First of all don't don't be angry with yourself: the desire to have a solid meal in the evening is not an indicator of your weakness, but a normal physiological process. Just before going to sleep, the body makes strategic energy reserves in case of a possible famine, and your instinct is downright yells go and eat! So there are so many people who don't like Breakfast, but dinner for three. Disclaimer dinner in this situation is fraught with frustrations - we are nervous, angry, try to eat in advance...
Combat instinct hard and practically useless - it is better to try to tame it.
It is not as difficult as it may seem. There are simple tricks to reach a compromise between "want" and "want to lose weight".
1 way. There is, but lean
It is important not when you eat, but what. The fat that we are worn mainly comes from the fat that we eat. Proteins and complex carbohydrates weight gain do not contribute, so the more in your menu of lean meat, cottage cheese, cereals and pasta, the better for the waistline. In addition, these products quickly give a feeling of fullness. Nothing terrible, if for an hour and a half before bedtime you will eat a slice of meat with vegetables and grain bread and drink a glass of kefir.
2 method. Eat... after eating
The well-known paradox: the fatter and more abundant dinner, the more hungry after a couple of hours. Changing tactics: let's have a little, but in chunks.
For the first time are advised to have a snack before leaving work. Suitable cheese, yogurt with corn flakes or muesli. Home - snacks, the best combination of animal protein and complex carbohydrates, which gives the effect of "high satiety with minimum calories." This can be a piece of lean meat or fish on toast plus a Cup of tea with milk (about 150-180 calories). Just do not drink coffee and juices - they stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and wets the appetite. 20 minutes later you can dine. When the stomach does not sorbet from hunger, it is much easier to control yourself, to choose not too fatty foods and eat slowly, slowly. And we wanted it!
3 way. Avoid monotony
Than boring dinner, the more likely that after a couple of spoons you turn your attention to something else - a conversation, a movie on TV and do not see how you will eat more than you intended to. Worse, you still will want to eat! And all because broken the main rule - the slower and deeper you eat, the faster you eat.
Taste buds should be put to work. Try one dish to combine several kinds of meat, such as veal and chicken, and add to them on a spoon buckwheat and rice, garnish the dish with slices of vegetables and salad, chew a slice of bread with bran... So dinner can hardly swallow on autopilot, and it is not more than 200 kcal.
4 way. Not to be confused with food delicacy
We often overeat because I want to not eat, and eat. And not to indulge in seedlings of wheat or a handful of oats - we give what Polese and fatter: sausage, chocolate, eggs or cake. But to correct the process. Not locomotes on an empty stomach and do not replace delicacies normal products. Better just leave lint at the end of the meal as the final chord.
Savor each piece. Then for full happiness you have very small amounts of food.
5 way. To walk before bedtime
Evening raids on the refrigerator often associated with a desire to settle down because the food is comforting. Let's try as a household antidepressant use an evening stroll. Walking at an average pace improves your mood, gives a feeling of cheerfulness and... reduces appetite. The thing is that this load stimulates the breakdown of stored fat and thereby reduces the need for food as a source of energy. The pulse should not exceed 110 beats per minute, the sensation should be only pleasant - no shortness of breath or palpitations are not allowed. The duration of the walk (20-30 minutes a day. The optimal time - 19-20 PM.
6 the way. Please body, and not the stomach
Soothe and reduce the need for food in a relaxing bath with essential oils, shower, massage. They give a pleasant feeling, and we do not need to overeat in search of psychological comfort.
7 ways. Want to go to sleep
Restful sleep increases vitality, improves mood and, accordingly, facilitates weight control.
8. Do not deny yourself there for the night
What happens when you vow vow to finish the mess with late dinners? You try to keep struggling, constantly think about it, frustrated and so on. Psychologists call it morbid fixation. The brighter the image of the forbidden, the more mental energy you have to spend in order not to break the taboo. The thought of eating becomes an obsession. The only way to deal with it is to give in... this might be different, if one is to say to yourself: I can eat whenever I want! And to embark on a reasonable compromise.
Well, let's try?
Ginzburg M
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