Youth is the peak internal forces of the body, this is the maximum endurance. With each passing year power decrease. If at the age of 17 hours of training in the gym - time to spit, 27 it will require downright heroic. Therefore, it is a sin not to take advantage of unique opportunities in a young age. Think about it, the more they will not be presented. It once.
Doctors know that over time the problem of obesity in women are only getting worse. So why not begin to deal with it as soon as possible? At the age of 16 really to lose 2-5 pounds in a month is not very sudoriific training. And for 25 years, this remains only a dream. The lion's share of the fat cells is formed in childhood and in adult life we take that have accumulated at the tender age. Therefore, the basis of shape I need to lay in his youth. This two.
Good habits is what allows us to follow a healthy lifestyle, not because it's necessary, but because we like it. That is, not only to fight for a slim, beautiful body, but also to get pleasure from it. If you start to exercise at a Mature age, will inevitably have to break yourself. Nobody is born with a craving for good! Therefore, a healthy and correct we have to accustom ourselves at the dawn of life. It's three.
Do you have an assistant - fashion. Recently fitness noticeably rejuvenated. If in the early 80's aerobics was the fate of "those who are over thirty, today regular visits to the gym have become the prerogative of the young and beautiful. Therefore, now there is a really historical background to current teenagers entered adulthood already with a decent sports Luggage. This four. Well, enough reasons to teach your daughter to fitness?
Future plans
At the start of the
Before you start, make sure you get approval of your doctor. Fitness can lead to an exacerbation of the young girl indolent disease of which you were not even aware. It is hidden, urinary tract infections, cardiac arrhythmias, skin rashes and so on. Bad teeth is also a reason to postpone fitness. Physical activity cause enhanced blood flow, so that the infection of the tooth can easily get to the most remote corners of the body. For example, to infect the kidneys.
Take a shopping trip to equip their child fit in the latest fashion. Saving is not: in old shorts and t-shirt she just will not be able to fall in love with fitness.
Rent at first with the daughters of the promise that she will not miss a workout. Then she will be involved, and your control will be unnecessary.
Follow the regime daughter if she would sleep less than 8-9 hours of training will not benefit. During sleep the body recovers after exercise. If sleep is not enough, gradually accumulates physical fatigue. In the future it will lead to overtraining, and this is a dangerous condition, almost a disease.
Convince the daughter to keep a food diary. Explain to her that food should take small meals 4-6 times a day ( and it's not the chips! ). At the same time check yourself: what you feed your family? Do your family meals of proteins, carbohydrates and fats?
Only for girls
This training program is divided into three month stage. The first stage is introduction with exercises and weights that are available in your club. You will be three times a week to strength training for the muscles of the whole body, plus twice a week to arrange kardiotissa ( in other words, aerobics ). In the second step you will start by separate systems for different muscles, still three times a week. At this point, you increase the intensity by doing more sets and increase the working weight. Added another session of cardiovirus. In the last step, you will be engaged by a separate program ( for each muscle - individual exercises ). But I will add one more exercise for each muscle. And cardio will have already 4 times a week. Starting from the second stage of the exercise will be grouped as follows:
1 training - legs
2 workout - chest, triceps, deltoid muscle
3 training - back, biceps, press
If you have enough time before the 10th week of the program ( when the number of sessions reaches 4 times a week ) have weight training and cardiostim on different days. But if you want to combine the power and aerobic exercise in the interests of saving time - no problem. However, here we must follow this order: first exercise, then aerobics. And finally, there is one condition: don't forget to include in your weekly schedule at least 2 days of full break from the sport. Such "cut" mode is vital for the body. These days, for him anyway, that resetting the computer.
How not to retire
- Follow the program with the utmost punctuality! Don't be tempted to increase the weight excess or stomp on the treadmill in the morning until the evening. This program is for you has developed the best experts on fitness. Any changes will only hurt the end result.
- Keep a workout diary in a beautiful cover. Take it with you to the gym and mark it all done exercises, number of sets, repetitions and working weight. The diary will remind you the order of exercises. And don't try to keep the complex in my head! Even fitness professionals go to the gym with diaries under his arm.
- You have muscles ache the next day after a workout? Nothing terrible! Maybe more, and longer! Another thing - acute traumatic pain in the joint. Then do not hesitate! Run to the doctor!
Warm-up and stretching
Many miss a workout - and fatal. The load on the "cold" muscles will lead to injury. Before you begin strength training, follow a small five-minute warm-up. Walk on a treadmill or turn the pedals of the bike - this will enhance the blood flow and warms up the muscles. In addition to working sets of any exercise add another set warm-up. It is made first, and the weight take about half normal.
Before cardio, too, need to do a warm-up. The first 5-7 minutes should be spent on it, in order to warm up muscles. The time spent on warm-up. To offset the aerobic session is not. After a workout, don't forget to do stretching. Why after, and not before? Because your muscles as heated power exercises. The "cold" muscles ligaments hard. Try how to stretch can result injury. Stretch only those muscles that you are putting in training.
Without aerobic training is not enough: it not only burns fat, but also increases the endurance of the heart. And it will be useful for strength training. To dwell on the same step aerobics, which is usually offered in fitness clubs, not worth it. Much nicer aerobics outdoors: movies, Jogging, fast walking, Biking, swimming... the First month of practice in Lite mode, and then gradually increase the load. Do not push yourself! Dizziness, shortness of breath, pontaniana tired knees - this is unacceptable!
What's next?
What to do when you finish this three-month program? To relax from it. Treat yourself to a week of vacation. Of course, this does not mean that all seven days have to lie on the couch. Play bowling, badminton, tennis... But about gym forget!
After a week's rest, you will again begin to train, but... to Do according to the old scheme there is no sense: during these three months you have become the other, and then you load and need new ones. These tips will help you to understand how to modify the training program.
- "Spread" on different days of the same groups of muscles over which you have previously worked in the same block. For example, combine the training of the biceps and the triceps.
- Take more weight and do less repetitions: 10-12.
On a couple of classes hire yourself a personal trainer and ask him to show you new exercises to replace the previous exercise of the complexes.
- Try to coach such methods as superset, drop-sets, combo sets.
- Instead of the usual aerobic exercise exercise interval training (trainer will show you what it is).
- Read a book-bestseller "Fitness training"! It will make you a Pro in the world of your new hobby. The book will help you to make following a three-month program!
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