Thursday, July 3, 2014

The three main pitfalls of marriage

The three main pitfalls of marriageWhy couples divorce, and other live happily life? Psychologists working with couples, was able to identify three main reasons why marriages break up. To know about them to anyone who wants to keep their family happiness...

The first reason is pandering to his ego. If you want to destroy your marriage, you should live by the principle "I care only about their own happiness". Of course, to get the care and attention it is nice, however, if one partner in a marriage is constantly giving and the other only accepts, then sooner or later this situation will be disastrous.

On the other hand, it is not necessary and completely dissolved in the spouse. Indeed, in this case we run the risk of replacing selfishness, lack of self. Many people notice that the man and woman who live long together, become very similar to each other. But it's good only if this similarity is the result of combining and sharing some qualities, and not because of spoofing the identity of one partner by another person.

So, if you want your marriage to be successful, it is worthwhile to keep the balance not to forget about their own interests, but also to take care of your partner, to prevent the infringement of his interests at the expense of yours.

The second common reason for divorce, justification of dishonesty. If one of your principles is "if the partner does not know he is not going to hurt", then most likely your family will not be able to become a truly strong and happy.

Under the dishonesty is not necessarily understood infidelity. You can be faithful to your spouse, but even an ordinary lie in large quantities can destroy a marriage. Even "innocent" flirting on the side can cause damage to your family life.

If you do not find it necessary to be honest with her husband, sooner or later, the secret will be revealed, and you will lose the trust of your partner. But a happy marriage without trust is nonsense.

To avoid this mistake is easy, if you truly love your spouse. Before you do something that may hurt him, you just need to imagine his reaction if he finds out about your act. This is often enough to not make hasty action.

The third cause of family breakdown is too high expectations from marriage. Many of us believe that love is enough to build relationships. But in practice, these idealists are often disappointed. Turns out that the family, which in their view was a fun pastime, it is also hard work. And if you don't prepare for this work in advance, the first argument can undermine the fragile family balance.

How to prepare for possible problems? You should try without rose-colored glasses to see your favourite (which, of course, can be a complex task, especially in the romantic period of your relationship and accept his flaws just like you and take his dignity. You should say to yourself: "it will be difficult, but we can handle". And, of course, to discuss possible conflict points with your partner - only in this case, you can count on the fact that your marriage will withstand any test.


Woman To Woman

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