Sometimes women are too shy to tell men that they remain unsatisfied due to the fact that the fast commit.
But an intelligent man, who loves and understands you, will always try to help both of you.
What can you do to prolong the sexual act?
Cream to prolong erections
There is a medicamental method of fight for prolonging sexual intercourse. This condoms and lubricant with anesthetic. Anesthetics prolong your sex for 5 - 10 minutes. Keep in mind that the action of the drug begins in a few minutes, until anesthetics do not penetrate the skin.
It is also important that regular use of such freezing is addictive, and after some time the man of her almost feels.
Daily sex
A well-known fact that the more often you have sex, the sexual act longer! Secret no no: frequent sex is not conducive to the rapid excitation of men.
Re sex
Often a man is able to recover quickly after the first ejaculation. So, after he had finished and rest, ask him again. The second time, of course, not as bright, but also full of impressions!
Possible option: first orgasm a man can achieve a Blowjob. Sometimes it helps not to remove the member after orgasm from her vagina, until she disappeared erection.
Slower rhythm
A change of pace, too, can help to prolong the pleasure. One of the most convenient positions, when a woman can control the pace of sex, this position of “woman on top”. So you will be able to maintain the desired rhythm.
't get excited themselves
Remember that your rapid excitation will allow the fastest to finish. So meet his member fully armed.
Alcohol for sex
Everyone knows that a small dose alcoholemia to prevent the rapid orgasm and a big one at all to clean it up. There is even research results (probably spent on themselves), which confirms the increase in the duration of sexual act 10 times after just 100 grams of cognac. The method is good to use after the holidays, but the use of booze before each sex can lead to very different problems.
Incidentally drinking before sex will delay not only him, but your orgasm...
Clenching the base of the penis
There is a secret technique on how to avoid quick orgasm. Immediately before the moment when the man is already close to orgasm, it is necessary to pull out the penis from the vagina and compress at the base. How much? So that he could feel. Of course, the man should be aware of this procedure and perform it himself.
Pulling the testicles
Another technique of sex is a gentle pulling the scrotum, before the close proximity of the orgasm. In this case, the man can also perform this procedure itself.
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