Tale for a child is one of the main sources of his knowledge of the world. With their help, the baby learns to distinguish good from evil, to understand the actions of others, sometimes identifying themselves with the heroes of fairy tales and adopting their behavior.
Therefore, according to children's therapists can help children with tales to cope with a number of existing problems. For example, to overcome fear, embarrassment, or be taught to clean up after yourself in the place of their toys.
Such a humane method of education of children became known as the tale therapy. To learn it is not difficult. You tell your child on the night of the tale? A remake of the traditional, time-tested tale in psychotherapy is not too difficult, just need a little time and imagination.
Here you can find a lot of options. Friends baby characters are easy to move in our time, or at some point to put the story in another direction. For example, to say that the turnip did not want it pulled from the earth, because she does not like and shy to get acquainted.
The most effective method in fairytail therapy is to insert into the story of the hero, similar to the child. Then he will most likely identify with this character and to compare his actions with his. Even you can offer your child to solve for the hero invented tales, how to proceed in a particular case. The responses of the child can talk about fears or self-doubt, if, for example, he will advise when meeting with some fabulous monster to hide or escape.
For boys who are addicted to technology, the hero of the fairy tales may be even an airplane or machine for girls - her favorite soft toy.
The text of the tale for grown children who can read, type on the computer, illustrated with pictures from the Internet or family photographs, and prints.
Writing new stories for your child quickly and easily find common language with him, affect his behavior and help him in getting rid of existing systems.
Let's give some advice to parents on how to write a story for your child, so that he is better behaved:
1. Think of a character that is similar to your child. Other heroes tales should not be too complex or scary, otherwise the child will find it difficult to understand how to deal with them.
2. In order invented the story resembled real life, a fabulous space should be filled friends for baby items (checkered sweater, as the Pope, or cottage samovar).
3. In the course of the story is delicately touch the problems in the education of your child, whether it be fear, laziness, or greed. The main character overcomes these negative qualities to perform some important mission. And assistants, and made time to help parents help bring a story to a happy end.
4. In the end overcome their shortcomings hero must get the award: to find new friends, a key from a chest filled with treasures, etc.
To compose tales and tell them to their children useful and parents. They at some time will be able to return to childhood and relive the associated positive emotions.
School of life
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