Every day we look at perfectly retouched portraits of stars and read an endless list of their achievements. "You can easily be the perfect mother, the perfect hostess and successful social climber, - fill us with women's magazines, take the example of Heidi Klum and Angelina Jolie". And we try hard not noticing how immersed in the depths of perfectionism.
Professor Gordon Flett from the University of Toronto identifies three types of "syndrome of otlichnicy": first - perfectionism, aimed at yourself, the second is aimed at people around you and third - social when you think that perfection is required of you by others. But whatever type of perfectionism was not inherent in you, with him, we can and must fight.
Recognize loss
Put up a sheet of paper and try to remember everything you lost due to perfectionism. You may have stopped the relationship with my girlfriend due to the fact that she refused to behave, to meet your high standards? Maybe refused beneficial work only because he was not afraid to deal with it? Or refused singing lessons that you liked, realizing that Opera prima't you be? Struggle with perfectionism is impossible, until you realize what a high price to pay for the desire to be perfect.
Slow speed
Psychologist Joan Borysenko, author of "the Inner world of women", advises every week to do any one thing half-heartedly. For example, to cook for lunch one dish, not three. "It is important to ensure that the world does not turn around, if we do something, does not give one hundred percent," says Joan Borysenko.
Set your priorities
At work, your hard work can bring success. But what about perfectionism in areas that do not have a significant impact on your life? After the birth of their fourth child, Heidi Klum lost weight in just a month and a half but she did it because the contract was supposed to participate in underwear show. If you do not have the same good reasons, try to save energy for what is really important.
Set realistic goals
Often we feel frustrated in their own abilities because incorrectly estimate their own strength. Consider whether you have the time to daily practice a foreign language? Maybe it is better to limit to three lessons per week, than to feel guilt, nothing before?
Appreciate good luck
You want to take part in an Amateur marathon, but after a month of training cannot run more than five miles. From the point of view of a perfectionist is a disaster - but remember why you started. Instead of chastise ourselves for what purpose is not achieved, praise yourself for what you are very well on the way to it.
Expect the worst
Before you begin, imagine what happens if you do it perfectly, what if you make a few errors and that is if you completely fail. In advance considering all the scenarios, you will not be afraid to do something wrong.
"The syndrome of otlichnicy" as a serious illness
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