Wisdom teeth take place eighth teeth, the most recent measured from center. Problems can begin from the moment of their "birth". The fact that the ill-fated "eight" have no dairy predecessors, who would have prepared the conditions for their painless birth". Therefore, progresivas aged 18-30 years, when the formation of the bone tissue of the jaw is fully completed, the wisdom tooth overcomes significant mechanical obstacle. Often take the hassle and problems of the "eight" of the lower jaw, which can be closely among their neighbors.
In no event it is impossible to ignore the swelling and pain! The lack of space in the dentition associated with changes in the masticatory apparatus in the process of human evolution: the jaws are markedly decreased in size. From deficiency places the wisdom tooth is deflected away from the primary dentition or abuts against the adjacent, seventh tooth cannot erupt. The gums around the tooth swollen, starts to hurt, miserable "owner" can not open the mouth, may have pain when swallowing, sometimes fever...
What this situation needs to be taken?
Only one thing - to go to the dentist. The longer you walk with inflamed gums and hope rinse soda or chamomile will bring relief, the higher the probability to earn a serious complication. You need to remember: if the tooth from the very beginning began to show the "bad character", it is hoped that over time "the bully" will be corrected and will grow in the right direction, it is arrogant. Lull is temporary, and it faces a lot of trouble in the future. So take the time and go to the doctor. There are cases when the owners of the Hollywood smiles because wisdom teeth complain about the curvature of the teeth, as these insidious create move other teeth in any direction.
It may well be that after the x-ray picture, which you can use to assess the condition of the tooth, the doctor will calm you and help "sage" to take their rightful position in the dentition. However, there are cases where "g" is still better to remove, for example, when an abnormal location. The operation was performed under local anesthesia. It can last from 40 minutes up to 1.5 hours, but with proper anesthesia is quite easy. Then the patient is prescribed a seven-day course of antibiotic therapy to avoid unexpected infection sores remaining after removal of the tooth. Complications after surgery are, but in the hands of a professional, they minimized. Be sure in 3-4 days after removal of the need to see the dentist.
Excess in the body, nothing happens!
Wisdom teeth often called rudimentary, that is excess in the body, and, without hesitation, removed. This is a big mistake, because everything inside of us are interconnected. I used to think that we don't need an Appendix. Now scientists have found that actually he wanted and cut it only when absolutely necessary. The same with the wisdom teeth. They are evenly and properly distribute the food to all the molars and most importantly serve as a support for the bridge in the future. Because we cannot know whether our teeth as healthy and strong always.
It turns out that using tea you can take care of your teeth, if you regularly rinse your mouth a couple of times a day with strong brew of black tea. This will help to get rid of bleeding gums and even cure the initial stage of parodontosis - gingivitis. And in order not to develop tooth decay, you need to brush your teeth with thick green tea remaining in the kettle.
To strengthen the gums and teeth whitening in folk medicine is successfully used a paste made from a mixture of finely powdered sea salt and vegetable oil, preferably olive. This paste needs 1-2 times a day, gently RUB it into the gums fingertips. In addition, to strengthen the gums, you can use the decoction of sage and oak bark.
Here are the very simple recommendations for strengthening and maintaining the health of your teeth. Promptly contact your dentist, and then your smile will Shine and delight others. You will radiate happiness and confidence, and it will certainly notice the people around you!
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