All loving parents try to show the world to a child. Some bring their children to see the Siberian beauty, others dabble in the Black sea, others go the whole family to exotic countries.
But to the rest went without a hitch, you need to thoroughly prepare for it, to make all the necessary vaccinations, to equip the child's health and to take out health insurance. Read about it in our article.
Before travel to countries that recorded an infectious disease, not typical for Ukraine, it is necessary to be vaccinated. Both adults and children.
And remember to consult your doctor beforehand. For this there are a number of reasons. First, on the exam, the doctor will evaluate the health of your baby, will be discharged, if necessary, directions for tests (the results of which will have to wait). And only after the physician is satisfied that the child is all right, you can proceed directly to the vaccinations.
Secondly, vaccination should be done in advance in order to exit the child began to produce antibodies to protect against infection. Moreover, after some vaccinations the child may be unwell for a couple of days in this condition it is better to lie at home in bed instead of flying long hours on the plane.
And finally, travel to certain countries require several vaccinations that cannot be done simultaneously. Therefore, immunization may take some time (which should be in your inventory).
What vaccinations should I do?
When traveling to tropical countries you want to make children immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, polio and pertussis. If the kid did all those previously vaccinated according to the vaccination calendar, the doctor usually does not insist on repeat.
Africa and Latin America endemic for yellow fever, so it is not recommended to visit these countries, especially with a child, not having a special immunization against this disease.
Decided to go with children in Mecca should be vaccinated against meningitis.
In Asia and Africa "walks" hepatitis C. of Course, it is only transmitted sexually, through blood and medical instruments. But on vacation, anything can happen, so it is highly recommended to prolactinomas in advance.
Summer voyage to Siberia should pass under the guise of a vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis.
In Central Asia is very common, hepatitis a, if you're going on vacation, make yourself and your child vaccinated against the disease.
Travel first aid kit
Going on vacation with children, you need not only to dream of bathing in the sea waves and travel excursions. You also need to be ready in any situation to help your baby. That is why we strongly suggest you to collect a full first aid kit on all occasions.
Regular medication
First of all put in a first aid kit for those medications that you take regularly in connection with any disease (e.g., insulin for diabetes, or nitroglycerin with frequent attacks of angina).
Under the small things are important and necessary, we mean a thermometer, measuring Cup, dropper, a syringe and a pear, manicure scissors.
Means for motion sickness
Often not so important, what transport you will get to rest. Some kids get sick in the car, in the bus, on the plane. Even if you have never been faced with this problem, we recommend you to stock up special funds for motion sickness.
In mild motion sickness, you can use the regular mints. If the baby is sick, you need to give it "Air-sea" or "Tamino". Such funds shall be settled children from 1 year.
It is recommended to use the medication half an hour before the trip, but you can drink and during motion.
Funds from runny nose and nasal congestion
Very often, despite the hot summer weather, or maybe because of it, children occurs runny nose. In order stuffy nose do not ruin your holiday, grab a means for cleaning the nasal cavity. These include "saline" and "Aqua Maris". Drops used for infants up to 1 year, for older children the tools can be used in the form of a spray.
To use them simply and easily. Buried product, wait a bit and sucked off Sapelka with a syringe or clean the nasal cavity with a cotton turondale. After the nose is cleared, it's time vasoconstrictor drugs. They eliminate nasal congestion, reduce edema of the mucosa and improve breathing. These include "Otrivin", "Nasivin", "Tizin, Sanorin", "It".
Acquiring funds in the pharmacy, be sure to specify the age of the child, to the pharmacist correctly picked up the dosage. Remember that vasoconstrictor drops do not cure, but only eliminate the symptoms of runny nose and can be used no more than three days.
In order to prevent the multiplication of bacteria in the nasal cavity and the spread of inflammation, use the "Vibration". If the runny nose is long, and snot began to get a greenish tint, you should use antimicrobial drugs, such as Sofra" or "Politeks".
If sore throat
If a child has a sore throat and then to his aid should come antiseptic local action. Adult children will fit lozenges "Strepsils" or "Strepfen". Children who are not yet able to dissolve the tablets, it is recommended to use the solutions (Chlorhexidine) and sprays (Gexeral" or "Hexapla").
Shoot ears
If baby's sore eye, you must show it to the doctor, but to ease his suffering to medical advice, provide first aid to themselves. It is not recommended to apply medication directly into the ear of the child, should be put cotton pads soaked "Politikai" or "Adipexcom". These drugs have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, as well as relieve pain. Before you can use the solutions should be heated to body temperature, squeezing for a few minutes in the palm of your hand.
Had inflamed eyes
Babies often develop inflammation of the eye - conjunctivitis. In this situation, you should rinse the eyes of a child with a weak solution "of Furacin" (1 tablet of the drug in a glass of water).
This should be done so. Moisten the swab in the solution and washed eye from outer corner to inner. Carefully and gently, remember to RUB and squeeze in any case impossible. For each eye should be used separate swab. After washing drip into eyes "Sulfacetamide or Sofradex". These drugs have anti-inflammatory and antipruritic actions.
If the child coughs
If the child coughs, then it certainly should show your doctor. But then again, having started treatment, so as not to lose precious time by yourself.
If toddler dry cough, you need to make it wet (moisture is sputum, in which "float" bacteria, it is necessary to make the liquid to remove from the body). This will help you "ATT" or "NAC". Transferring a wet cough, changing goals - now you need to contribute to the removal of phlegm from the body. Therefore, the child should be taken "Ascoril", "Lasolvan", "Ambrobene or Bromhexine".
The temperature rise
If the thermometer jumped above the $ 38 degrees, you should take antipyretics.
For children it is recommended to use preparations on the basis of paracetamol, Panadol, Efferalgan, Capecon". By purchasing them at the pharmacy, ask what you need baby dosage. These drugs can be used in children older than 3 months.
With six-month-old babies are resolved antipyretic drugs on the basis of ibuprofen, for example the well-known "Nurofen", which is available for children in syrup and candles. There are also tools with easy antipyretic effect, made on a plant basis. These medications include candles "Viburcol".
Oh, how it hurts!
If the crumbs headache, tooth or tummy, you need to help him by giving him an anesthetic tablet. To do this, please put in a first aid kit "But, silos, "Baralgin, Sashan" or "Tempalgin". Children with 2 years permitted to give the money for the bottle of pills, and over the age of 6 at the half.
And we have a stomach ache
Unfortunately, the rest of the abdomen, usually suffers in the first place. To undermine his health and able acclimatization, and new food, and even water. So you should always have at hand the necessary Arsenal of tools.
If your baby suffers from increased gas formation in the intestine, manifested by pain and bloating, you need to drink it "Plantex", vegetable drug approved for use even in infants.
Also effective such suspension, as Espumizan" and "SAB Simplex".
If the baby "twisted" constipation, it can help tools such as candles with glycerol suppositories "Bisacodyl" syrup "Duphalac" or microclimate "Microlax".
If the child, on the contrary, there is an indulgence of the chair, then you must use "Imodium", this preparation allowed the children from two years.
If the fault watery stool you think poisoning or infection, you, waiting for the doctor give your child the following medications: chelators are drugs that "precipitated" the toxins and germs and carry them out of the child's body. These tools include "Enterosgel", "Smectite" and "Polifan".
You can also give the baby antibacterial that will fight infection in the intestine. For these purposes take "Ercefuryl", it is permitted for use in children older than 1 month.
When indigestion useful enzymes, such as "Abomin", "Mezim-Forte", "CREON". They facilitate the processes of digestion and give the rest of the gastro-intestinal tract.
With copious diarrhea and repeated vomiting toddler loses not only liquid, but also salt. To restore them you will help such drugs as "Trial", "Regidron and Antinodes".
Our injury
Children on holiday prefer active games, running, jumping and, unfortunately, sometimes fall and get injured.
If the crumbs injury without injury to the skin or bruise, it is necessary to lubricate the site of injury ointment "Gepatrombin" or gels "Troksevazina" or "Venoruton". Neat, light, massage gently apply the ointment on the place of injury or bruise. This will reduce the pain and reduce swelling.
If the child is cut, scratched or smashed knees in blood, it is necessary to make the treatment of the wound. To do this, first you will need a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or a solution of furacin. How should wash the wound, then Pat dry with a sterile cloth. Treat the wound edges with Zelenka or iodine, but remember that pouring them into the cavity of the wound is strictly prohibited.
After treatment, apply on the wound with a sterile dressing and secure it with adhesive tape or an elastic bandage, which must also always be in your medicine Cabinet. As well as conventional bandages, cotton wool, cotton pads, cotton swabs, wipes and a tourniquet.
And if allergies?
With a small child you should always have on hand tools from allergies, you never know how to behave in the body of the baby, getting the rest of the new food or when confronted with a bee sting. Therefore, the Cabinet must be an antiallergic drug "Diasorin", "Tavegil", "Suprastin". Bring a gel Fenistil", it will help you to deal with the external manifestations of Allergy.
Medical insurance
In order to be well prepared for the trip ahead of time via the Internet, friends or advisers travel agencies to find all the necessary phone numbers and locations of clinics in the place where you will rest. It is strongly recommended to have the policy of obligatory medical insurance. Without it, it is free only emergency assistance on vital indications.
It is much harder to treat the child abroad. If you fly on a ticket purchased in a large travel Agency, then you definitely will offer to purchase health insurance. Do not give up! This small expenditure, but they guarantee you, is so necessary sometimes far from home. As a rule, the insurance includes: emergency medical care, including medical consultation, hospitalization and surveying; transportation home if the child will not be able to move independently.
Dentistry in the list provide free services not included, except for acute injury and pain.
Seek medical help you in two ways: cash and insurance. For payment you can ask to go up to your hotel room doctor. I want to warn at once, the fun is not cheap. If you decided to use the insurance, then you must perform the following procedure.
Call the Manager of the insurance company (this can be done round the clock) and then explain the problem. And of course, leave a phone number where you can be contacted. Everything else is a matter of the insurance company.
If the place has acute poisoning or injury, which is a condition requiring immediate assistance, you should not wait for help from the insurance company, because it may take a lot of time, which in such cases it is quite impossible to lose. Call your doctor or immediately bring the child to the hospital, and then mess with the insurance company and explain the situation.
Sometimes it happens that, despite the presence of insurance, you have to pay cash. Be sure to keep all receipts for medical services, transport and purchase of medicines. Upon returning home, you will need to provide the documents that you compensated your expenses.
You will need:
All accounts to which the addition amount must be specified: a surname, a name, a patronymic of the child, the number of the policy, the full diagnosis, list of medical services and their data.
Prescriptions from pharmacies only with stamps and seals, they must be specified your data (name and surname).
Account for examination and conducting them or nurse any manipulation.
Account per diem for staying in the hospital, they must specify the date of admission and discharge.
On arrival as soon as possible submit an application and all required documents to the insurance company. Under our law, your application must be reviewed within two weeks.
And finally...
Finally, I want to advise you to bring the following tools:
- repellent, i.e. funds from mosquitoes and other insects, so they will not spoil your entire vacation;
- tincture of Valerian as a sedative;
- ammonia required for loss of consciousness;
zinc ointment, it helps diaper rash, rubs and blisters;
- a children's cream.
Therefore, well prepared, you can minimize health problems and get great pleasure from your vacation with the whole family!
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