Hair care
The results of recent sociological research has put us in quiet shock. It turns out that 8 out of 10 respondents did not know not only how to properly care for your hair, but only vaguely heard about the health of the hair. And we still ask ourselves the question: why does our hair look so bad, fade or fall? It is for this reason we decided to dedicate an entire section so relevant to the theme.
Correct hair care is of paramount importance. It is wrong to think that it requires only "relaxed" hair. Healthy need him no less. After all, hair is constantly exposed to various influences: weather conditions, dust, dirt, various dyes and preparations for perms, etc.
Hair on the human head are of three types: oily hair, normal hair and dry hair. During the reading you may be wondering about how to set the type of hair? If you don't know what type of your hair, we recommend you to take the test.
In General hair care can be divided in three very important steps: brushing, hair washing and proper diet.
How to comb hair
Question: "do you comb your hair? "it can seem naive. But do not rush. First find out what must happen this process, and you will decide to what extent your hair care represents the correct approach to this issue.
Than to comb your hair? Any of us know that it is impossible to be a good employee, not having a good tool. So, first of all a few words about choosing the right comb. The first thing you should pay attention to is the material from which it is made. The best materials - wood and horn. Although care for a wooden comb is hard, but it's good for the skin (compared to metal) and not electrified (unlike plastic). The disadvantage is the difficulty of maintaining a wooden comb in its pure form, the absorption of moisture.
Very good material for hairbrushes and combs - horn. Unlike plastic combing instruments from horns hair less static electricity. An important advantage of the horns is what this material is, by its nature, is closest to the material from which the hair. But the horn has a small disadvantage: when frequent and intensive washing with warm water it appears the chipped areas, which can then damage the hair and scalp when brushing. Steel combs and combs made of metal is good enough, but before combing it would be good them a little warm, as warm metal is a completely different experience than cold. However, many specialists against metal combs, mainly due to the stiffness of their teeth, and, as a rule, whether they are processed (at least in our country).
Plastic combs, combs and brushes are the most common. Their advantage is sufficient durability, hygiene, easy maintenance and so on, the Drawback is the electrification of hair when brushing.
Now about the teeth. Combs, combs and brushes with sharp edges of the teeth of the counter - they hurt the skin. Also avoid ridges and combs with very tight teeth. For the same reason.
For daily brushing suitable comb with quite a few teeth, which did not jerk tangled hair. For combing, for example, dandruff need more frequent teeth.
Please also note how the finished edge of the teeth, as well as the places near their base. When rough handling with sharp edges possible damage to the skin or can break the hair. Good will only hairbrushes, combs or massage brush for hair types that have a smooth polished teeth and the gaps between them. The tips of the teeth are rounded, not like spears.
When choosing brushes, pay attention to the bristles. It must be hard but long bristles and rubber base. You can apply a brush made of soft plastic.
Brushes have the advantage that with careful combing them is massage of the scalp, causing a rush of blood that improves the nutrition of the hair. However, any brush can lead to such a massage. If she has a solid bristle brush where the bristles are pressed to each other, to achieve their scalp through the hair is almost impossible. Therefore, it is best to have a brush with thinned rows of bristle (with blank intervals between the rows of tufts of bristles). The tufts of the bristles should be shorn like a pointed (conical) brushes. This makes it easier to "punch" the ability of the bristles through the thickness of the hair to the scalp.
Bristles, as we have said, should have moderate stiffness. However, if periodically to wash the brush, the bristle stiffness is gradually lost. To recover sufficiently to hold the brush for some time in a weak solution of alum.
Brush or comb should always be well cleaned and immaculate from the hygienic point of view. Clearing of scales, grease and dust that accumulate on the combs and brushes, well performed immediately after using a 10% solution of ammonia (or 1 tablespoon ammonia to 1 gallon of water). In an extreme case, you can lather some hard brush (for example, old shaving brush and thoroughly clean it with the brush or comb for the hair, paying particular attention to the gaps between the teeth. After this, rinse your instrument for combing and dry.
Just bought (immediately after purchase) or already in use combs and brushes must be periodically subjected to additional disinfection. Brushes and combs, made of nylon, Perlon and other synthetic materials are disinfected by immersing them in 0, 5% solution of bleach for 15 minutes. To prepare this solution must be dissolved 5 grams of crystalline bleach in 1 liter of water temperature not below 50-60 degrees Celsius. Chloramine - crystalline material is a white or slightly yellow, soluble in water. A solution of bleach should be stored in a jar with a good sealing lid for a period of not more than 5 days.
Metal combs are sterilized in alcohol or in the flame of an alcohol burner. As a matter of personal hygiene comb, brush, etc. are not transferable to other persons.
How often should comb your hair? Every day, at least twice a day - once in the morning, just before washing the head and once in the evening. Daily combing hair using a comb or brush helps to improve blood circulation in the scalp, the allocation of secretion of sebaceous glands and their uniform distribution along the hair.
How much time needs to be brushed? Even in the times of our grandmothers was considered that a hundred daily priglazhivanii brush is the right tool to have healthy hair beautiful and shiny. Take this number for the required minimum.
How to comb your hair? To improve blood circulation hair needs to be combed lying. Lie down on the couch so my head was hanging over the edge of the sofa. You should start from the nape of the neck in all directions - after 3-5 minutes you will feel a pleasant sensation of warmth. This heat is a sign of increasing blood circulation in the scalp in result of hair nosochkah deposited an additional amount of nutrients, the hair is strengthened, gaining strength and health, grow better.
Another option combing to sit on the sofa or on a chair and tilting his head between his knees, combing their hair. The same can be done standing, leaning forward. The slope here is necessary because it promotes blood flow to the scalp. Long stay in this position for those who are not okay with blood pressure, it is not recommended.
When brushing, you need to alternate the movement of the comb with stroking the hair with the palm of the free hand. One movement of the comb, and then second - hand. Stroking for a few minutes and already combed hair. It distributes sebum throughout the hair, and they are shiny, elastic and strong.
And again, this combing is recommended for scalp prone to diseases. Do not brush hair with sudden movements. Movements should be soft and smooth.
The art of hair washing
It is really an art and you now Abadessa
First of all wash your hair it is best immediately after brushing. This allows you to wash the hair flakes of dead cells of the scalp, which after brushing increases. The result is hair affect its purity and brilliance.
How often should you wash your hair? Of course, you are familiar with the common recommendation is to wash your hair every so many days. For example, any Amateur magazine will give you a "tip" in two lines - wash oily hair every 5-6 days, and dry - once in 10-12 days. If you can hear anything sillier is to advise the miners to wash with soap once a week. Shampooing cannot be performed on the template or using a random case. Wash your hair at the moment, when you felt that they were dirty, oily, etc.
What should be the temperature of the water? Do not wash very hot or cold water. The water temperature should be slightly above body temperature. You can use a little cool water when washing morning is nature, and if you don't use shampoo. By the way, yoga believe that one of the reasons for early bloom is the use when shampooing excessively hot water.
Than wash? It is very useful to experiment and choose what suits you most and does not irritate the scalp with daily washing. And not worth twice lather up (if daily washing). This can (no matter how soft no soap or shampoo) to dryness.
The suitability of shampoo for moderately dry hair can be defined, according to some authors, by wetting them with strips of litmus paper. Good shampoo that does not change the color of the paper (neutral) or gives a slightly pink tint (slightly acidic).
Shampoo should not pour directly on the head, and first hand. Spread it evenly over the surface of the palms, and then hand RUB the hair and scalp. The procedure should not be "soaping head soap, and the soap first, and then this foam hand (hands, actually) zamylivaetsja hair. When washing your hair try not to confuse hair, then combing not to pull their entire flaps.
Wash the head with careful circular movements of the fingers, so as not to scratch your scalp with your nails, since even a slight scratch allows bacteria to enter the body and cause disease. Rinse your hair should very carefully. Of great importance is the quality of the water. Unsuitable hard water, as it contains salts of calcium, magnesium and iron have on the skin and hair adverse effects, contributing to the appearance of dryness and peeling. The systematic use of such water hair become thinner, more brittle, falling out in large numbers. Water can be mitigated through long-term, not less than one hour, boiling and settling or add 2-3 teaspoons of baking soda in a bowl of water (about 5 l). It is useful to use boiled and filtered rain and snow water.
You can apply and cosmetic borax (1/2 teaspoon to 1 liter of water). You should not use a higher concentration of borax or soda, because it is harmful for the hair.
In ordinary tap water is a lot of extraneous elements, about which we wrote above that when drying hair settle on them and give them a dull appearance. A significant part among these residues occupy lime substances. Therefore, after washing their hair, it is useful to rinse the acid water will not hurt the skin, but gives the hair extra Shine and strength. In addition, hard water soap bad mylitsya, foam produced little, and bad hair washed. Usually use a weak vinegar solution (1-2 teaspoons per gallon of water). In some people this solution irritates the scalp. Then use another tool: take a lemon, cut it in half and squeeze out of it through cheesecloth, the juice in a glass filled with warm water. The mixture rinse your head, and you will see that after drying, your hair will gain brilliance, and from them will come fresh smell.
By the way, about the smell of hair. They have the ability to absorb surrounding odors. It is well known to anyone who has ever sat behind the city around the campfire - long hair then keep the smell of smoke. Two or three days after washing (if you don't wash your hair daily hair still keep the smell of the shampoo, but then the smell mixed with odors that begin to irritate you. Particularly sensitive to foreign odors oily hair.
Rinse dry hair also recommend to use water with the addition of root forest provinece (2 tablespoons crushed root pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours under the cover) or lime blossom (2 tablespoons pour 1 liter of boiling water and infuse for 20 minutes).
Oily hair is recommended to rinse with water with the addition of an infusion of a mixture of herbs - horsetail, peppermint, oak bark (2 tablespoons each 1 liter of water). For light, hair, horsetail, chamomile, kidney hops in the same proportion.
I must say that the use of the above mentioned substances was intended to give your hair after drying greater elasticity. All these organic substances, being in a liquid state, fill in the cracks and pores in abundance available on weak hair. When drying binders and tanning substances included in the composition of these drugs, glue and tighten the inner walls and the outer scales of the hair, resulting in hair to acquire tangible elasticity, healthy appearance, glossiness.
Similarly, when rinsing after washing with acidified water (vinegar, citric acid) simultaneously with the neutralization of the residue of soap (lye) occurs and the compression of the outer scales, which also has a beneficial effect on the hair.
After rinsing, squeeze the hair, quickly attach towel. Hair should not be dried too quickly, as it usually happens when drying under a hot dryer. A good way of drying - drying of several pre-heated towels.
If you decide to dry the hair in the sun, cover your head with a scarf.
After full drying of the hair need to be re-combing (first careful combing is done after pre-drying towels). Long hair comb from the ends, short - from the skin.
I must say that to wash your hair, but, rather, rinse them with clean water is necessary not only after contamination with dust, skin fat and so on, but after the sea baths.
When washing and combing hair are observed increased hair loss. Hair loss is a natural process, but the norm can be considered when during the day is no more than 100 hair.
Clean, well-styled hair are so beautiful that often allows their holders do not have recourse to any other cosmetic preparations.
The correct diet
Healthy shiny hair is an indicator of the health of your body. If you are sick or not properly nourished, the hair suffer and fade away. So what are the elements and substances must be present in our diet to hair felt good?
Hair 1/4 consists of water, it provides its flexibility. The body must get a adequate amount of water, however do not wait until you are thirsty to drink. If you strongly want to drink, it means that your body has already lost most of its essential moisture. In the day you should drink 8-10 glasses of water.
Proteins are the building blocks of hair. They strengthen the hair and are responsible for the resistance of hair to various injuries. Proteins found in fish, meat, milk, cheese, cereals.
Iron helps deliver oxygen to the hair follicles. Iron is found in red meat and dark green vegetables.
Zinc is a building mineral, forming the protein structure of the hair, preventing hair loss. Most zinc is found in meat and seafood.
Copper is involved in the process of hair pigmentation. You can improve the natural color due to the inclusion of rich copper products: liver, fresh vegetables, seeds, nuts, liver.
Vitamin a protects the hair from breakage. We all know that a lot of vitamin a in carrots, other vegetables it is also present in sufficient quantities. Remember that vitamin a, like all jirorastvorimy, i.e., it is best absorbed with fat, and with a small thermal processing.
Vitamins B and C are important for good circulation of nutrients, growth and bright hair color.
I want to note that regular physical activity also contribute to the formation of healthy hair, as it ensures the flow of blood in the capillaries of the scalp, transports nutrients to the hair roots.
Proper care and proper nutrition must be part of a beautiful and healthy hair.
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