According to statistics, every year millions of foreign bodies fall into the gastrointestinal tract of children. This is the result of careless handling of small items and the oversight of their parents. How not to get lost in such a situation?
Most often, the diagnosis of "foreign body" is set in early childhood. As soon as babies begin to crawl and then to walk, they quickly learn not available to them previously territories and objects, some of them should be out of the reach of children. Acquaintance with new items is the most exhaustively through all the available senses. The child should play around and be considered a "toy" from all sides, be sure to smell, and most importantly - to determine the degree of its edibility. The result of this curiosity is that the items fall into the mouth, and then in the gastrointestinal tract or the respiratory tract of the baby.
If you witness such a situation, immediately call an ambulance. Baby must be under medical supervision, even if in the first hours there are no symptoms and it feels good. A foreign body with sharp edges (needles, pins, badges, etc) may get stuck in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract, which increases the risk of puncture of his wall. Large and heavy foreign body (for example, a metal ball) that do not themselves go and are long in the intestine, can cause significant damage to the wall with bleeding or perforation (violation integrity). Therefore, when the ingress of foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract need to be sure that it came out, which carefully inspect each chair of the child.
If the child was not in your field of vision when the accident occurred, to detect the presence of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract will be much harder. In addition, often children, fearing punishment, hide this fact from their parents.
Usually kids swallow small things - toys or items, coins, buttons, seeds from the fruit. Typically, the child is not experiencing any discomfort, except fear. In the future the child may not complain, since in most cases small items out within 2-3 days by yourself.
If the subject of considerable size and blocks the lumen of the esophagus, then immediately appear paperchine, profuse salivation, may be hiccups, belching, nausea, vomiting. Any food eaten and water go back.
Carefully batteries!
Immediately contact your doctor if the foreign body was the battery. The stomach contains hydrochloric acid, battery, oxidized and highlighting the harsh substances may damage the mucous membrane due to chemical burn. This place can form ulcers that leads to life-threatening complications. Disk batteries are especially dangerous in the esophagus, where they can quickly cause necrosis and perforation (necrosis and rupture) its walls.
What to do?
As you can see, the child's behaviour and symptoms will depend on the size, shape, material object, which swallowed the child. If you suspect a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract, primarily the need to address the question of early delivery of the baby in the hospital. It is necessary to call an ambulance and take the child to the hospital, preferably in a multidisciplinary, which includes surgical, radiographic, endoscopic, ultrasound Department is available around the clock.
Prior to arrival of the ambulance, parents do not need to take any attempts to pull, shake out or "push" the foreign body further into the stomach (for example, giving the child the bread). You can only hurt. It is impossible to feed and water the baby, including breast milk. You can moisten with water lips if they are dry. We have to try, if possible, to soothe your child and collect the necessary documents to the hospital: medical policy of the child and the mother.
If the baby is coughing, choking, suffocating, you can knock the side of the hand or fingers on his back between the shoulder blades, sending punches from the bottom up, throwing the baby through the knee so that the upper part of the body was lowered. Child up to 1 year placed on the hand, face down, head slightly lowered, the index or middle finger "reference" hands put the child into his mouth, opening his free hand Pat on the back. This should not be done if the baby can breathe, as a sharp slap can shift the subject in such a way that it will block the airway or cause them edema, seriously complicating the breath. Do not forget that the main objective of the action is relieved breath (if it is difficult). If the shortness of breath no, you should wait for the arrival of the ambulance.
In the receiving compartment of the child examined by a pediatrician and surgeon, if necessary, conduct additional tests: x-ray, endoscopy or ultrasound. It should be remembered that the x-ray image is visible only metallic foreign bodies, stones and some types of glass - plastic and wooden objects are not detected due to the texture of the material. Based on the survey and these methods of investigation, diagnosis and determines the location of the foreign body. Baby leave the hospital and in most cases, to see the moment when the subject will not appear independently (usually 2-3 days), assigning a laxative.
If you need urgent removal of foreign body or hindered its progress along the gastro-intestinal tract, in 99% of cases helps endoscopic treatment. This is possible when the foreign body is not lower than 12 duodenal ulcer, which can get fibroezofagogastroduodenoscopy (endoscop, with which it is possible to remove the foreign body from the upper parts of the gastrointestinal tract: esophagus, stomach, the initial parts of the small intestine). Removing a foreign body is using endoscopic loops, baskets or clamps, threaded through the endoscope, which is introduced through the mouth.
Sometimes a foreign body can push the apparatus, and further when a laxative it will help him quickly leave the body naturally. If endoscopically remove the foreign body has not been performed laparoscopic or abdominal surgery, which is always traumatica for the body and is associated with a much larger number of probable complications. Laparoscopic surgery is different from the cavity to the fact that not be a large incision in the anterior abdominal wall and through the small holes in the abdomen to put the laparoscope and special surgical tools, which are surgeons. Surgical technique is chosen by the surgeon depending on where the foreign body, what is its shape and size, taking into account the child's condition.
Do not leave the little one alone. You need to remove out of the reach of the baby small dangerous objects. Much care should be taken to the choice of toys: they must correspond to the age of the baby and not to be small and easy break-away details.
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