In men, body fat must be 15-16%, and women - 22-23%. The weaker sex, you need more fat to provide the most comfortable environment for fetal development of the baby.
According to statistics, 38% of women have the stomach within normal limits, but 62% in the abdominal area really is excess fat. The danger to get a belly women exist throughout life, but particularly strong in puberty, during pregnancy and at the time of the climacteric changes in the body.
How to check whether excess fat? Collect the skin on your abdomen in the crease: if you get more than 3 cm - excess fat there. There is and old method, which was used in the harems of the sultans: navel concubines should be placed cherry, just speaking from it. However, the situation was worse in the case when the cherry protrudes from the belly button too much.
How to become healthy and beautiful
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