The official version says that she was born on 19 December 1975 in the family of Soviet superstar Galina Loginova in the glorious city of Kiev and in the passport the girl was listed the name Natasha. Itself Galina Loginova not once told in an interview that was called the daughter of Ukrainian gentle Darling, and questions about his brilliant career in the USSR answered evasively and more smiling.
Galina actually filmed in the movie. Perhaps her most famous work - the film "Much ADO about nothing", where she played with Konstantin Raikin. To start a career in film Loginova helped the case: on the street poured a terrible downpour, soaked to the skin Galina, to wait out the bad weather, ran into the building, where at the time passed the entrance exams in University. However, the vibrant student life in the capital has not prevented Gale return distribution in his native Kiev.
Romance with her future husband and father Milla also resembled the plot for a Hollywood melodrama. Gods Jovovich, Yugoslav pediatrician, had dinner with friends at the restaurant "Swan", which went Galina accompanied by friends. Casual acquaintance marked the beginning of a stormy relationship, which ended in an international marriage. Union Jovovich and Loginova was hampered by the realities of the Soviet Union, however, the difficulties did not deter newlyweds: the Gods forged documents came to sweetheart to shoot, Galina and she bravely endured interrogations in local authorities and the failure of the Directors, who did not want to give the role of the wife of a foreigner. In addition, Soviet medicine put Galina diagnosis of "infertility" and began to actively treat a woman from disease. What surprise Loginova, when another examination she has got on reception to the visitor the doctor, who, after making examination, exclaimed: "What is infertility?! She is on the 4th month of pregnancy! "
Dream on-American
The decision to leave the Union with the daughter was given Galina hard and not immediately. Up to five years Milla Jovovich lived in Kiev and was no different from other Ukrainian children: wore flannelette dresses, goat's wool mittens and boots. By the way, the boots helped Galina and millet to be removed from the Union of some of the jewelry. Customs all valuables were temporarily withdrawn, but because Galina was not supposed to advertise that leaves the country forever, she couldn't raise a fuss over taken the ring. Came to help a friend Loginova, who was to escort them to the airport and unbeknownst to the officers hid the ring in the boots Milla. Mother and daughter went to London, where the Gods of Milla Jovovich had its own clinic, and in 1980 he emigrated to the United States. The last film, where he starred Loginova, was published in the USSR only after 8 years after the departure of actress abroad.
If in the Soviet Union Galina was shot, albeit infrequently, in America Russian actress was not necessary. History is silent as to how the family Jovovich took refuge in the Villa of the famous film Director Brian De Palma, but he Galina Loginova has long worked as domestics. Brian, known for its professional flair, he noticed a young Mimi, or simply millet (name Darling proved to be too difficult for Americans), glimpses of talent and urged Galina closely to pursue the career of her daughter. So Milla Jovovich began its journey to the American dream. "We were immigrants, we had to survive. I hope that my children go through this do not have", - she will remember later.
Lolita million
If 10-year-old girl was not aware of what it wants to achieve in the "country of great opportunities," that her mother was configured very strongly and to accomplish their goals spared no effort, no time, no money. Galina paid daughters teachers for art, music and acting, hoping that at least one of the talents daughter will eventually be revealed.
Success came from nowhere. The work of a professional photographer, whose services were paid from the salaries of workers De Palma, came to the Agency, "prima", where 11-year-old girl was immediately interested. Milla at that time looked much older than his years: the girl grew thin and lanky, and was awarded the school an unpleasant nickname "Communist spitting image".
Vicious and together with the angel virgin beauty Jovovich first attracted the attention of editors of glossy magazines, and then - famous photographer Richard Avedon. Photo shoot for the magazine "Mademoiselle" exceeded all expectations. Mila's was supposed to appear on the cover of the book, but at the last moment it turned out that she was barely 11 years old. The editor refused to put a picture underage Jovovich on the cover, for fear of scandal. In response, the famous Avedon refused to continue the cooperation with the "Mademoiselle" if the photos will not be published. The war between the businessman and the artist ended in victory last - Jovovich became the youngest model to appear on the cover of a glossy magazine.
"The girl, whose career began before menstruation" is the nickname she entered the world of show business. To 14 years Jovovich earned his first million, signing a contract for advertising cosmetics Revlon. It was followed by an advertising company GAP, Banana Republic, Versace, Calvin Klein. Any other girls from this success could easily pomuchitsya mind, but not with Milla that was "guarded" by the mother.
Girl persistently urged Americans to use the Revlon lipstick and walked the catwalk in glamorous dresses from Versace, and in ordinary life, Galina Loginova forbade his daughter to paint her lips and taught to dress modestly (still a favorite clothing Jovovich remain jeans and a t-shirt).
In the movie Jovovich made her debut at the age of 13, playing in the movie Zalman king's "two moon junction", in 1991 appeared in the film "return to the Blue lagoon", a little later - in the Comedy "Cuffs" with Christian Sleyterom and drama "Chaplin". Galina Loginova tactfully refrained from making any comments about the acting abilities daughter (it was enough that Milla invited to the casting of well-known Directors, and work centerfolds brings a stable income), while itself Jovovich with a pinch of salt treated his film career. "He wasn't too good, but do not overstretch yourself, " said Milla, completing the work in "Chaplin". Second jodie foster I did not".
The reverse side of glory
When Millais was 15, her career was threatened. The reason was the father: for fraud medical insurance Gods of Milla Jovovich at 7 years was put in a Los Angeles jail. First - he same and last - visit Milla to the father threw the girl into a deep shock. Jovovich, impressed by the sight of his father in prison, crying day and night and was unable to work. Attempts by the mother to bring her daughter out of depression failed: tired of the obsessive care Galina, she moved out of the parental home and took a two-story apartment in downtown Los Angeles than formally gave the mother "resign".
After 7 years, the Gods have returned home. Imprisonment made him sullen, silent and suspicious. Three years Galina tried to adapt to the "new" husband, but could not stand, filed for divorce.
In isolation
Feeling the taste of freedom, Milla came off under the full program. Hardly the girl turned 16, she jumped married. It did not work, and jumped, because Jovovich along with 21-year-old actor Shawn Andrews literally ran away from the shooting area "dazed and confused" to go to Las Vegas, where young painted without parental consent and unnecessary bureaucracy. After learning of this news, the mother of Milla was beside himself with rage. She tried to reason with Jovovich, but certainly would be left with nothing if I hadn Milla didn't realize that they are with Sean out of the way. The marriage was annulled on local law no big deal.
However, this does not meant that she was back under the thumb of Galina. In an interview Loginova with horror he remembered times when he came to the apartment of her daughter, she saw that her girl smokes marijuana and do not even think to hide his enthusiasm for "grass" from the mother. Desire Milla to assert themselves were sometimes stronger than common sense.
Also Jovovich remembered his long-standing passion for music and plunged in experiments with vocals and guitar, ignoring suggestions about filming and casting. 3 year girl settled in England, where he established a folk band and twisted novels with budding musicians. As a result of her efforts was the debut album "The Divine Comedy". On the drive there and Ukrainian folk song "Na Luzhaike" ("On the lawn").
The money ended much earlier than Milla left the desire to assert themselves away from Hollywood. She had to return to fashion shows. Thinking about how she was tired of living in the aircraft flight Milan - Tokyo - Los Angeles, Jovovich has received an offer that could not refuse. The main role in the film "the Fifth element" was the straw that Milla jumped to escape from the "Bohemian swamp" business model.
Sleepless history
The film Director Luc Besson made from top model not only the heroine of the new film - the perfect woman Lila, but also his wife. About the wedding of the daughter Galina learned from the message left by Milla on the answering machine. "Mom! We were married! We got married and jumped from 13 thousand feet with a parachute! "said the message. Loginova was in shock.
And Milla amused that her husband calls her on the people "androgyne" or "alien", and happily played along with the Besson. So, at the festival in Cannes, the actress appeared in elegant evening dress,... barefoot.
...Besson, who was in love with almost everyone who was against him in a radius of five meters, do not deny yourself the pleasure to bask in the rays of female adoration. Infinite betrayal caused the divorce Milla and Lucas. In memory of husband Jovovich left "residence" in a big Hollywood movie, this is her after the success of "the Fifth element", and a castle in Normandy. The latter circumstance it seemed her mother's sophisticated mockery. "Luke bought Mille castle in Normandy. Crazy farm 200 acres of land with forest, with a river... " said Loginova in an interview. I begged her: "Darling, I want a castle? Buy new York buy in Los Angeles! " But the Hatch was easy to hold her closer to my house... No, of course, the three of us traveled a lot, and when I decided to open a medical business, Luke has invested money in it... But the shooting of "Joan of Arc" has ended... And now she is in new York city and the castle in France".
In new York, away from her castle and her former husband, she did not lose time in vain: in 2000 came the film "Hotel "Million dollars" based on script by Bono, the lead singer of the band "U2", - the film received an award at the Berlin film festival. In addition, she recorded two more albums and a novel twist with the cult guitarist of the rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers ' John Frusciante, which once again confirmed that the girl was not going to lose heart.
Cute vampire
With the Director of the blockbuster "resident evil" Paul Anderson at Milla happened almost the same story as with Besson. The influence of men very soon spread outside the shooting area, and Milla announced the Sex of her official boyfriend. However, this time the actress has shunned exalted deeds like skydiving - relations couples are developing steadily and without unnecessary emotional outbursts.
"Of course, I was a bit nocodazole in his life, says Milla. It made me quite cautious: it is unlikely that I will now married, knowing the man less than five years". Well, the Floor was not so much. He already has the courage to make Mille formal proposal of marriage, and to obtain prior consent to the marriage.
August 22, 2009 famous Hollywood actress Milla Jovovich was married to Director Paul W.S. Anderson, the father of her daughter eve Gabo, born November 4, 2007.
Filmography Milla Jovovich
Vintovka A.
Arguments and Facts
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