In our country, it still remains largely a means of assertion of male superiority. Although most of the graduates of driving schools - women, statistics show that barely a third of them will sit behind the wheel. And it is a pity, because women are two times less likely to become perpetrators of road accidents. Besides the incident with their participation is usually less serious than those involving men. This trend is seen in all countries.
Women are more sensitive to physical pain, but also more patient than men. But my patience to the doctors women speak three times as often. Men live by the principle "I can't stand, the doctor will not go." This is due to their fear to experience great pain during treatment (after all, their patience had reached the limit), and in addition to the reluctance to acknowledge their illness, that is his weakness.
The affair
To her men and women pushing different reasons. Male desire for sexual adventure, women desire for friendship and strong feelings. Respond to their infidelity husbands and wives in different ways: the first is much less of a sense of guilt. But what unites unfaithful husbands and wives: first, they are mostly not going to give up extra-marital relationships, and secondly, don't want these relationships destroyed their families.
Once the speed of response and ability to take immediate action in any situation depended on the success of men-hunter and man-defender. Today, excessive impulsivity him rather hurt, but can't help it there's nothing he can. In a stressful situation at the modern man, like his ancient ancestor, unstable blood pressure and is a powerful adrenaline rush. Hence uncontrolled male anger. Women are less prone to such sudden outbursts of aggression, not because I feel more powerless, and all because of the same pressure and adrenaline. Women in stressful situations, it is usually closer to the norm than men.
To tremble with fear for their health and dying from a cold - it is the right of men has long established itself. But depression may they leave women! Doctors say that women suffer depression twice as often than men. And from seasonal depression (for example, because of the lack of sun in late winter) - six times more often.
Strange, but no one in the old days there came to the idea to divide men and women more and eating habits. However, the fact that women are more likely to love sweets, but men prefer salty food - it is a scientific fact.
Psychologists have discovered that at the very tender age of boys is much more violent than girls. It seems that growing up, they do not change. On one of the European rally was staged traffic accident. From sixty-two male participants in the accident stopped only thirty-five people, two summoned help. Others decided not to waste time in vain. While sixty-two participants only two decided to pass.
About a fifth of men considers beautiful appearance the main advantage of women. And only one tenth of women imposes high requirements to the appearance of the men. These are the results of research. Men are four times more likely to depart from the mirror satisfied with themselves than women.
90% of men admit that at least once in life have been deceived by a woman. Among women, on the basis of confessions, victims of infidelity less 61%. Do women change less often? Or men are just more clever in concealing their campaigns "left"?
If in the heat of a quarrel, the woman got excited and called his friend's thick-skinned, she was absolutely right. If not in a figurative sense, so direct. Leather men's thicker and less sensitive than women. Therefore, the wrinkles they appear later.
Outwardly signs of male and female lie different. Man, when lying becomes aggressive, not looking at him, shuddering breathes, speaks in a loud voice, leads the fingers on the face, can jump up and run out of the room. The woman in this situation is usually unnatural smiles, says children's voice, smoothes out her clothes, puts one leg over the other and more often than usual, blinking. But the intensity of lies from the floor is not affected. According to the estimates of American psychologists, men and women lie with the same frequency - on average from 5 to 20 times a day.
57% of all fashion trends prevailing in the society, have on women's clothing and jewelry. And only 16% on men's clothing. Fashion is capricious lady. And the women from her whims gets somehow more than men.
80% of people on earth waiting for the boys. This figure was obtained after a study of one hundred and ten different cultures. It turns out, do not have time we will come to light, and the surrounding already treat us unequally. It is hoped that if you take only civilized countries, the ratio is slightly different, not as offensive to women.
On their own mistakes men and women react differently. Women, finding them, try as soon as possible to correct. Fairly easy to agree with those who those mistakes they pointed out, and also tend to explain their lack of skills, certain skills and knowledge. Men tend to persist in their errors, I can not stand when someone finds them before they do. And explain errors is very simple: they lacked zeal. All these differences occur for two reasons: a woman lacks self-confidence, and the man at any cost try to defend the idea of his superiority.
Opposite sex
To add your own properties and presenting inclined men and women. But men, perhaps, have succeeded in this more. Because they are much less likely than women to think about the relationship between the sexes, rarely discuss this issue among themselves, and less seriously trying to understand their partners.
Man that cast their families, and the poor, abandoned woman - these two images is firmly entrenched in our minds. However, they are no longer typical. Today in our country 80% of all divorces occur on the initiative of women.
Household chores are predominantly female. Among them wash it broke all records. It is in women's hands almost 100 percent. In the second place, the cooking, the third - washing dishes.
This is primarily female beach. Women are more likely to gain weight, especially in adulthood than men. But to reset it - chances are less. But rich men still on average thicker than the richest women in America were conducted and these studies! ). Apparently, gated to the abundance and culinary exoticism, men are much nevozdelannuyu food than women. Maybe they believe that the wealthy and successful, will easily forgive all the flaws?
Men get tired faster than women. No difference between the sexes is not confirmed such a huge number of tests and studies like this.
Deep delusion - class pure lady. Meanwhile, men are not worse than women know how to build eyes, laugh inappropriately, and carry nonsense. But unlike women, are able for 5 minutes mentally to marry and baptize children, men forget about flirting in 3 minutes.
The trick
Traditionally women are more cunning creatures. And there is some truth to it. The thing is that women are more inclined to think about their actions. And clever solutions are almost always the fruit of deep reflection and careful analysis of the situation.
Men are more likely to have difficulty identifying colors and shades. One woman of color blind have 80 colorblind men.
For serious feminists is perhaps the most hated word. It sounds not only proud, but still masculine. Isn't it a shame?
One of the rare if not the only kind of criminal activity, virtually untapped by women. Experts attributed this to the fact that this profession? requires exceptional intelligence, reactions, composure, ability to be a psychologist and actor data. You might think that it is not available to women! I have my own version. Only man is capable of so stupid to waste such a rare talent, even in such quantity. Women like capital, belonging to them from birth, prefer to invest wisely and much more profitable.
On the exam, men and women usually skillfully use those advantages which reside in their gender. Men rely on your reflexes, the ability to impromptu. Women, as a rule, better prepared, carefully think through your answer. They are easier to have a teacher (any gender) to itself, as often smile and look you in the eye. In addition, they are better able to lead the conversation towards, while the men find it difficult to speak without merit.
I am not amused by men talk about women's stupidity, impracticality, etc. And my husband did not cheer articles in women's magazines full of a kind of irony in relation to men. That's about all the difference - the disadvantages of the other half of humanity we always seem funnier.
Women often speak in the first person, men prefer the impersonal form. They rather use verbs women - adjectives. Women are more likely to use conditional sentences, ask more questions, make more amendments and reservations.
Men concise outline their thoughts. They are challenged when they have to describe their feelings, but it is better to retell events. On the basis of the specificity of male and female terminology can be two volume dictionary. Sometimes it seems that we all speak different languages. But sometimes, when you want, we can still understand each other! And this is important.
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