My family
They wipe tears, seeing the newlyweds a long and happy family swimming, busy correct dress the bride and encouraging Pat on the shoulder its excited groom, the loudest shouting "Kiss! " or, on the contrary, modestly touched and touching, looking at the tribe youthful and familiar, their eyes entering adulthood. Relatives. At what point do those closest to you people become evil creatures, iniquity young family, and then insert the sticks in the wheels of your desire to live in peace and harmony? Oh, it's different. Yes, and the number of participants in the conflicts sometimes goes far beyond schema "mother-in-law-son-in-law/mother-in-law-daughter-in-law". Grandmother quarrel with each other about the education of grandchildren, sisters and brothers are pulling every man to his own "blanket" of parental attention and finish household and property bears to get subsequently a larger piece of skin, and in some cases, and at different stages of the process can connect cousins and nephews of the Kirov and daddy aunt on the maternal side, staying for a week or two "Cup of tea while in the checkout line for a second-class ticket does not fit the". In General, the bigger the family, and sociable members, the greater the danger of turning his personal life in a public thoroughfare for fans to give good advice. Well, how can you not remember the famous "must get married on the orphan!
To unravel the mutual contradictions to the person that called, unprepared (and newlyweds usually are) is almost impossible. Again, who of us crying on the shoulder of a mother or sharing with older sister joyful expectations on the night before the wedding, think about that later "can all be used against you", as in a bad movie. Before the close we are open as to anybody else, it is from them we expect support and understanding. Forgetting often, they are people, like everyone else, with their weaknesses and desires, different views on life and a greater sense of responsibility for us, which is sometimes fraught with the same large and destructive experiences.
The result: On the instructions of the senior in the spirit of "weather in the house - the main task of women, you assume responsibility for the behavior of everyone who wants to intervene. And fall exhausted under the weight of that burden.
Clearly to understand that everything that happens in your family, for you. Point. The magic scandalous mother-in-law turns into a hospitable hostess, where you are every two weeks and from where you brought the corporate pie with cabbage and sprouts for home herbarium, even if you leave and with both the nearest dump. Especially active eager to share with you how "ugly received" one or the other native people, provide a notebook with phone numbers of all family members and offer to speak directly to the address that the information was received by the defendant without distortion and delay.
Without insurance
Men like weak women. You can delve into ancient history, where a strong-bold-tanned males fought with saber-toothed tigers for a piece of the mammoth to feed the companion in the cave with the seed, or find another explanation is not the essence. But whether life went another and mammoths in the microwaves are prepared much more quickly and efficiently, whether intellectual labour came to take away our macho so much time and effort, in General, something is stopping them now sometimes, what is called, "give a man. With problems at work - be disassembled itself, not little, again, she wanted to make a career. The engine stalled car in the middle of the main tube of the city - well, I don't know, call Light, her model of the same Assembly can that will advise. Go with misunderstandings among her friends and relatives - generally the last thing: what I am a serious person is going to understand your coop, don't be ridiculous. There comes a time when the number of failures in the help and support of any kind goes into quality "alone together". Just find a new place for a toothbrush in the bathroom the other similar apartments in a residential area.
The result:
To be weak and being strong is hard work. Even animals don't throw yourself like to be eaten by predators, although in ordinary life such dedication nobody requires. Talking about the simple part, the assistance will have a friend or a good person. To live, hoping and counting on anyone except the master and beloved, unbearable and pointless.
Else: Instead of multiple laments, turned to the sky or scandals in the phone - one, a calm, but serious conversation on the subject, "I'm independent, but I also have". Finest ultrasonic note your hurt soul he may not hear the exact delineation of the balance of power in family dislocation - it. A man should be a man, and consciously reject this role, he is unlikely to want. Even if sometimes forgets who of you two is the stronger sex.
And we are changing with it....
One of the most insidious reasons for parting applying for attributing to "disease of the century". With tenderness we look at our grandmothers who have lived such different lives side by side with the grandparents, and ask the rhetorical question: how could they do it? It is unlikely they will be able to tell, how exactly is that a sly smile, they say, everything happened. And we, young and modern, not all thank God. But that is not always the selfless devotion to the sensation and desire to carry it through the years with this person, not razmenivayas on small claims and grievances. The era accelerates step every year, technical progress leads us to pedal faster and to understand the changes on the go, learning new means of communication, and an introduction to today's trends between SIPS of coffee in the morning. It turns out that the person who was in your bed and in your house a few years ago, over time it may become worn, very good quality, but not relevant to your query version of the device for personal use. Terribly sad to realize that you have different interests, you have nothing more to talk, and say you are already in different languages.
The result:
Maybe you should have paid more attention to the search for new points of contact, but the moment when it was actually already lost. On the other hand, trying to pull out of the swamp Behemoth, and there was fine feels like in a suitable habitat, makes no sense.
Else: To turn off the computer, disconnect the telephone, take and it is very good to remember how it all began. To detail. What you discussed, what you had in common besides love, what plans you both burned and what goals were set. Maybe the error was made when emotions are not allowed to see how much different your potential and ambitions. And maybe I should not say goodbye to the man who rush into this world and everyday life have simply lost the fervor and enthusiasm. And to remind him and myself that he is and that he is capable.
This is a terrible word "crisis"
God is with them, with the economic challenges of the global community, will talk about simple, everyday. Psychologists, astrologers and doctors disagree on how often it happens, it. Every 7 years, 3 years, on the day of birth or in the Bastille day somewhere in the subtle worlds interrupted connection and... there you go. The problem on the problem, one Lehigh trouble after another and like anything corordinates - just as everyone, but for some reason things do, and you have no clearance. About such cases and they say "we will lose it": how long a man can take a punch and not to fall in despair? We are all people, not all iron. Including the environment, which are also not able to forever wipe snot loser and be constantly in touch with a kind word and a thousand rubles to better times. Constant negative exhausts, and the desire to live, love and enjoy from this only intensifies. First you just want to go away without him, and of him, and then I realize that and come back, not pulling, and no void in the absence of the beloved is not formed. Life is good and so is just not slashed our nerves.
The result: While some of you versed in themselves and fought circumstances, the other managed to surround himself with other circumstances in which the former there is no space left. In the worst cases, this place is already taken by other, less "problematic" someone.
Else: In most of these cases the patient is more alive than dead. And the good doctor owns not only the Arsenal of drugs and techniques, but also the way of "good moral penalty kick". To stop responding to pointless whining means to force people to group forces for real action in raking difficulties and troubles. As soon as you determine that "everything melted away as if nothing had happened"? Practice shows that surprisingly quickly.
The stars await us today
It is amazing how fast a man yesterday ekonomisi on the services of a stylist and 8 years held in an old favorite sweater, suddenly starts to behave as an oligarch away skeptical smelling sausages from "Pyaterochka" and critically examining your not quite model figure. And just - promoted with propriety indexing salary. And, by the way, funny in this little. Syndrome vanity and years of suffering from self - love, thing, able to endure on their way not only love stories. Under the distribution are former friends and colleagues, relatives, instantly becoming poor, regardless of financial position, and, in fact, himself the Star, spur of the moment-temper destroying all of his personal history, as if his own efforts, is still not in career, not worth a brass farthing from the new payroll. Here are the well-wishers/-linity in attempts to win favor such a "cool guy" and "favorite chef, ready to sing any of the hitherto written laudatory songs, substituting in the right places "came to us, came to us from the audience our way! " Well, if the woman is not enough for his own reasons, "mind" quickly to fit into a new situation, and let her. Blame.
The result:
Guilty or not, she vainly seeking adequate grounds for such change roles and finds the banal reason of their absence. But to love her is not someone that she believed and who was supported on the thorny path to success, and quite crappy presumptuous of the type to which under other conditions it close and would not fit. Why?
Else: To understand whether this why? ". It is known that the success of the same moth-day: bright, beautiful and short-lived moment. Time in the two accounts will erase from the screen of your family TV series where the main character writes in serious pride. And if what you did together in the previous series, is really important to you, it is worth to wait for this stupid period. Of course, in any case, not letting go of the remote control.
What if you threw
Peregudova Yu
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