Birth: FAQ
Our reproductive system is designed quite interesting. A man can be a father and in a fairly old age, but a woman is born with a limited supply of eggs, which will eventually collapse and die. The best eggs are matured, while you are young (peak "fertility" women reach 20-27 years). The older the egg, the greater the likelihood that she would have genetic abnormalities which will subsequently lead to miscarriage.
We asked experts in the field of gynecology most pressing questions: what habits need to get rid of, what to eat and how often to have sex?
When the probability of conception above all?
For this you need to know the exact time of ovulation. Monthly average cycle is 28 days. In this case, ovulation occurs between the 12th and 15th days of the cycle (point - the first day of menstruation). If your cycle lasts less than, for example 23 days, ovulation occurs with 5-th to 8-th day. If the cycle is longer than 35 days, ovulation will 19-22 day. Bought in any pharmacy ovulation tests, you will be able to determine the most favorable time for conception. Minus: this knowledge is completely deprive your relationship romance - you have to specify the partner day and even the hour when he should commence his duties.
Does this mean that conception is possible only for three days a month?
No. On average, for each sex, the chance of conception in healthy couples ranges from 1 to 3 %. It is therefore hardly have sex 3-4 times a month will lead to pregnancy. If you want to have a baby, you should have sex 2-3 times a week instead of 3 times in a weekend. In the opinion of the specialist fertilization Zita West, it is very important to keep passion in a relationship: "I've had patients who had sent her husband the SMS: "Dear, in 4 hours I will begin ovulation - hurry home." Such things should not be done - biological details cause men irritation".
How often you need to visit a gynecologist?
Try not only to avoid accidental connections, but also from time to time to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases. One of the most serious is chlamydia: often the girl does not even know that the infected, but in the absence of timely treatment, the disease agent will cause inflammation or obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
It is fraught with ectopic pregnancy or even infertility. Chlamydia is treated with antibiotics, and the best way to protect yourself from it is to use condoms.
How to eat properly?
Surprisingly, but the fact is that excess weight leads to complications during pregnancy and infertility. Professor Winston confirms: "it is Enough to lose weight through diet or physical activity and treatment for infertility, you may not need". At the same time, the lack of weight can also lead to infertility.
Get to the issue of food as simple as possible, recommends Dr. West: Problems with conception begin with gastro-intestinal problems, the causes of which lie on the surface: the rejection of Breakfast, late dinner, snacking on the go. Stick to this diet, which is easy to observe in everyday life.In order to improve their reproductive ability, follow these simple rules:
- eat foods with low glycemic index - it will help to balance the level of sugar in the blood;
- drink lots of filtered or mineral water;
- include in the diet as many foods containing fiber, they will help get rid of the old hormones and improve the absorption of nutrients;
- include in the menu of bright fruits and vegetables - they are rich in antioxidants and nutrients;
- eat foods that contain fatty acids, for example, pumpkin seeds, fatty fish and nuts.
Do I need to exclude some products?
Yes - salt, sugar, caffeine, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and foods rich in saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, containing glutamate monolatry and preservatives. Take only the vitamins and mineral Supplement designed specifically for pregnant women and women planning pregnancy women: BioCare, Ante-Natal Forte, Zita West Vitafem and Fertility Plus.
What chemicals should be afraid?
Nutritionist Val the Harvey advised to avoid contact with xenoestrogens - chemicals, which accumulate in the body, disrupt the endocrine system. They are contained in plastic bags and films for food packaging, some dyes and collars against fleas for Pets.
Why you want to quit Smoking?
Smoking reduces reproductive age 10 years and increases the likelihood of miscarriage. "Non-Smoking 30-year-old woman and 20-year-old smokers chances of getting pregnant are equal," says the founder of the gynecological clinic of the Poundbury Clinic Michael Dooley.
Do I need to completely give up alcohol?
Don't want to believe it, and yet: even 250 ml of alcohol per week (two incomplete glass! ) can cause disturbances in your hormonal balance. And this, in turn, will reduce the likelihood of conception. Well, the consumption of strong alcoholic drinks during pregnancy, as is known, increases the chance of miscarriage.
Why children and drugs are incompatible?
Almost all drugs interfere with the work of both female and male reproductive system. Women will have disruptions of the menstrual cycle, it stops ovulation, and men lost libido and reduced sperm motility. In short, drugs and kids are incompatible. As well as, drugs and life.
How dangerous stress?
Under the influence of stress in women may stop ovulation. Despite the fact that doctors are ready to refute this assertion, it was proven that stressed mammalian ovulation becomes irregular. So we can assume that in women, the same thing happens. Proper nutrition (in particular, a reduction in the ration of sugar and caffeine), exercise, meditation, massage, yoga and breathing exercises help to cope with stress. Healthy sleep is also very important: according to Dr. West, he treats the whole body.
And what you want from a partner?
One of the biggest misconceptions that infertility is a purely female problem. Every sixth woman cannot become pregnant, and in 40% of cases of infertile male. Changes in lifestyle to improve the reproductive system not only women, but also men - alcohol, drugs and Smoking can damage the sperm quality. Another factor is age. As noted by Dr. Raj Paradise of the London hospital St. Mary: "the age of the father plays an important role, according to some, the forty-year-old men are more likely to give birth to children suffering from schizophrenia and mental disorders. Zinc, selenium, vitamins C and E and folic acid contribute to improving the quality of sperm, so men who do not adhere to a balanced diet, it is recommended to take vitamin supplements for men.
What can alternative medicine?
A combination of traditional and alternative medicine greatly increases the chances of getting pregnant.The best of its methods - anti-stress therapy: massage, acupuncture and reflexology.
What about advanced technologies?
Do not believe the high-profile articles about frozen eggs. ECO paints a future in pink: twenty girls can put "good" eggs stored in the refrigerator until, until the appropriate time for the birth of the child. However, to extract nutrients from the body is possible only in case, if you come early menopause, or if your infertility is the result of medical intervention. All the world knows only 100 cases of children born from frozen eggs - many of them just die during defrosting. There is another variety - frozen embryo. But whether you want after many years to the father of your child was the one with whom you once conceived?. Moreover, scientists are still not sure if born this way the child will not have health problems in the future. And finally, a third option is sperm donation. And here, too, has its pitfalls. Some time it is believed that children born from donor have the right to know who their biological parents, and therefore the number of sperm donors has decreased dramatically. Women have to look for donors in Spain, Cyprus and Romania, where still guarantee anonymity, but, unfortunately, not security.
What is perimenopause?
One of the reasons why a woman of middle age, it is difficult to conceive - its entry in the perimenopause. This is a natural transition hormonal changes the body covering from 2 to 8 years before menopause. For most women, perimenopause begins about 40 years, but some comes and 30. Test definition perimenopause does not exist, but sorry - it often explains the "unexpected infertility". So, if you have the following symptoms - irregular menstrual cycle and ovulation, insomnia, violent mood swings and jumps cholesterol, ask your doctor, and to help them, try to eat right and exercise regularly.
1 People are very prolific. Not true. People in 98% of cases fertilization is born one child, while in rabbits 12 rabbits.
2 Miscarriage is purely a women's issue. Not true. If the egg fertilizes unhealthy sperm, the resulting embryo less likely to survive.
3 Oral contraceptives affect the ability of conception. Not true. Actually they improve reproductive function: with stop ovulation, which they called, the body does not consume the stock of oocytes.
Myths and facts about infertility
Pregnancy after 35
Napier E.
Harper's Bazaar
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