designer, United General title of "correctors". Between them are often put the sign of equality (especially in lines means "mass consumption"), but in practice it is completely different means.
Concealer - concealer for oily, unhealthy skin. In concealers add drug, antibacterial, caring, anti-inflammatory substances and plant extracts. This concealer does not clog pores and is able to simultaneously relieve inflammation and mask - an indispensable thing for acne, scratches and burns. The main thing is to buy this concealer, rather than the usual concealer increased density with the proud inscription concealer on the package.
One can often hear the opinion that under the name "enticer" French brands are used to produce ordinary concealers. The word and the truth of French origin, but the scope of it is different: the cerne - blue. Thus, antisem hides under-eye circles. Own with this task perfectly copes only antisem: concealers are facial wrinkles, military unnatural highlight the skin around the eyes. Moreover, to find a good antisem easier than concealer: if the tool hides the blue veins on your wrist, you can safely trust him.
- this is the "heavy artillery", the tool that is needed, but suitable only for special occasions. Camouflage is very tight toning tool, the consistency is a little reminiscent of melted wax. It can hide any flaws and blemishes, scars, birthmarks, and also to mask the tattoo. Often camouflage is very water resistant, it is not easy to wash off with water and gel for washing, which, of course, not conducive to the health of the skin.
Fashion designer the means range from a professional makeup artist, it is used in the make-up for photo-shooting. The possibility of "designer" is broader than "photoshop", and with it, any girl can create a stellar appearance.
As a rule, the adjustment means is applied after the pitch and before powder. Green concealers to conceal inflammation is applied before Foundation. Sometimes use a simplified version of a makeup - concealer (only on problem areas) and on top of loose powder.
The secret to radiant skin
Don't know about you, but I'm talking about shining from nature skin've read is that in the stories Kuprin. In a big city Shine extremely problematic - impact and stress, poor environment, and habits. I remember friends all admired the amazing skin girls, who came to Russia from one mountain country. But after a couple months of this inborn beauty disappeared and replaced by typical problems of a city-dweller.
Indeed, healthy, radiant and youthful skin many of us only dream of. But in the Arsenal of makeup artists have the means to create artificial lights - military.
Highlighter designed to highlight individual areas of the face and give it a fresh, healthy glow. They are not therapeutic or preventive actions, not imperfections. But contain sea reflective particles and capable of a few minutes to revive even the most tired skin.
Highlighter in the form of a pencil with brush handy for spot application. They can be arranged light accents - brighten the back of the nose or T-zone. Base-highlighter is applied to a moisturizer. It can be powdered or apply a top-concealer - radiant face with the perfect tone is provided to you.
Powder Hiller creates a more clear radiance, but the artists do not recommend to use it on oily skin. Powder also can not all over the face, and separate areas. Still looks richer palette with multiple shades, reminiscent of the reticulation shadow, but excessive brightness does not always looks appropriate. Liquid highlighter perfect for creating wet effect, and cream and stick cheilectomy provide a slight glow and after application to the skin turn into powder.
And a little bit about exactly where makeup artists recommend to place bright accents above and below the eyebrow bone under the eyes, the nose (or along the wings, if the nose is disproportionately small, the corners of the eyes, above the upper lip and the contour of the bottom.
Secrets Shine
However, from time to time, our skin not just want to Shine, and Shine in all its glory. Especially in summer, when the Shine to the dictates of nature. In the price lists cosmetic companies money to make skin look radiant, a great many, and all of them have obscure names - luminizer, shimmery, glittery, glimmery...
Luminizer it means, more popularly known as "meteorites" - in honor of beauty hit from Guerlain. Contains light-reflecting particles and is used to make skin Shine and glow. Usually comes in the form of a compact powder or colored balls, in the second case it is necessary to carefully select the colors. The main difference from the highlighter that put luminizer all over the face, on top of Foundation or powder.
More glitters
shimmer means in the form of crisp, compact powder or cream. Applied either to the entire face (but for this purpose still better than the "meteorites"), or in separate areas, for example, instead of blush. In fact, this small sequins, mixed with pigments and loose, liquid or cream Foundation.
funding was tight with mother-of-pearl, pearl tint. You can use them as eye shadow or blush. The glitter in this case depends on the size of the microparticles: the smallest size gives a pearlescent effect with a gentle Shine on mother of pearl turns into Atlas and large particles create rich luster with "diamond" accents.
And finally,
glittery it actually sparkles. Typically, they are used exclusively to create a festive makeup.
Secrets tan
has nothing to do with tanning. This tool to create the effect of tan that washes off with water. Kind of concealer with the appropriate shade and light-reflecting particles. He is very unstable, stain clothing and loses presentable when the skin sweats, so it is recommended to use in special cases - when the sun is needed for a couple of hours.
Alternative cream-bronzant -
bronzer wipes, powder, blush. They are more convenient and highlight existing tan that can be applied on the face and on the body. Bronzers will help out, if you have an uneven tan on the body, and there are traces of glasses or hats.
The secrets of stars
Where you can see the result of all this beauty magic? Open any women's magazine. Note: the tone models and Hollywood divas heterogeneous. The lateral part of the forehead, the center of the chin and the nose is lighter than the main tone, eye area as if it emits light, on the cheeks - blush, wings of the nose and under the cheekbones darkened.
All this fine work of makeup artists. After all, whose perfect skin we used to watch? Models of the top and Actresses. Judge for yourself: a layer of make-up completely covers large moles on the face Scarlett Johansson, enlarged pores, Angelina Jolie and inflamed skin warring with acne Kira Knightley. Under the light of spotlights and a thick layer of makeup, pores open and immediately slaughtered, so perfect skin in this environment is often only a skillful illusion make-up artists.
However, when creating illusions do not forget about safety.
First, all of the above tools are not very suitable for daily use. Do not abuse layered make-up and fix-sculpturing, if you don't want to effect a clean and healthy skin every time was achieved solely by artificial means. Secondly, after a complicated makeup thoroughly clean the skin: jelly and gel for washing is not enough. Thirdly, refrain from hiliterow, chemerow and luminizer, if the skin is inflammation or it is covered with inconspicuous at first glance, the mesh of wrinkles. So it turns out: to create a sleek, radiant skin, it itself must be well-groomed. And artificial beauty truly effect only in combination with natural beauty.
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