Saturday, September 27, 2014

Fun exercises for children charge

Fun exercises for children chargeYour child doesn't want to do boring exercises, and charging is a necessary thing at such an early age? No problem, ask him exercises with the game element.

Exercises 1

Devushka-owl, (wave hands "wings")

Big head ("drew" hands circle)

Sitting on a stump, (sat)

Head twirls,

Wings clap-clap! (straight arms pop on each side)

Legs top!

Exercise 2

Ah, Doo-Doo, Doo-Doo, Doo-Doo! (play "the trumpet")

Sitting crow on the oak (hands on waist, sit down and stand up, hands up)

He plays in the pipe (play "the trumpet")

In silver.

Exercise 3

Sparrow lives (wave "wings")

under the roof. (joined hands above his head - "house")

Warm mink (folded palms "nest")

the house mouse ("house" and represented the "ears" of the mouse).

The frog (sat, knees parted, hands apart)

the house in the pond, (the"house" and a circle with a hand - "the pond")

House warblers (the"house" and wave "wings")

in the garden (hands up - "the trees").

"Hey, chick? (right hand forward, "Hey" and fingers in the "egg" - "chicken")

where is your home? (hands to breed, shoulders lifting and "house")

He had my mother under the wing. (to wave "wings")

Exercise 4

Sinica, COPNI leg,

Gray, COPNI leg,

So topne leg!

So topne leg!

Sinica, beat their hands,

Gray, Bay hands,

So Bay in their hands! (2 times)

Sinica, turn around,

Gray, turn around,

So turn around! (2 times)

Sinica, EKH

Gray, EKH,

So EKH! (2 times) (jump up on two legs).

Sinica, worship,

Gray, worship,

So take a bow! (2 times) (bend over, spreading his arms.)

Exercise 5

There were bunnies (jump up on the spot, hands in front of chest, hands down

On the forest edge, (straight arms up, fingers apart - tree and swing)

There were bunnies (jump up on the spot)

In the white house. (joined hands above the head "house")

Washed my ears, (depicted as my ears)

Was washing his paws, (patiram right hand left and Vice versa)

Dressed up bunnies, (sit down with turns to the side, hands on belt)

Wore Slippers. (alternately pulling forward and put on the heel then left, then right leg)

Exercise 6

Jump, jump in the forest (jumping in place)

Hares grey glomeruli. (hands near the chest, both legs at hares jumping)

Jump - jump, jump - jump (jumping back and forth, back and forth)

Was the rabbit on the stump. (stand up straight, hands on your hips)

All built by order, (turned the torso to the right, the right hand side, then left and left-hand-side)

Began to show charging.

Time! Marching on the spot. (steps in place)

Two! Hands waving together (hands in front of him, running movement "scissors")

Three! Sat down, stood together. (sit down, stand up)

All behind the ear scratched. (scratch behind the ear)

On "four" stretched. (hands up, then on the belt)

Five! Buckled and bent. (bend, bend forward)

Six! Everybody stood up again in the series (stand up straight, hands to omit)

Walked as a group. (steps in place)

Exercise 7

Walking a cat on a bench, (walk in place)

Leads the cat's paws: (holding hands)

Tops, tops on the bench! (stomp)

D / a converters, d / a converters for paws! (knock each other by fingers)

Exercise 8

Cat Timosha lived on the roof. (put your hands up)

Below, in the house, lived mouse (tilt forward, hands to touch the floor)

On the wall was climbing mouse (hands to "walk" from the ankle up the leg - lap - thigh)

Not afraid of a cat on the roof.

Watched the cat mice (turns his head to the side, hands to ears)

Removing the stopper from the ears.

He was preparing mousetraps (palm to slam "the mousetrap")

But the mice were clever. (to jump on the spot, hands on his belt)

Hiding behind the back Tees, (hands in front of face, to look over them, then with one, then with the other hand)

Hide and seek played with him a mouse.

Exercise 9

Here is the window swung open. (hand in hand)

Left the cat on the ledge. (imitation soft, graceful gait of a cat)

Looked at the cat up (tilt the head back, look up)

Looked at the cat down. (head down, look down)

That's left turned (turn head to the left)

Conducted by the opinion of the flies. (turn your head to the right, look to" fly)

He stretched and smiled (corresponding movements and facial expressions)

And sat down on the ledge. (Crouch)

Exercise 10

Our foot (to show what the eyes of the cat)

Yellow eyes.

Our foot (to show how long whiskers the cat)

Long usisi.

Our foot free, sharp zapke-corapci)

Acute Cortesi.

Our foot (movement from the head up)

Smart myslide.

Washed my foot (to show how the cat washes - three hands, and then his cheeks)

Every day cleaner

Washing the face

From the remnants of food.

Night hunt (sneaker steps on their toes)

In the closet with the mouse.

And plays Patty cake (to pair up and play in her hands)

With fluffy cats.


Women's Magazine

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