It is proven that babies immune system is still immature, that it begins to operate within a certain "norm" in 6 months, and before that the body has not yet adapted itself, not ripe. What can be given a BCG vaccination in the neonatal period?
Neonatology encourages and requires health workers to observe the newborn in the first month after birth. During this time must be held no BCG vaccination, and careful screening of newborns for immunodeficiencies, research aimed at establishing those or other hereditary diseases, made the forecast of real prerequisites for some diseases, for example, to fermentopathia. Western countries seem such information is not needed, because they do not impart such crumbs of live vaccines. However, in these States for several decades is the evaluation of the immune status immediately after birth.
What happens to the thymus, developing lymphocytes after applying BCG - what are you doing with this system? Where are these data? I did not meet them in the domestic literature, although coming third Millennium.
In fact, all occurring over several generations - a violation of understanding of what it means vaccination.
Using the "correction" of children's health should be reasonable individual and very careful.
The immune status of a person is currently estimated for the differential activity of T - and b - cell immune systems. After BCG begins a serious restructuring of the natural features of the immune system, primarily macrophage component on the live Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is the basis of this vaccine.
Whether the immune system of the infant to deal with such heavy loads? No one studied....
This immunomodulation, and if you want someone, then such unit. Gross violation thin protective mechanism by constant "immunotherapy" causes accelerated loss "immensely" permit - involution of the thymus, not had time to begin his "duties", opening the way for cancer....
Lymphocytes are a family of leukocytes - white blood cells.
Blood, as you know, is composed of liquid plasma, erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes and platelets. One might think that with intensive and long-lasting immune to accumulate in the blood factors, providing a variety of effects on cells of the immune system, violating the conditions for the functioning of lymphocytes, increasing the consumption of certain types of white blood cells. Depletion will lead to changes in the blood, in the same way perhaps as prolonged anemia activated erythropoiesis. What I call " long "post-vaccination status, eventually may cause disorders of the blood. And in such statements I am not alone.
I want to remind you about the work of N. P. Shabalova (1969, 1975), indicating a provocative role of vaccines in the manifestations of latent flowing leukemia in children, and severe acute leukemia under the influence of vaccination, which was mentioned in numerous pediatric literature, but action is not taken.
The Ministry of health of the USSR, established in his time training physicians in clinical immunology, including Microbiology, consequently, in the system of vaccination - not in medical institutions or departments of physicians. Knowledge of clinical immunology absolutely necessary for assessing the health of children, adolescents and young adults of childbearing age. Unfortunately, the institutions of child protection even do not pose such problems.
Clinical immunology vital for microbiologists and pediatricians, primarily for those involved in the "remake" the natural defenses of children with immunizations. You should know that remake!
Says it all the more important, since they allow that BCG as live Mycobacterium tuberculosis and inhibit the activity of T-systems in the newborn, causing secondary immune deficiency syndrome acquired immunodeficiency (Spidy). Secondary immune deficiency should be considered as the final result of functional disorder and pathological changes in the immune system of children.
I fully agree to the requirements of Galina Petrovna Chervonsky that she had made openly through the media (Newspapers and magazines, radio and TV) - vaccinations should be individualized and rationally applied.
It is absolutely necessary diagnostic immunological examination before and after medical and very General concern intervention.
Not endlessly accumulate excess antibodies - their excess leads to autoimmune processes. Hence the "rejuvenated" autoimmune disorders among young people: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, kidney disease, thyroid disorder of the nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems, numerous cancers, and among them - the children's leukemia.
I believe that the Ministry of health shall develop a plan not on immunization coverage, and on the organization of the immunological examination-screening of children for immunodeficiencies. Such a plan must meet the modern needs of children's eco - and andpathology and defining more serious criteria for indications and contraindications to vaccination, especially live vaccines. It seems that contraindications should be drastically expanded.
I also consider it necessary to bring to administrative and criminal liability of medical personnel performing vaccinations forcibly in preschool institutions and schools, without individual selection of children in the pursuit of the number of grafted.
For any modern eco-epidemiological studies require data on the health status of the population and, first of all, immunological health.
From bitter experience I know how violent vaccination is harmful, not good to the health of the child. My granddaughter was made first DPT vaccination. There arose a severe complication is swelling of the meninges, shock, etc. during the period of vaccination campaigns in school every time you have to fight with the medical personnel and to listen to threats on the prohibition of the school. Along with this, there are clear contraindications to further vaccination in case the first one was of a severe reaction. It's good that our clinic is still thinking doctors, though it is not so simple - they are becoming fewer.
Moreover, I would have a lot to tell from my own experience, because I'm not just a medic-oncoimmunology, but... naval officer who served in the brigade of submarines. Before it was all kept secret (without it too! but now you about something and tell... For submariners were required vaccinations, and for all those who called in the Navy. We had an interesting observation: how unequal react to injections and vaccinations boys, men - heroes divers, however, having different nerve types!
One of my students showed that adult children of military age vaccines cause such a drastic change from immunological reactions that are "back to normal" very soon. And in the background bring the natural disturbances of the immune status of vaccinated sick colds and other diseases (including those that were grafted in! ) more often than the guys that were in the group of "control", i.e. not vacciniavirus.
What I did a little bit, now you can read, for example, in the Journal of epidemiology, Microbiology and Immunobiology (IMAI, 1990, No. 7) - the authors of Lapochka, K., Kuprin, I. D. and others: "About personal traits of the person as a factor in the etiology of post-vaccination complications. These studies presented by the staff of the Military medical Academy. S. M. Kirov, Leningrad.
Well, what's new here? Each person is an individual and should be.
Any vaccine weakens the body: from whom and for how long this process will last is impossible to predict, it is necessary to determine, using all the immunological Arsenal of techniques. I assure you, trace pathology on vaccination damage necessarily remains.Add to this that the Mantoux test is also a serious immunological reconstruction. You just think: the body is "obliged" to give a response with local manifestations in the injection of allergen - of tuberculin, a tiny amount of biological diagnostic tests. And the body responds to inflammation - redness of different sizes in place of parenteral receipt of tuberculin. This diagnostic test is no less dangerous interference than the vaccine itself, so far too - alien protein allergen.
Of course, vaccinations should not be mandatory, especially planned - can't fit the health of the entire class in the same plan, the descent from the Ministry of health. With these thoughts I had signed on to a statement of our group of assistants to the President, academician A. C. Yablokov, etc. because, as with any medical intervention, vaccination may not be massive and should be voluntary. As with the infectious disease, the child is or will meet, or not, and the vaccine will interrupt the natural course of events. And who figured that in our time is more dangerous: diphtheria, tuberculosis, or complications from vaccination against them? I such works do not know.
I think we are not "that" vaccination in the age of the cardiovascular, oncological diseases, diseases of the respiratory organs, kidneys, prevalent diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders, mental health of children.
Vaccination should be considered as an emergency measure, carefully considering the dynamics of the incidence of a particular infectious disease, to conduct strictly selective vaccination.
The immune system can not withstand the "target pressure", it breaks down, the functions of its mutilated, she is straying from the course prescribed by nature, the person becomes more vulnerable to colds, allergens, cancer Grows... allergies among kids is there now such children, who would not suffer from allergic diseases?! Growing allergies among kids is there now such children, who would not suffer from allergic diseases?! It is well known that in the first half of the children suffer from gastrointestinal degeneration and changes in the skin caused by food allergens of different etiology. From the second half joined the symptoms of the respiratory tract - asthmatic bronchitis (by the way, one of the complications in DTP, DT-M, DT). Oh, and by 3-4 years of age begin to show clinical signs of sensitization pollen and so on, and so on - on the issues of the publication incalculable.
Unbalanced immune system does not recognise cells disobeyed by itself, out of its control, reborn in the tumor due to the distorted features macrophage level and in whole cells.
I have not met any of the works of domestic authors, which would have answered the question: what happens to the thymus after BCG... after ten or twelve years "vaccine-related stress", in the stage of puberty teenagers?
All this is very important, though neither one question there is no answer. But it is well-known: it is impossible to use live vaccines with immune deficiency and fermentopathia, because, in addition to other troubles, they contribute to the development of infection among susceptible children...
Immune system - fine balanced mechanism and, like other systems, prone to disorder. As a result of constant irritation - stimulating vaccines, it is instead to protect the body destroys its own cells due to accumulation of antibodies due to autoimmune processes and functional changes of the properties of cells.
What time are forms of immunopathology, all they boil down to an imbalance of T-cell systems, resulting in functionally and structurally to numerous disorders in child health. Stock lymphocyte depleted, and the body is vulnerable to various anthropogenic factors. Man grows old before his time. Physiological, natural aging process of the gradual decay, decay of all components of the immune system. Vaccines also speed up, spur the process of "spending" of lymphocytes, artificially causing the body to premature aging, hence senile disease in young people. In Oncology is the fundamental imbalance between the rate of immune response and tumor growth.
The growth of cancer ahead of the reproduction rate responds to him lymphoid cells, directed, moreover, to fight we continually give the incoming antigen vaccines.
Well-known surgeon, academician of Academy of Sciences of the USSR NV. A. Amosov in one of his books - "Thoughts on health", says that it is almost impossible to distinguish between seemingly opposing concepts of "health" and "disease". Similar reasoning was inclined and Avicenna, who lived over a thousand years ago: he distinguished between these two concepts different transitional stages. Where's the "transitional stage" between health and "minor illness" - inoculation?! Where is the boundary: this is useful, but it is the harm?!
I am absolutely convinced that all the cancer begins with a negative adjustment of the immune system with subsequent inhibition of its functions as the "cornagrade". It is for congenital and acquired immunodeficiencies indicated more frequent development of malignant neoplasms...
Gorodilova centuries, oncoimmunology, D. M. H., Professor
1796. Homeopathy and vaccination
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