Perfume for the summer must meet certain requirements. First of all, there are special rules applying perfume in the summer. Most perfumes are produced on the basis of alcohol-containing liquids, and under the influence of sunlight can start an allergic reaction or cause skin burns. To avoid this, apply the fragrance should only inside clothing from a distance of about 20 cm: so you will avoid the appearance of yellow spots on the traditionally bright summer clothes.
The sea, where the sun is scorching stronger, caring for the skin should be as thought-out, so don't forget sunscreen and, of course, do not disperse alcohol-based perfume on the body.
If you just can not live without a couple of drops of your favorite perfume, use fragrant veil or haze hair: these tools do not contain alcohol. You can choose an alternative way: in the morning, after a shower, apply the fragrance on wet hair and let them dry without the aid of hair dryer. Hair will "hold" perfume for a very long time, so you can be sure that wherever you went, fragrant train everywhere will follow you.
It also happens that some perfume and cosmetic brands especially for the summer season or for hot countries produce limited versions of all your favorite scents that are not alcohol based. They are less persistent, but they can be used without fear of allergic reactions and sunburn skin. Such perfumes are not forbidden to apply it on the body.
And don't forget about the main points behind the ears, wrists, between her Breasts and neck is due to the pulsation of blood fragrance will stay longer.
The scent travels
How to wear perfume in the summer, not to hurt yourself, you probably already knew, but what should be the aroma itself? It turns out that on this account also has its own unwritten rules.
According to aroma-therapists, when choosing a summer fragrance is best to pay attention to the traditions of the southern peoples living in the vicinity of the sun and the sea. Their traditions adjusted for centuries, they, like anyone else know what flavor to choose, to help move the hot weather, gave courage and strength. Because we all know what power have odors. Therefore, Italians and Spaniards prefer perfumes with scents of citrus: bergamot, lemon, grapefruit and orange. Among the novelties of 2010 citrus notes can be found in the aromas of Rose The One Dolce&Gabbana, Infusion De Fleur d'orange from Prada and Scarlet from Cacharel.
If you go to the South East, for example, in India, we learn that the Indians escape from the summer heat and bitter spicy-citrus aroma of vetiver. Woven mats from the roots of vetiver close Windows, they are sprinkled with water and the room filled with light earthy-fresh smell. The vetiver in maximum concentrations inherent in the more masculine scents, but it's perfect for you, if you will be part of floral arrangements: he will give the completeness and sexy summer look.
Summer is the perfect new Estee Lauder Private Collection Jasmine White Moss. In his song white moss, bergamot, vetiver, Jasmine, ylang-ylang and orange - this refreshingly feminine cocktail for the beach or an evening promenade. Eau D'ete Summer Limited Edition Bottle from Issey Miyake - another novelty with herbal, woody, musky and floral notes.
In the summer, more than ever, want to be closer to nature: we increasingly choose clothes made of natural fabrics - linen, silk and cotton. And therefore fragrances should be as simple as possible. Refreshing scent leaves after rain, cut grass, sea breeze, flowers and fruits - all of which now is able to play modern perfumery (pay attention to selective). The main thing is to pick your fragrance that will delight you all summer long. And what are the flavors you choose for summer? And what advise friends?
Your individual flavor
Woman Journal
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