Screening tests during pregnancy
The earlier you start the examination during pregnancy, the more likely it is to avoid any complications.
Some future moms lightly to regular visits to the gynecologist. Of course, the upcoming inspection - not the most pleasant. But it's absolutely necessary. Don't forget that before you conceive, you will need not only a visit to the gynecologist, but a full examination of the body. And it takes time, so the pull is not necessary.
Now the doctors are pleased to note, that the number of women who are planning pregnancy and come to the doctor before conception, has increased markedly.
First visit to the gynecologist
It is believed that the first time during pregnancy should be checked to 12 weeks. But doctors believe that it is better to do it as soon as the test showed a positive result or menstruation is delayed.
On a small time doctors will conduct an ultrasound to confirm intrauterine pregnancy. First visit to the gynecologist can be called diagnostic. Physician figure out possible problems in time to correct them, or will refer the mother to a specialist if needed.
A special approach to the future mothers who suffer from heart disease, severe disabilities who have a kidney infection, or missing one of them. Note that some diseases can occur in a latent form. Why visit a gynecologist and get tested during pregnancy it is necessary as soon as possible.
Tests during pregnancy
The doctor will prescribe the urine and blood tests during pregnancy. Why are they necessary? During pregnancy increases the strain on the cardiovascular system and the kidneys. These are the two main systems that can pump up. It is therefore important to prevention.
Analysis of urine during pregnancy - the most frequent, and it certainly should be completed during the first visit to the antenatal clinic. Urine is taken at each examination, because the kidney at any time can start to cope with the increasing load. The physician should keep abreast of, following your tests.
The first urine test during pregnancy can detect even minor renal dysfunction or latent inflammatory process. Appropriate and timely treatment will help to carry a baby and give birth to its healthy.
At the first examination in pregnant women take blood from a vein to determine the blood group and rhesus factor. With the help of blood tests during pregnancy can be detected even malignant changes.
Blood tests during pregnancy take to ascertain the level of hemoglobin is the carrier of oxygen in the tissue. The low level can cause pregnancy, poor health of the woman. So the doctor immediately prescribed some medicines or adjust the level of hemoglobin with diet. In the early stages when toxicosis women cannot tolerate iron supplements. To stabilize its level without complications can proper nutrition.
During pregnancy required a blood test for antibodies to rubella and to all sorts of infections: cytomegalovirus, herpes, and so forth. This is an analysis of the so-called TORCH-infections, which allows the doctor to predict the possibility of infection of the fetus.
Perhaps the most important - the presence of antibodies to rubella. Everyone knows that if a pregnant woman is sick with rubella, the pregnancy is often interrupted because the risk to the baby is very high. When a planned pregnancy is always checked immunity to rubella. If not, then the woman is recommended to get vaccinated and to plan pregnancy only two months later.
Pelvic exam during pregnancy
What diagnosis is performed at the first visit to the gynecologist? This, of course, a pelvic exam. It is necessary to identify the hypertonicity of the uterus to diagnose uterine fibroids or an ovarian cyst. This is determined when viewed on the chair and confirmed by ULTRASOUND examination.
It is widely believed that due to gynecological examination in the early stages could have a miscarriage. This is not the case. With proper inspection, normal relationship, without rough manipulation during pregnancy impossible to break.
Weight gain pregnant
The doctor will measure the growth of the patient and weigh it. This is necessary to correctly calculate the allowable increase in weight depending on the body type of the woman.
Woman adynamic physique has a long and thin muscles, a small reserve of fat, narrow chest and shoulders, her long narrow feet and hands. Metabolism intensive. Because of this, she can get better at 12-13 pounds during pregnancy, adding 500 grams per week.
Normosthenic wide bone, small chest, the visual impression is about the same width of the shoulders, waist and pelvis, the tendency to deposition of fat on the abdomen, waist and hips, moderate rate of metabolism. It is permissible to add for pregnancy 8-9 pounds, or about 300 grams per week.
Mom giperstenicheskom physique will have the hardest. Her soft muscles, round face, short neck, wide hips, a large supply of fat, a tendency to be overweight. Ideally, a woman with this addition for pregnancy should remain in its weight. And maybe even have a little to lose weight. In extreme cases it may be added for pregnancy not more than 6-7 pounds, gaining 200 grams per week.
Report weight gain women of all body types are from the date of termination of toxicosis after 12-16 weeks.
And what about the Pope?
The doctor will ask questions about the health of her husband. Important age, baggage diseases, particularly those that can be transmitted congenitally. Such as diabetes, heart disease, metabolic diseases. His blood group and rhesus factor you need to know if rhesus negative women.
In addition, the gynecologist will collect anamnesis relatives on both sides. When metabolic, hormonal disorders or genetic diseases in the family, the doctor will prescribe a more serious examination.
During the first visit to the antenatal clinic and be yourself active, ask your doctor the questions that most interest you. As a rule, future moms often ask about the specifics of the diet, about sexuality, about the impact of the computer on pregnancy.
Remember that pregnancy is not a disease and it is possible to continue to maintain the old life. However, in our complex environment and under conditions of stress specific recommendations for pregnant women to comply with all the same necessary. The doctor gives them, as a rule, also during the first inspection. Although the doctor can be accessed at any time throughout pregnancy.
If all pregnant women were forced to attend antenatal clinic at the place of residence, but now they have a fairly large selection. You can buy a policy in the commercial centre for the whole pregnancy and childbirth. Either the last week of pregnancy and childbirth.
Ideally, when the same doctors supervise you before birth and during them. Then you don't have time to explain what was wrong with you before, in that moment, when all your thoughts are completely different things.
A contract with the clinic
Works best word of mouth. Collect stories friends about how one or another doctor led the pregnancy. If the reviews are only positive, the doctor was able to quickly sort out any extreme situation, his advice helped and his professionalism was on the level, now it makes sense to establish personal contact.
Arriving at the first consultation, you decide how you will be able to contact the doctor. Maybe she (he) even seemingly you don't like: too young (and suddenly inexperienced? ), too much fun (I would like to be more serious). Come with her husband to discuss how he liked the doctor and his answers to your questions. Because a pregnant woman may not adequately assess the situation, and the husband more realistically assess the situation.
The contract is reasonable to conclude after the first trimester. Centers all the same services you can get at retail, and during this time you will learn physician, who will carry the pregnancy. For the second and third visit you will understand suits you the doctor or not.
Another thing to consider when choosing a clinic: will you be able to go there alone, without a husband, especially in the long term. If you are driving, it is convenient if you will get there, won't it time to fatigue. If you have to reach by public transport, especially. That is, the clinic should be within reach.
The clinic's image is also important. Learn how long it has been on the market for medical services, what her laboratory and instrumental framework, how professional doctor what they have regalia. Search for reviews about this clinic on the Internet.
A contract for the maintenance of pregnancy it is better to conclude by trimester. This is due to material considerations, and other circumstances. You can change the place of residence can be accumulated dissatisfaction with the clinic or doctor.
Pregnancy after 35
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