From "come and nemaliales! " to "that she stole makeup case? these polar thoughts appear in the mind of men when the next women of the opposite sex. This is almost always instant. And if the eyes are given to us in order to see and brains to analyze what they saw and give it a score, the emotions we often uncontrollable.
Men usually divided women into three categories by their addiction to cosmetics.
"On the warpath"
This is the first type. It includes girls who use three tons of makeup, and moreover choose the tone more aggressive and brighter to surely not go unnoticed. Women in this category resemble Indians, released on the warpath. Look at this and think, "Well, let's say, the mirrors in your house there or broken. Understand. With friends and relatives you finally ruined relationships and not listen to their opinion. Can also be. But there is another shop Windows, rear view mirror in the car... but you never know where you can look at yourself critically. And then, lo and behold, as she pulled her purse mirror and calmly corrects makeup. That is all this masquerade - not unfortunate oversight, but a deliberate action to deter others.
By the way, has noticed that such women inherent in closely-drilling-sharp gaze and unnecessary sharpness of judgment. What caused such appearance and demeanor? What they want to say? Often these questions remain unanswered, because man, if he is not a psychoanalyst by profession, versed in the intricacies of other complexes and ambition not have the slightest desire.
And if such a woman and not alienate themselves from the man categorically your combat paint, then at least make suspicious: "What's she so carefully zamazyvaem? Maybe it terrible? And I know I have it without cosmetics? " In General, if the goal was to get the guy you think you got it. Impression to produce certainly succeeded. But that's what it is - this impression...
"Shadows disappear at noon
This category includes ladies, in the schedule of daily Affairs with no fad called "make-up". They either do not use cosmetics at all, or put it so little that they seem pale as the very shadows that disappear under the bright midday sun. Perhaps somewhere in the house they have hidden the bag, and the bag somewhere among flash drives, notebooks and netbooks are lying lipstick and eyeliner. But most likely, they already do not remember, because all the products were purchased in the rush to start a new life, which long ago disappeared.
These women are self-absorbed. Unlike the first, they do not attract attention, they seem to even care what you think about them and think of them at all. Is it any wonder that men look at these ladies are not delayed. They flashed before our eyes, as the shade of the trees along the road, as the same house, by which we pass on the car, not remembering no facades, no rooms. Some solid gray popularity. Maybe someone who once drove these young ladies in and then more receptive to other people's advice head that natural beauty is highly valued opposite sex. But for some reason forgot to say that this is not your option, darling, and put you at least sometimes, but necessary.
"And why not? "
Women in this group are experts in cosmetics and know how to use it. They carefully conceal cosmetic shortcomings and skillfully emphasize the best quality. They are not afraid to try something new, but always maintain a certain style even change. Sometimes, of course, "carried away". But always have enough experience to recognize their mistakes in experiments, and to correct them in time. No wonder we conventionally refer to the category of "why not? "because they are not only not afraid to try something new, but ready to return to "old" if it was successful.
Their cosmetics peacefully coexists in the handbag in reasonable installments with all the other women's accessories. It always has the necessary set of wands and brushes" that turns any Cinderella into a full-fledged Princess.
Looking at this girl, I think she probably avoids extremes in everything he can find a middle ground. Not only when it comes to appearance, but also in life in General. Most likely, the girl will be pleased to communicate and, of course, pleased to appear in public. And if she wants to make some experiment, albeit a bit daring, who said it was bad. And why not?
Vagabov So
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