At first glance, communication is the exchange of information. But psychologists have identified six levels of communication, each of which interlocutors play a certain role.
Interlocutor configures the contact, not really worrying how adequately and correctly you will perceive it. Drunk shamelessly confesses unfamiliar person on the bus. Interviewee prefers to talk more than listen, he doesn't care about the birth of the desired feelings in others. Such can also be seen, when dealing with the bureaucratic system or rude seller. Note that vocabulary such people are usually quite scarce; rate of speech excessively fast, because the only goal is to suppress you, confuse you; and to communicate with you, how to talk with a chair where you are sitting now, i.e. no. Your address for such person shall be directed to restrain his ardor, it does not raise the tone, speak slowly. If you show courtesy, but it will be hard and somewhat stiff in his address, it will be difficult to respond to this aggression.
The person on this level of communication is perceived as a tool for achieving any goal such as the level of communication is an integral part of many professions (the diplomat, sales Manager). Often the manipulation required for some domestic processes (indirectly wife gives husband understand that she has nothing to wear, making it, thus, on their own to buy a new coat). Often the manipulation is characterized by imitation - interest, courtesy. Threats and flattery are also extreme forms of manipulative communication.
Manipulative level may wear a mask of any other level. To recognize manipulation is possible in the General strangeness of the situation, for example, people all appearance defined as the bearer of a primitive type of communication, speaks spiritually-confidence level.
Interlocutor attentive to your personal opinions, tastes, he draws attention to your character, age. Uniting you purpose determines your relationship - so this is not a manipulation (however, a competent player will be able to easily combine multiple levels of communication, based on his goals). Business level of communication in everyday life applies to people with whom you want to keep a certain distance.
In family life, this level will avoid primitive contacts. For example, a dispute over washing the family will be resolved faster if you solve the problem at a business level communication.
The level of communication, based on improvisational forms, which can be serious, humorous, even grotesque. So, some friends, animatedly talking and exchanging jokes, do not notice, how do you build long enough logical chain. The coquetry of women is also one of the brightest examples of communication on the level of mutual game.
This level of communication is directly related to sense of humor, it is very important for any informal relationships. For example, family relationships are unlikely to be quite harmonious and constantly updated without mutual games and humor.
It happens that people with a certain type of character and temperament used game level in conversations that require a different level of communication. Does not mean that these people are not capable of serious action, it is simply the consequence of a certain turn of mind. Such people belong to a psychological type of hypertime (cheerful, energetic people). By the way, if we are overly annoying like optimists, maybe we should think, are we not too serious about life?
The name indicates that this level of communication is characterized by the greatest degree of disclosure of their identity and immersion in the identity of the interlocutor. This level sometimes requires considerable effort, are not capable of. The spiritual level of communication used by some especially close relatives, friends. Confession to a priest, a true story about yourself will require particularly deep spiritual level of communication.
A special feature of the spiritual level of communication is slow speech rate, which is a special trust relationship to the person, to communicate with him.
Situation: She shows Him a book of his school of poetry, and He, instead of showing interest, releases the remark: "I thought you about something serious." This model behavior is fundamentally wrong. She offers Him communicate on a spiritual level, He takes it at the level of primitive business. "Hmm, and you've got a good sonnets" - should say it, even if it is not quite true.
Level masks
Everyone can have more masks. The interlocutor is compelled to put on a mask of affability, severity, politeness, because sometimes it psychologically impossible to invest in the fellowship of all their mental resources, charm. You should also consider the contacts not only verbal - no less, we are faced with someone just stare, silently shake someone's hand, it also takes energy, and we are protected with masks. Note that when you say not quite sincere compliment, you put on a mask in order not to get injured from his own insincerity. The notion of lie directly related to the system masks.
It should be noted that constant communication in the mask very often prevents the manifestations of his own I Suppose, if it is appropriate to be polite and restrained on the street, in communication with loved ones, friends it will be even dangerous.
The faster a person determines the level at which you want to communicate with someone, the more successful will be the contact. To determine which level will be a conversation is sometimes impossible, but the clothes and manners of a man is the first thing that you should consider. When learning the best way to start a conversation in a mask of restrained politeness, moderately open and friendly, but in any case, neither familiarity nor sullen isolation.
Of course, communication is extremely difficult research task. However, it is necessary to look at the problem of communication from the pages of scientific publications about psychology, you may want to think about what to communicate - it is also just nice!
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