He shrugged their shoulders and did uncomprehending face. It seems to really not reached that a reason to be offended she has. Stupid, pointless, but very good. And gave it to her himself. Something like they have already happened. She suddenly for no apparent reason was crying, or stopped to talk with him, or went into the bedroom and lay there with a mysterious form of a stone idol from Easter island. Once, for instance, she was mad at him on Sunday, when she cooked dinner, and he first pulled out of the fridge mayonnaise with ketchup and grabbed the salt shaker. "You don't like the way I cook! - she sobbed. "You could have just said! " He liked, but to convince her that he didn't get it. A normal person it is hard to believe that you can like that, without looking, salt and pepper food and throw it spoons of mayonnaise with ketchup, not even trying - just for old gnarled habit. And disbelief quickly turns into resentment, especially among women.
Another time he called tonight and said that he would come a little later because he promised to bring a colleague to the house. Although, of course, in this act there was absolutely nothing wrong, so she didn't mind.
But then it turned out that he brought the girl, recently sat for him in the office. The very thing about which she had already asked him and he replied that nothing special, a bit chubby. And the girl actually looks like a typical dream of an average man. It was enough to learn the password from his page in the social network, to be sure.
And here's him as a puppy in a puddle, poked his nose into irrefutable evidence.
"It is your colleague, liar you shameless? - she squeezed her fists.
And you don would like to hear what I have sitting in the car sexy long legged babe with third chest size? - sincerely he wondered.
And she was offended.
The most difficult thing in a relationship is not to accumulate a grudge, and to transform them in the correct energy and direct it in the right direction. But it requires great strength - mental and emotional - and therefore rare. If the offended partner for the way he delivers the information, not necessarily that he's lying. Perhaps he simply did not have enough personal space, and the lack of freedom he compensates by telling what he thinks is right. Every person should have your secret, your personal imaginary safe. Otherwise, he begins to write stories.
Do as I
Masha persuaded Dima to go together to a party of her friends and regretted it. Dima looked like something arespectable: arrived at the event in frivolous sneakers and in addition have got with new friends from among the former Masha's classmates. And literally. Both young men, as it turned out, loved the song "Reykjavik", which began to do immediately, karaoke, not sparing the vocal cords.
Dima sang badly - affected by the lack of hearing and completely unprofessional vocals. But with great inspiration and excitement, because to sing good songs he liked in principle. Surrounding smiled, Masha embarrassed and blushed. Going to the dime, she tugged at his sleeve: "Enough! They all look! I already uncomfortable! "
Face Dima for a moment became something too calm, a sure sign of wounded pride after being hit in the most painful point. He then whispered in Her ear, so no one has to know. Masha quickly left, and it goes without saying that she was offended...
Girls very offended when a man does not or refuses to be serious. And often their lines in her disgruntled look really makes too big of idiots to take up the mind and perevospitaniya. But to be honest, every man in the soul wants to close the man was ready to support him always and in all circumstances. And if someone blush with shame and embarrassment, then you need to think carefully. Whether he does this unshaven subject who does not hesitate to argue with sellers and waiters and does a lot of nonsense, is not peculiar to respectable people? In reality there is no guarantee that one day he will say: "If you are ashamed of me, live one".
Analyze it
A favorite pastime of girls debriefing. Being creatures more harmonious, they are constantly dissect relationships, as plastic surgeons their favorite clients to bring them to perfection. Girls believe that men have the same thing happens. And saying "we need to talk", they expect to hear in response, "Yes, I was just going, but you are ahead of me, and therefore I am all attention." And when it turns out that being in a plaid shirt at a computer is not easy-going, very offended.
Bitterly have to admit that men do not tend to analyze relationships in the order queue. This girls easily get to fry an egg for Breakfast, prepare a quarterly report and to do psychoanalysis without interrupting production. Men are just physically can't because of the more primitive devices of the brain. But the male insensitivity, those who mistreat girls, only partly explains this. Girls bad to articulate the problem, so what they really want, is often unclear. None of them, for example, do not say, "you Know, darling, I accidentally got into your phone and read a text message from an unknown to me person, or so tomorrow you lead me to the registry office, or move to the couch in the living room". Instead, she starts a serious conversation, and seeing once again the stupidity of partner, resentfully silent for a few days.
I would venture to assume that life would be much easier if their grievances girls didn't hide his true intentions. "I'm hurt" - this role is purely voluntary, because each of us chooses to be offended him or not. Offense is easier, because being offended, it is possible to shift the responsibility for the situation to another person. And if you know how to fix it, so why be offended? As a partner will be able to understand what he is to blame and what needs to be fixed, if she resentfully silent? ?
Don't come near me...
For all the time that the Ira held a meeting with friends in a cafe, Artem is not called even once. She was offended. For instance, she always calls him several times a day to see how it Pusic, and it seemed not to bother quite a three-hour absence of his girlfriend. But the most unpleasant thing happened when one night Artem suddenly announced that he lacks oxygen, and he started to choke a little from home environment. So he decided to go with Northwind and ruts for a few days in the mountains. And then Ira offended truly...
Anya had no time to get a passport before the New year, but didn't tell Elijah to not be upset. When friends invited them to go to the Baltic States by car, Ilya began to gather, and then found out that Ana is absolutely nothing to show at the border. "What can you do? "he asked, confused scraping the back of his head. "Think! "replied Anya. And Elijah really thought. She was offended...
C. brought Polina to himself, and he passed out, and she was offended... Kate asked the restaurant to pay for itself, and Doctor no said, and she was offended. "Maybe she will spend the night? "said his girlfriend K. about his ex-wife, and she was offended...
Many girls believe that they are offended consciously. For example, men can do this to make it easier to manipulate the weaker sex. Or cause offense, punishing their friends at fault (and it's good if you don't retaliate! ). Or simply prove its superiority and amuse his notorious ego. But personally, my life's observations: if a girl really starting to think so, it means one of two things. Or her boyfriend is a complete psychological maniac. Or her paranoia.
But in any case, you openly admit to herself that the relationship must end, so long as not to suffer.
Borisov-Bitter About.
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