According to a female psychiatrist, author of "The Female Mind" Loing of brizendine, ladies say three times more than men - about 20 thousand words a day. In addition, they speak faster than men, spend more time and effort on rumors and gossip, and more enjoying the sound of his own voice.
- The cause of female chattiness - innate characteristics of the male and female brain, " explains brizendine. - The fact that in the female brain more cells that are responsible for language functions. Thus ordinary act of speech provokes the release in the brain of female hormones that give her great pleasure. This feeling is similar to the buzz junkie, Colosseo yourself a dose of the drug.
The men still in the womb, when testosterone determines the formation of the developing male brain, the influence of the area responsible for speech decreases. Therefore, the representatives of the stronger sex so taciturn and reserved emotions.
Besides, as it turned out, the chatter not even bother the female brain. As shown by the French neuroscientists running Christiana KAPRO from I and III of the universities of Montpellier (France), performing linguistic tasks causes of the fair sex significantly less activation of brain regions involved in the processing of speech.
Scientists used the method of functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) to study differences in the activation of different brain regions depending on gender and ability for verbal communication.
While the 44 subjects were lying in an FMRI scanner, they were asked to perform a simple task - to come up with the maximum number of words beginning with a given letter. All the subjects were divided into four groups by gender and verbal abilities, which were estimated using standard psychological tests.
In General, the better the students coped with the original test, the greater the number of words they called and when performing the experimental tasks. While parts of the brain that are believed to be associated with words, the more linguistically savvy volunteers worked less intensively (at least, judging by the blood flow, which measures FMRI).
However, regardless of the results of the original tests and the number of invented words, men's brains when performing the experimental task was activated stronger female.
Komsomolskaya Pravda
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