The formation of the spine occurs in childhood and continues into adolescence. Usually scoliosis appears in children and adolescents during periods of strong growth, as which can grow and spinal deformity.
Among the five children with scoliosis affecting about 10 percent of children. To the end of school scoliosis is detected in almost half of the adolescents. Girls more often than boys, are at risk, as are less sedentary life.
The most dangerous age for the development of scoliosis is the period from 10 to 14 years, when the skeleton is still not fully formed, and the child has more often than before, to sit at the table, preparing lessons, or spend time at the computer (again) while playing music, etc. a diligent home children, overloaded training sessions, are often caused by diseases of the spine. The development of scoliosis contributes to poor posture, which leads to an uneven load on the spine and muscles. Further change occurs in the ligaments of the spine, deformity of the vertebrae themselves - the result is a persistent lateral curvature.
Early diagnosis is the key to success in the treatment of scoliosis, and therefore, parents should make every effort to ensure not to miss the beginning of the disease.
To determine the presence of scoliosis (not degree of scoliosis, which should be defined only by a doctor! very easily - just carefully examine the back of the child. Ask him to stand up and take a convenient position, the arms are lowered, the muscles are relaxed, the back is not specifically draw. Note the level at which the child's shoulders - what leverage above, what is below the level at which the bottom of the blade is higher or lower? Look closely at the sides: one side may be pulled more than the other, and if the child is plump, then on one side can be pleated (and the other not), perhaps one of the sides is convex.
The presence of at least one of the above signs and the child, and the adult is a serious cause for concern and a visit to the specialist who will be able to confirm or disprove your suspicions and prescribe additional tests.
Instrumental methods of examination
After examination, if the doctor confirms your suspicions, you will likely want to conduct some research tools. First of all radiography is one of the most widely used methods of diagnosis of spinal curvature.
X-ray examination of any of the spine is called "spondylopathy". Perform radiography of the spine in the standing position and a lying position, and also make profile picture in the supine position.
Only after careful examination of radiographs of the spine in standard projections to clarify the information received may be assigned additional research in other planes, the bending and straightening of the spine and even when it is stretched, and also in the sitting position, leaning to the right and to the left.
Radiographically you can define any curvature of the spine greater than 10°. However, radiographs are not visualized soft tissues (ligaments, muscles, discs and other). For further diagnosis, detection compression of neural structures used other methods of diagnosis. For example, in the presence of neurological symptoms may require magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a method based on obtaining images of tissues and organs by means of electromagnetic waves. This diagnostic method is safe and can, if necessary, to be used repeatedly on the same patient. The resulting digital imaging data.subjected to computer processing. The image on MRI are presented in a series of longitudinal and transverse sections. MRI is the "gold standard" for the diagnosis of pathological changes of soft tissues, such as nerve structures, ligaments, muscles. MRI can detect degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs, hypertrophy of the facet joints, spinal stenosis, herniated disc and other pathological conditions.
Computed tomography (CT) is a method in which images of tissues and organs using x-rays as well as with conventional radiography. The information obtained is subjected to computer processing, the resulting image is presented in the IDA series of longitudinal and transverse sections. In CT you can study how bone structures and soft tissues. However, CT scan is the most informative for detecting pathological changes in the bone tissue, such as osteophytes and hypertrophy of the facet joints. Images of soft tissues in computed tomography compared with MRI is not so clear and informative. In order to enhance research on diagnostic pathology of soft tissue CT scan is often combined with performing a myelogram.
MRI - this method is the lead for the study of soft-tissue structures of the spinal canal, including the spinal cord and nerve roots. Before performing a myelogram spinal canal (under the sheath of the spinal cord) is injected contrast agent. This is done using a special needle, which is inserted below the end of the spinal cord (lumbar region), so that damage to the nerve structures when conducting this research is practically eliminated. The contrast agent is distributed through the spinal channel, flowing the spinal cord, nerve roots. Next is x-ray of the spine. MRI can reveal herniated disc, tumor, or fracture of the spine.
Radioisotope scanning is based on registration of radiation to the patient after administration of radioactive drugs inside or intravenously using a special gamma camera. The isotope accumulates in certain tissues and organs. Duration half-life of medical isotopes is only a few hours, and the intensity of radiation is extremely low. Therefore, this diagnostic method is not dangerous for the health of the patient. Normal radioactive drug is distributed evenly in bone. With a focal pathological processes, uneven distribution of a radioactive drug: redundant (hot fire) or low (cold fire) accumulation in pathological sections. The image of organs and tissues in which there is an accumulation of isotopes, obtained by using a special gamma camera. Radioisotope scanning is the most informative for the diagnosis of neoplastic diseases of the spine, and metabolic bone disease such as osteoporosis.
Ultrasound (ultrasonography) is not the main method of diagnosis of diseases of the spine, as most bone density, which consists of the body of the vertebra, it is not possible to obtain using ultrasonic scanner sufficiently clear and high-contrast structures of the spine.
All these methods allow to achieve one specific goal - to make an accurate clinical diagnosis. He needed to understand how to deal with illness. In most cases, patients with curvature of the spine are treated conservatively (surgical methods are shown only for those who suffer from severe forms of the disease). The main component of conservative therapy - therapeutic exercise. Other methods (e.g., massage or apply a special corsets) are considered minor.
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