Natural make-up
This is actually the art of makeup so that the cosmetics are not conspicuous and look good. If the lady, applying makeup, use mascara and lip gloss, then most likely, it...
- accepts herself for who she is;
- extremely self-sufficient;
- confident;
- location men seeking through personal qualities, not only in appearance;
- inclined to compromise;
- able to analyze and ripens in the root".
If a woman with light makeup suddenly transferred to heavy artillery, alert: this may be caused by the desire to hide from others of internal anxiety, and frequent mood swings.
Makeup with emphasis on the eyes
Before you femme fatale. Her eyes with povolokoy, look a few missing and languid. Black eyeliner on her face or gray shading to dark skin doesn't matter. Determining in this manner makeup is an expressive glance from under thick lashes and carbon arrows. This woman is:
- able to compete with Sherlock Holmes in observation;
- prefers silence to experience their UPS and downs;
- enough is closed;
- prefers to listen and not to speak;
- sometimes willing to pay a fortune for it to be one;
- able to change your destiny.
The emphasis on the lips
Sensual femininity this person clearly highlighted bright lipstick. The mouth is clearly defined, its owner Flirty bites his lip. However, surprisingly, lipstick not to wash and make-up perfect at any time of the day. This girl:
- constantly in the news;
- extremely sentimental;
- always ready to flirt with a cute man;
- barely tolerates loneliness;
- loves to be the center of attention;
- surrounded by a crowd of fans.
Extravagant makeup
Before you bright, extravagant person. Black and grey - Oh, what a bore! This is not her color in clothing and eye shadow. Yellow, green, lilac is her choice! However, she manages not to look like a parrot, all the colors of the image is very appropriate to the theme.
If the lady, applying makeup, for one time uses such a number of cosmetics, which is a normal girl would be enough for a week, then most likely, it...
- hides a sensitive soul for war paint;
- creative, seeking nature;
too often worry about a thing;
- not quite sure of herself;
- sometimes thinks that nobody likes and won't like anymore;
it's fun and easy.
Psychologist-consultant Oksana Isaeva:
- Frankly speaking, women never choose your style once and for all. Changing times, changing ourselves. In anticipation of the holiday, we advise you ladies to look at yourself more closely. If everything is fine with you? If not, change the bit and will be surprised how quietly changed for the better character and mood. And with them life.
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