What's happening
The most frequent problems are dental caries and periodontal disease. Why pregnant women risk more?
The deficiency of calcium. Usually in healthy women changes in calcium metabolism occur unnoticed. If the body has any problem, the lack of this element immediately makes itself felt. Early toxicosis, lack of appetite, leading to lower doses of calcium entering the body. At 6-7 months of pregnancy begins intense skeletal growth of the unborn child. If a pregnant woman eats a few foods that contain calcium, this element is taken the child from the mother's bones. The first to suffer the teeth.
- Changes in the composition of saliva. Tooth enamel is strengthened under the influence of salivary glands. During pregnancy, the concentration of minerals in the saliva is reduced and disturbed acid-base balance.
- Hormonal change leads to poor blood circulation in the gums. They begin to bleed even for minor injuries. Once again not to irritate the gums, expectant mothers avoid a thorough cleaning of the teeth. However, it threatens the most unpleasant consequences: on the teeth formed more plaque, which is a favorable environment for the development of the bacteria that cause tooth decay, and cause of gingivitis and periodontal disease. If time does not start treatment, these diseases can lead to tooth loss.
- Weakening of the immune system provokes intense multiplication of the germs that cause tooth decay.
Not only teeth
These inflammatory diseases are dangerous not only for the teeth and for the organism as a whole. They threaten the health of mother and baby.
Studies have shown that when running the periodontal disease, the metabolic products and toxins of bacteria into the blood and adversely affect the development of the fetus and increase the risk of premature birth.
Babies whose mothers were lazy or afraid to go to the dentist much more common low immunity, digestive disorders. These children are restless and whiny. And the decay they occur on first opening the teeth.
How to take care of your teeth during pregnancy?
Regularly brushing your teeth after each meal - namely a circular motion from the gum to the tooth. Better use a soft or semi-rigid toothbrush, so as not to irritate sensitive gums. Before you spit out the foam from the toothpaste, rinse her mouth so fluorites are much better absorbed. The space between the teeth should be cleaned with a special thread.
- One or two times during pregnancy can spend a professional teeth cleaning at the dentist to remove plaque in hard to reach places.
- If in the first three months you are suffering from nausea, do not brush teeth immediately after eating. Tooth enamel is sensitive to hydrochloric acid of the stomach. Rinse mouth after a meal and brush your teeth in twenty minutes."
Against gingivitis rinse your mouth with an infusion of chamomile or palatably salt solution.
- During the day therapeutic chew sugar-free gum. It stimulates salivation. And in addition, contained in the chewing gum sweetener xylitol kills harmful bacteria.
- Be careful with sweet and sour. If you really want chocolate, then for teeth healthier to eat immediately Palicki than to prolong the pleasure for the whole day. And after that, be sure to brush your teeth!
- During pregnancy, you need a proper diet, rich in vitamins and minerals. This means: at least once a day - vegetables, salad, fruits and cereals. From time to time perekusyvaete fresh raw food and not too razvarivaya dishes. Because the harder the food and the longer we chew, the stronger and healthier gums.
Fear has big eyes
Going to the dentist, don't be nervous beyond measure. Dentistry without pain - it has long been a reality. In addition, the doctor will offer you only the most necessary and easy treatment. So do not be afraid that the injections and x-rays will harm your baby most likely, these procedures you will be asked to do after the baby is born.
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