Ladies measurements
The female body has a number of features. First of all, this is quite a high fat content. It is about 25% of body weight. This indicator is considered normal. However, most of the women he is above 30%, 40% and even 50%. Moreover, a higher proportion of fat is not only due to the subcutaneous fat, but also because of the so-called visceral fat.
A strong half of mankind is not too suffers from an excess of visceral fat". In looking for a men it is normal. With women it is the opposite. Even slender girls can be excess visceral adipose tissue. So need to watch not only for the figure. Exercises should be directed to burn "internal fat". Its correction should be included in the individual program. You can create only after the individual calculations. That's why the woman who came to the gym, be sure to examine.
This is done in two ways. The first is with the computer systems. They immediately give information on subcutaneous and internal fat and calculate, how many and where should be removed.
The second option is a little less accurate - the doctor will examine the patient, make all measurements and special tables calculates the parameters. If this is not done, the woman is forced to do blindly.
Running with the mind
Classes should start with the treadmill. It is necessary to train at least 2-3 weeks. It is very important exercise intensity. To define it using the pulse. First you need to know the maximum allowable heart rate. It is calculated according to the formula: 225 minus your age. This limits the cardiovascular system.
In order to prepare the cardiovascular system and little to lose weight, heart rate during exercise should be 65-70% of maximum. If it will exceed the specified value, the training of the discharge aerobic go into anaerobic. It will train the muscles, tone them and change the terrain.
But the amount of subcutaneous fat such training effect will be only to a small extent. But the cardiovascular system is not to train but to wear out.
Interval scheme
You need to train in a specific pattern. On the first practice run not necessarily enough fast walk at a speed of 5 km per hour. Gradually, the body gets used to the load and responds adequate pulse. Then you can move on to a run. In this case, training can be built on the principle of intervals. The first 5 minutes is a warm-up, which consists in accelerating the walk. Then goes running straight for 15-20 minutes.
The subsequent stage can be performed only by trained women who are into Jogging not less than six months. They can advise 5-10 minutes of running with a modified angle - "uphill". Then follows a hitch. You need to return the angle to zero and gradually reduce speed, moving from Jogging to walking.
Stretching and belly
In 1-1, 5 months to run, you can add stretching exercises - stretching. All the exercises are done very slowly, until the discomfort. He should disappear without a trace after 10-15 seconds of rest. If this does not happen, the muscle fibers were stretched too much. The intensity of the exercise should be reduced.
According to this principle it is necessary to do at least a few months. Then comes the second stage. The principle of stretching is changing. Now the exercise lasts 30 seconds. During this time the pain subsides. So you can relax.
Then comes the turn of the press. Legs and torso up to 20-25 reps 2-3 sets with an interval of 3 minutes. This simple exercise can be done not only in the gym but at home. Thus, press "swinging" every day.
So we need to do during 1-1, 5 months. Well, then you can go to the gym, aerobics, shaping, yoga or Pilates.
Customizable trainers
In men, the whole body is divided into zones, which are being developed consistently. For example, during one class train only chest and legs. During the second - only the back and arms, while the third thighs and biceps. In some clubs this scheme of training offered to women. But it's wrong.
First female training are General in nature. This means that during each visit, working out all muscle groups, and in a certain sequence. It can be called ascendant: first are given exercises on the legs, then the load is transferred to the hips, waist and back. Well, everything ends of the upper humerus. This continues for the first two or three months.
Then circuit training is changing as it becomes the alternate. That is, during a visit to considering only the lower half of the body - buttocks and legs. Next lesson includes exercises for the upper half of the body - the back, the chest muscles and arms. Press "swinging" always, regardless of what part of the body is now developing. Abdominal muscles is the most problematic area for all women. So you have always to pay attention.
Then the program can be difficult. To begin with, to share class time. It usually lasts about an hour. In this case, 40-45 minutes will be devoted to work on one half of the body. And the remaining 15-20 minutes to do the exercise on the problem area of the other half.
Such a scheme is easiest to explain by example. Suppose today you within 45 minutes of work on the legs and buttocks. Then the remaining time give exercises for the triceps. Or chest muscles. Or back muscles. In the next lesson, the opposite is true: considering the upper half of the body. And about a quarter of an hour is allocated on exercise equipment for legs, buttocks, back or inner thigh.
In one word, it selects one small problem area, which worked out additionally, the off-time. This scheme, like the previous one, includes a constant training of the press. It should be performed at each visit to the gym.
Critical days
Female organism lives in its physiological cycle. During the "critical days" endurance of the female body is reduced. Consequently, the load must be less. If we are talking about cardio, it makes more sense to reduce the speed training, retaining its duration. On the same principle rebuilt workout on any other cardio equipment. As for the gym, strength exercises must be performed with a smaller than usual weight.
Approved products
For female training was developed by a special power circuit. First, what products should be withdrawn from the diet. First of all, it's all semi - dumplings, pancakes, meatballs, cabbage rolls. As for meat, it is only in "live" form. This means that the sausage, loin, canned meat from his menu to exclude. The same can be said about canned fish, dried and salted fish. And still need to completely abandon bakery products.
Salt should be consumed as little as possible. We only need a little salt to your food. It is allowed to remain cereals, meat, fish, vegetables and fruit.
The strict diet must be followed in the first two weeks of classes at the gym. There is only approved products, and their portions are not too large. After two weeks it is possible to arrange one carbohydrate day a week. In this day you can eat anything - ice cream, cakes, chocolate.
A little later, about a month - diet becomes even more democratic. It is conventionally called "5 2". This means that five days followed the diet, and two days - usually it's the weekend - man eats what he wants.
In the third month the power scheme is based on a "2 to 1". Two days followed the diet, one day a person eats in its sole discretion. So you can eat for a long time - up to several years.
Women's health
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