There are many facts about sex, we will bring you the most interesting of them:
- In 1998 he was released cinangka tablet with the aim of helping men with erectile dysfunction. This pill is called Viagra. Already after three months, she brought revenue to the company in 411 million, and in 2003 1, 8 billion
- Within 30 minutes, doing active sex, the average person loses about 200 calories.
- Every 7 seconds on average think about sex men.
- Having sex at least once a week can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by approximately 30%, diabetes by 40%, stroke by 50%. Noted that people have a chance to live up to 80 years if he is sexually active.
- On the registered data, the size of an average erect penis ranges from 13 to 15 cm, and the size of the penis at rest is not more than 9, see
- The majority of sexually transmitted diseases rarely pronounced in women, unlike men. This women need much more likely to make visits to the gynecologist.
- In the early 1500's in literature was first reported condom use. The first such piece was made from flax. Historians suggested that Casanova used tissue condoms.
- The historical data show that in 1850 BC women has been the practice of birth control. To prevent fertilization, women used a mixture of crocodile dung, honey, putting it all into the vagina.
- Given the fact that any object or body part can be a fetish object, feet and shoes on this day considered to be the most common fetishes in the West.
- Based on data from the social survey conducted 10 years ago, 25% of women reported that as a result of sexual intercourse they have an orgasm. In recent social survey, this figure rose to 45%. Despite this, more than 80% of women experience orgasm during oral sex.
- Favorite sex toy for women is a vibrator. It was originally developed in the 19th century, and was directed at combating the alarming symptom of the time - hysteria. Today this term is known as premenstrual syndrome.
- Based on statistics approximately one American out of five have had sex with a colleague at work.
- More than 20, 5 million people in 2007 were infected with the HIV virus that causes AIDS. These sick, in turn, were infected with more than 33 million people around the world.
- Approximately one American out of four (about 65 million people currently living with incurable sexually transmitted diseases.
- The average man plays the sperm up to several million per day. Women are born with a finite number of eggs and can't generate more than this norm.
- In 1981 was first diagnosed with AIDS. From this General incurable disease killed over 25 million people. According to statistics, in 2007 from the disease died 2 million people.
- According to statistics, 65% of women and 90% men may occasionally, but masturbating.
- 28% of women worldwide report that during the first sex experience strong emotion, and only 15% of men experience a similar feeling.
- Relaxed woman is more likely to experience pleasure from external influence exerted on her genitals.
- Sex is not all positions are suitable to achieve female orgasm. For example, the position of the rear during sex does not affect the clitoris.
- Female ejaculation is not an invention. This ejaculate on their chemical composition is similar to that of semen without sperm. A woman can ejaculate in one orgasm one teaspoon of this liquid.
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