For example, in the midst of a weekend, in a bathroom can be locked with a latch, causing minimal irritation scurrying around the house groups of children, family and Pets. The same maneuver can be in the apartment from friends, including very remote, and even visiting the girl's parents. And for the creative and inclined to experiment with people in the bathroom there is a lot of beneficial devices is practically a sex shop. In short, you should try.
The female breast is very nice to touch, no need to search for special reasons. However, this reasoning betrays you in a selfish user. You can contribute for the care, loved you object.
Creams for breast sold in cosmetic shops. They contain substances, from which the Breasts become firmer and suppler. The effect is temporary - but what prevents repeat the procedure regularly? If a special cream no, you can use a moisturizing cream for the body.
Apply it on hands, stand behind her and gently move your cream, starting from the upper part of the chest. Then, smedina down, finally leaving the area around the nipples. The easiest way to move in a spiral, circular motion, gradually shifting from the periphery of the breast to the nipple. If done correctly, the girl can experience from this procedure, a special kind of orgasm, which, according to sexologists, only occurs during stimulation of the nipples.
Head massage is almost erotic massage. You short-sighted to trust you care about maiden head scoundrel hairdresser.
Apply shampoo and wsba foam soft movements. Then wash off with warm water, continuing the massage, and finally, apply the conditioner. Uteri air conditioning fingertips, moving from forehead to nape. Then try to gently pull her hair, grasping fingers small bundles and gliding from roots to ends. On the skin Glowy mass of nerve endings, and acupuncture point stimulation which leads to relaxation of the whole body. What to do then with this relaxed body, you can guess himself.
Let her myself to shave
The main thing in sex - confidence. Hand your friend a dangerous razor and set down on the edge of the tub, stretching out his neck. Now everything is in her hands.
If such a picture pierces you chills, then okay - let's limit ourselves safe with a razor. Incidentally, many women believe that men's razors and the shaving process is very sexy. So it is quite possible to trust the girl of your instruments, as well as the bristle on his chin. The young lady, by the way, not so new to the art of shaving: something like it regularly does with their feet.
Relax: the less tension in the muscles of the face, the cleaner shave. Relaxation will help damp hot towel, which friend will cover your face for a few minutes. Towel is easier to heat in the microwave. When under the influence of steam skin pores will open, there comes a time foam. A girl needs to put her soft circular motion (you can use a brush). Shaving begins on the cheeks and ends at the chin, where the bristles are stiffer all, and through it to soften it requires additional time. After the procedure, rinse-off foam with warm water, opolskie face cold, lotion, cream, massage.
To shave until the end
Shaving procedure fascinating, and worth a start - stop is not so simple. While on it and on you there is nothing superfluous, it is possible to develop the idea of shaving and bring her to climax. Where is the culmination, guess is not too difficult.
So your friend got used to the idea of intimate shaving, it is best to start with her feet. Then move to the North. If the friend does not object to intimate hairstyle, start with a warm bath. Then mow her hair in the bikini area, as short as possible. Then Bray in the direction of hair growth, not passing through the same place more than twice. At the end is cool bath, the pores closed. And now it's your turn to part with excess vegetation in interesting places.
This idea, your friend will surely be greeted with enthusiasm. First, the less will be initiated during any traditional practice. Secondly, oral sex with you from extreme sport will turn into a pretty nice routine. Thirdly, intimate shave, visually enlarge penis on a couple centimeters know about this gentlemen, appears in pornographic films.
My feet before going to sleep
Toes - erogenous zone. Foolish not to take advantage with the opportunity to explore this area more closely.
Actually, this is called a pedicure. Most likely, the girl will forgive you if you will do this beautiful ancient custom not too professional. The main thing is to act with the soul. After her feet carefully razmoknet in warm water, massage them, using a special foot scrub.
Take her foot in his hands so that your thumbs were on the lower side of the foot. Masserey foot in a circular motion with pressure, since the heel. Moving to the fingers, paying special attention to secondary (experts say that he mysteriously associated with the genitals). Apply on your hands lubricant and gently masserey her foot and between your toes. If we have the courage, you can even drank her nails with nail file and apply varnish.
Secret fun
When you go to Thailand, don't forget to get acquainted with the monuments of ancient Buddhist architecture. But Thai soap massage can be arranged from the comfort of home. This question will arouse your girlfriend understanding.
You need inflatable beach mattress and foam bath. Pour into the tub a little water, add foam and vsba as much as possible. If the bathroom is large, place the mattress in the bath, and if not, put the mattress on the floor. Keep in mind that in this case, by the end of the procedure will be wet, as in Thailand, but the pleasure is worth any inconvenience. Lay down on the mattress face down, coated foam, including myself, mattress and partner. Then, ask the girl to lie on top of you and move forward and backward, left and right slow sliding movements using the body as a massage tool. And then you turn face up, and then, the fun begins.
Scratch her back
Many primates like to scratch each other's back and to choose from parasites, and often indulge in this pleasure before or after sex. Say, in the blood stand out andorina - hormones of pleasure. About parasites word, but to invite the girl to take a bath and under a more plausible excuse.
The procedure is simple. Fill the tub and sit there friend (preferably the foam is very nice, and the foam reduces visibility, which means that the girl will have less to be ashamed of). You, of course, already naked. Using a soft sponge, scouring pads or massage brush masserey back girl in a circular motion or walking on all sides in the direction of the heart. If by fate, you are temporarily out of the bath, accept soft and unobtrusive measures to correct this injustice.
About zadushena
He's warm, wet and strong, he gently enters her body and stimulates all the right points. We mean shower. Many girls know how to use the shower without your help. According to surveys, shower without divider is a favorite tool for Masturbation. Shower divider, by the way, not worse, especially if it has different modes. To start anywhere on her body shower gel. If it is scented with lavender, you're in luck: the scent of lavender increases blood circulation in the penis by 40%.
Then turn on the cold water and Abdi from the soul of her Breasts, (thirty-second volley cool water will make the breast firmer and more sensitive). Then the water is warmer, move down. By changing the distance from the shower nozzle to her skin, you can create a very peculiar sensation. Having reached the most interesting places, uscore rate movements: longer-closer, top-bottom, circular motion. Finally, remove the divider and focus on the main point, rhythmically moving stream of water. Those who tried did not complain.
The ABC of sex
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