Things in our daily use is strictly perform the required functions, and we don't even think about the fact that talc can be used not only for skin, chewing gum not only to chew, and soap is not only to wash their hands.
Talc is an effective repellent for ants: liberally scatter it around the house and where ants enter the house, such as doors and Windows. Among other effective natural repellents - borax, sulfur powder and clove oil. You can also try to plant around the house mint.
How to stop squeaky floors. Do not wait until the creaking floorboards will drive you crazy. To quickly resolve this stimulus, sprinkle talcum powder or powdered graphite between the creaky floorboards. If will not work, inject into cracks a little liquid wax.
Removing blood stains from fabric. To wash away the fresh blood stains from clothes or furniture, apply a paste made of water and talcum powder on the stained place. When it dries, smectite remains brush. If there is no talc, replace it with starch or corn flour.
Remove grease stains from carpets. Grease stain can ruin the luxurious carpet. To remove grease stains can talc and a fair amount of patience. Sprinkle dirty place talc and wait for at least 6 hours, until the talcum powder will absorb the grease. Then vacuum the carpet. Instead of talc can take baking soda, corn flour or starch.
Remove grease stains from synthetic. To remove a grease stain from things from synthetics, such as polyester, apply talcum powder directly on the stain and RUB in with your fingers. Wait 24 hours and carefully smectite brush. Repeat until the stain will not disappear.
The weakening of the nodes. Don't break a nail, untying the knot on the drawstring boots. Sprinkle talcum powder shoelaces (or nodes on any thin ropes), and to unravel them will become much easier. Talc suitable for untangling jewelry chains.
Chewing gum
From flatulence and heartburn. To pacify rebellious gases and relieve heartburn, try mint chewing gum. The oil that is contained in the mint acts as a carminative agent. Directly chewing gum stimulates saliva, which neutralizes gastric acid and adjusts the flow of digestive juices. Peppermint also acts as a means of promoting digestion.
Fix points. If the lenses become suddenly ill to stay in the frame, put a piece of gum in the corner of the lens, so it didn't fall out until you give points in repair.
Seal cracks. When you don't have anyone zamatyvaesh tools, you can use the gum. For example, to cover the crack in the pot or the dog bowl.
The allure of the crab. To catch a crab is easy and very simple way. Chew a bit of gum, that it was softened, but has not lost the taste, and attach to the line. Lower the bait and wait for the crabs reach for the gum.
Temporary window putty. If your window maybe will tumble, and you do not have enough time to correct this situation, take some chewing gum, pre-chewed up, and use them to secure the window. Only do not tighten with the repair, chewing gum from the cold may disappear, along with window.
Freeing a stuck zipper. A fastener is jammed? RUB it with a piece of soap along the teeth. Soap grease will make her move.
Free running mailbox. If the drawers of your dresser or vanity table ejected with difficulty, RUB soap the bottom of the drawer from the outside and the supports on which they walk.
Grease the threads and blade. Metal, lubricated with soap, easier passes through the tree. Screw a screw into a piece of soap before use on purpose, and gently RUB the soap cloth saws.
The loosening of broken light bulbs. If the bulb broke, and its base is left in the cartridge, do not attempt to Unscrew it with your bare hands will be scratches and cuts. First disconnect the lamp from the network. Insert the corner of the large dry bar of soap in the cartridge. A few times, rotate it, and the cap is turned.
Down with fleas. Fed up damned fleas? Pour into a bowl a little water and apply a few drops of liquid soap for dishes. Put a plate on the floor next to the lamp. Fleas love the light they will jump in the bowl and drown.
Deodorizing car. Want in the car smelled good, but you are tired of these deodorants in the form of Christmas trees with the scent of pine? Put a piece of soap with your favorite scent in fishnet and hang to the rear view mirror.
Marking fabric. Instead of the purchase of chalk when marking binder works perfectly fine remnant; traces of soap quickly go after washing.
The holder pins. Here is a simple replacement pads for pins. Wrap the soap in the fabric and tie to the strength of the ribbon. Everything is ready! Can stick pins. In addition, the soap lubricates the pin, making it easier to work.
Save the fresh things removed. Removing the storage of clothes, suitcases and bags, put them a piece of your favorite soap. It will keep things fresh until the next season, and in your bags and suitcases out there is no smell of mustiness.
To save. When the remnants will become so small that they are impossible to take in hand, still don't throw them away. Make the sponge a little cut and paste inside the remnant. It will suffice for some time.
According to the materials of the portal Housewife.
Women's Magazine
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