. German formula of love looks like 1:5. That is, every negative comment you need to compensate for five compliments. Dr. Hans-Werner Bierhoff sure that the compliments strengthen relationships add a touch of romance and not allowed to fade away love. Life is filled with all sorts of surprises, sometimes not very pleasant, but attentive to the partner and gratitude for the good things should never fade.
America. The formula derived by Americans, defines with precision of 94%, which pairs will be happy. Overseas scientists believe that the most important thing in marriage is the emotional connection and the ability to properly and constructively resolve conflicts. It only takes a few minutes of figuring out how things work out conflict or controversial issue is solved. If the conversation is dominated by aggressive notes, threats, sarcasm and rude tone, the couple almost no chance. Conversely, when two smiling, touching, soothing and supporting, speak calmly and in fact is a good sign. Americans agree with his German colleague that one negative word or gesture must be compensated by at least five positive.
. Polish scientist Bohuslav Polovski argues that for a long lasting and happy marriage need not so much. Namely, that the man was at 1, 09 times higher than his lady. In research conducted by the employee the study involved 600 women aged 19 to 50 years, together with its partners. Measuring pairs, scientists have concluded that people subconsciously chooses a mate based on this factor - such unions are the most successful. That is, for women with "model" growth, say 175 cm without heels, would be the optimal choice men (x, 09) growth 190-191 see And Vice versa, if some man nature Admirala from the toe to the crown of 160 cm, let looking for a girlfriend (160:1, 09) growth 146-147 see
Ukraine. The formula of the Polish scientist deduced experimentally, empirically has proven in the absence of a scientific explanation. Newspaper "dawn Prina provides a study of the effectiveness of the above-mentioned ratio, according to which man should be higher than women on average 14-16 see It with such a difference in growth during copulation in poses when lovers touch faces, their lips are just opposite each other. Passionate kisses during the "process" give marital relationship strong emotional charge, which is enough for a long time after sex. Unlike those cases, convergence, when the discrepancy in the growth of a man kisses a woman on the forehead, or barely touching his lips to her chin.
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