Monday, July 28, 2014

7 misconceptions about beauty

We all want to be beautiful, isn't it? To make desire in life, we need constantly to resort to mental costs that efficiency is similar to scientific discoveries. The most unfair is the fact that our inferences are often far from positive result.

Top most common misconceptions.

1. Wiping the face with ice - useful?

7 misconceptions about beauty

Mistakenly believed that wiping the face with ice is useful for skin - rejuvenation sake, so to speak. However, it is proved that the water very low temperatures is much more harmful even than high.

Very cold water is stressful for the skin. Remember the school course of physics. What body, if you are constantly converging and diverging (and that's exactly what happens to our vessels, when we wash your face with very cold water)? Ultimately expanded. Thus we break the flow of blood to the face, and then a mesh of capillaries, which appears on your face.

Contrast water therapy is useful - but not under the care of the skin.

2. The correct cream is the solution to all problems of the skin7 misconceptions about beauty

You yourself believe in it? Our face is the mirror of what is happening in the body. The condition of our skin is a clear demonstration that: if we eat, to put it mildly, it is unclear what, this skin will not tolerate. And how could we not excelled creams - if not comprehensively approach the problem, nothing good will come of it.

7 misconceptions about beauty3. The more cream the better

Another myth. To achieve the desired effect enough to put on the face of 2-3 grams. Moreover, examine the composition of its cream - and not always in it you will see only healthy natural ingredients. And acid, extracts and other chemistry why liberally apply on face?

And if you are an experimenter and only got the cream, do not rush with a three - layer application-it is better to put a drop of cream on the skin behind the ear.

4. The cream is addictive

This is what we often hear from consultants cosmetic companies - say, the skin gets used to one, and if you go with our precious cream on another cheap, your skin will redden, poselitsa get old, etc.

And actually it is not so. No cream can't program your skin to "love" only to itself. Yes, the skin gets used to the good, but changing his cream on not less quality will not doom your beauty to fading and other promised trouble.

5. Natural ingredients are better than artificial?

7 misconceptions about beauty

Seemingly, what is there to think about? As it turns out, it is worth considering. Natural cosmetics containing natural ingredients, doesn't always win the cosmetics that contain biologically active substances, dyes, extracts, emulsifiers, fragrances.

Organic components can be allergenic. But the "synthetic" ingredients guarantee from allergies.

7 misconceptions about beauty6. Shampoo two in one" - the ideal solution?

Choosing this shampoo, don't be fooled.

Saving on the purchase of two tools, you also save on the effect. We just highlight the purpose of each tool. The shampoo cleanses the hair from fat. Conditioner covers hair smoothing agents, by its nature similar to fat.

Thus, these two tools weaken the action of each other.

7. Pregnancy is contraindicated hair removal

7 misconceptions about beauty

In this statement is true, but it's worth explaining. Pain can cause miscarriage, so do not recommend any painful procedures.

Light hair removal can be a reaction - enhanced pigmentation of the skin.

As for chemical epilation, its really not recommend expectant mothers - all of that gets into the blood of the mother affects the development of the baby.



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