Sunday, July 27, 2014

10 myths about food

10 myths about foodWith the concept of "healthy food" associated with many myths. As you look at them doctors? Advises the physician Elena V. Gurov.

Myth 1: Separate the power is useful and promotes weight loss

Nature originally programmed the digestive system of a person on a mixed diet. The set of enzymes produced by the stomach and pancreas, allows you to simultaneously digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

With regard to slimming with separate supply, it's wrong. Two groups of subjects were offered a diet with reduced calories. Some fed on the principle of food combining, other - mixed food. Weight changes in both groups were similar.

The phenomenon of weight loss some women while respecting the principle of food combining is quite understandable. With strict selection of products people involuntarily reduce total calorie intake, and therefore lose weight.

Myth 2: you can't read and watch TV when you eat. Otherwise the food will not be digested and will appear gastritis

French doctors-nutritionists say that the food at those while eating watching TV, absorbed well. People chewing in front of a blue screen, usually not in a hurry. They chew your food more slowly and, therefore, more carefully. In the food enters the stomach in powdered form and is well saturated with digestive juices. But for those who meal on the run, the chance of getting gastritis much higher.

Myth 3: eat less fat, the better figure. So from fats should be abandoned altogether

Indeed, limiting fatty foods, we lose weight the fastest. However, fats are necessary and useful. Impossible without them proper metabolism. In the absence of fat in the body is not absorbed vitamins a and E, almost cease to produce sex hormones. The lack of fat rapidly ageing skin and suffers from liver. Therefore, the oil, especially the vegetation, it is necessary to limit, but not to abandon it altogether. It is best to eat less foods containing hidden and not always healthy fats: cold cuts, mayonnaise, biscuits, cakes.

Myth 4: butter makes you fat, and vegetable - no

Vegetable oil does not contain cholesterol, so it is useful for the heart and blood vessels. However, its nutritional value exceeds the calories of butter. If the butter is a little water and protein, the plant is a "pure" fat. Therefore, to recover from any kind of oil.

Myth 5: the Black bread are much better for white because it has more vitamins and fiber, and it does not get better

The dark color of the bread does not mean that it has a lot of fiber. Brown can make the dough and caramel dyes. Calorie black and white bread are almost identical, so an increase in weight can be obtained in any case. The most useful and rich in vitamins bread with bran and yeast-free bread from whole grains. Good cereal with cereal.

Myth 6: you Should drink at least two liters of water a day: the more you drink, the more toxins out of the body

The word "slag" doctors puzzling. Still failed to identify "waste" with some specific substances. Although the physiology and biochemistry of humans studied quite well. Sometimes "slag" means all toxic substances are effectively removed from the body. It is safe to say that the rate of their removal does not depend on the amount of fluid you drink. It remains constant, changing only the density of the urine. So to clean up, loading the body with water, it is impossible.

However, some reason to drink plenty still there. It is noticed that those who consumed per day about 1, 5-2 l fluid, less likely to appear kidney stones. Drink plenty of water and reduces the likelihood of constipation.

Myth 7: Accumulated during the summer of vitamins, we are fully prepared to meet cold

Our body accumulates only fat-soluble vitamins: a, E, D and K. eaten by us in the summer vegetables and fruits are mostly water-soluble vitamins C, folic acid. They are in the body do not stay long and are quickly eliminated. So the vegetables and fruits you want to include in your diet all year round. Winter and spring are necessary and pharmacy multivitamin.

Myth 8: to spoil the appetite, you can eat an Apple or orange

It was found that apples and other fruits appetite is not suppressed, but on the contrary kindle. There are well-founded scientific explanation.

Sweet, but low-calorie fruits increase blood sugar levels. Accordingly, the body secretes insulin, which quickly disposes of sugar from fruits. However, for some time, insulin levels remain elevated and causes "wolf" appetite.

Hunger can be reduced by drinking a hot Cup of unsweetened green tea. And as a snack it is better to use corn flakes or savoury loaf. These products contain so-called complex carbohydrates, on which the body needs to work hard. Blood sugar and insulin after them "jump" is much less.

Myth 9: you Need to eat as much raw fruit and vegetables, the only way to provide the body with vitamins

Some "healers" recommend to eat up to three pounds of raw vegetables daily. But crude fiber many people poorly absorbed. Appear bloating, heartburn, loose stools. Due to the large amount of food quickly pass from the upper intestine and therefore does not need processing. Accordingly, it is not digested and vitamins. All you need to comply with the measure. The optimal ratio of raw and cooked vegetables and fruits for healthy people should be 2:3. People with diseases of the stomach and intestines share of raw fruits and vegetables should be reduced. And in order to get the necessary vitamins, you need to periodically take a multivitamin complexes.

In addition, note that the digestive enzymes of man primarily directed to the digestion of fruits and vegetables in their area. Therefore, the body is sometimes difficult to cope with a large number of exotic overseas delicacies, which leads to bowel disorder and allergies.

Myth 10: the Fruit and sweet just eat dessert

Actually fruit dessert can permanently get stuck in a full stomach. However, he loses many useful properties and hinders the process of digestion. Fruit eaten on a full stomach, often provoke abdominal pain and excessive gas formation. Therefore, fruit delicacy bring the body more good when eaten between meals.

Sweet, too, not necessarily at the end of the meal. Eaten before lunch a slice of chocolate can play the role of antipyretica, soothing "wolf" appetite.

It all depends on how hungry you are and how long they ate. If you miss another meal, start your meal with a couple of candy, a few tablespoons of jam or ice cream. This would accelerate the saturation of blood glucose, reduce hunger and keep you from overeating.


Women's health

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