Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Driving style reflects the personality

Driving style reflects the personalityIt is no secret that long ago talking about the fact that the peculiarities of human behavior behind the wheel, you can draw conclusions about what he did in life. The driving style is determined by the character, emotional warehouse, attitude towards others, self-esteem. Our behavior on the road is the prototype of a small life - "life behind the wheel". There and interpersonal relationships, and criteria for the sense of self, and rivalry, and internal dialogue, and stressful situations, and the need to make decisions. On the road we can be calm and to respect all, and may quietly hate all the "neighbors" on the highway and everything their way.

You can be afraid and ashamed of each machine, and you can feel the king of the track and don't care at all. Someone does not pay attention to other people's accidents and laugh, upon reaching the backside of the front of the car, and someone will be mad from the broken lights and arrange hysterics. One goes with strong nerves, whatever happens, and the other boiling with rage, even if its just going to overtake. Many quietly go and are abstract in conversation, and some lively and nervously comment on every action of other drivers. There are those who love the smooth and orderly movement, and there are others who are constantly twitches, rushing everywhere and tries to get.

The key point of all this one: some people on the road, behind the wheel, he is in life. The amazing thing is that if you do try to remember who met you on the road, in memory will appear in the main not the most pleasant "types". Indeed a professional driver does not pay attention, he confidently and safely pass you. And you will remember exactly the "problem" drivers. Let's try to classify them:

"Active aggressor". One who behaves on the road aggressive, twitches, and prunes. Often this "racer" and "manifest" angry at the whole world, envious and not confident. Maybe he don't know, but actually inside him live weight complexes. "Confident people who have achieved certain goals, knowing your own worth, much less susceptible to outside influence. Moreover, it is these people there is no need to aggressively drive, they asserted itself in the life and far from this risky acting in childish" (Newspaper "Auto digest").

"Principal aggressor". This is a different type of driver"aggressor". He will not drive under 180, actively reconstructed from a number in the range to fly to "yellow". But you should try to fit in front of him in traffic, travel to the traffic light, or even overtake, the driver will not forgive you "infringing on their rights". It will not give rebuilt, starts beeping, will overtake specially slowly go in front of you. Most likely, in the life of this man thinks about everything in the army system: everything must be right, and if someone tries to "misbehave" - it must be severely punished, preferably by the same means. He rarely concedes in the debate, not the likes of "deficiencies" in any case, he had a serious nature and a keen sense of self-worth.

"Brake" and "Melancholic "blase". You probably were in the left lane in front of the car moving with a speed of 40 km/h. Or could not overtake the car, which surely is traveling between lanes, right in the middle of the road. These drivers believe that the road is exclusively for them, and simply don't respect the neighbors in the other car, often causing accidents, as drivers are"aggressors"). This type is in most cases the person from a past life", t.e. not socialized and not modern. He since has good "Lada" or "Volga", unreasonably despises all drivers for their imported cars and all their behavior shows that he is the only rights. As a rule, regardless of the age and brand of the machine, such people are behind envious thoughts and complexes, quietly "hate" each and every passerby on the street, an employee at work, the seller in the store, but obviously not openly admit it even to ourselves. In any case, they will attempt to make his own way to show off all their imaginary significance.

"Insolent girl". The right number of Tver or not Lenin goes. At the curb, flashing "emergency lights", is an empty machine. Its owner went to the shop nearby. Another situation: you parked the car in the Parking lot, went about his business, and when I came back I saw that someone "locked" your car, putting across his. It is clear that the owner had not even tried normal Park, he just did as he was comfortable. Unfortunately, these girls and give rise to offensive and not corresponding to reality, the myth of the "woman at the wheel". And it's not about women's nature and in human. Such a lady would never think about other people's interests, and will live only for their own benefit, she would steal someone else's husband, will betray a friend and Asplenium the head of evil opponent. Under this type will fall and some members of the male sex, and from such people it is better to stay away in life and business relationships.

With the exception of the negative list are

very courteous drivers. It is unfortunate, but politeness on our roads is so rare that its manifestations are remembered almost all my life, we would assure ourselves - not everything is lost yet, there are still on the roads gentlemen. Typically, this is adult men, it does not matter on old Lada or Land Cruiser, and objectively self-contained and balanced women and girls. They're just quiet. This is called "European" style of driving, when driving along a highway is not an element of self-assertion each and collaboration of all drivers, where each of them depends the safety and pleasure of riding around. All just want easy and safe to get home, or at work, or on vacation. Accordingly, when the door to their cars close outside, go there quiet and adequate people, friendly and personal one-piece. With them will be pleased to make friends, work and cost a personal relationship.


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