Advises the candidate of psychological Sciences Claudia V. Demidov
- We should not forget that our health is directly dependent on what environment we spend most time of the day, i.e. working hours.
Proper organization of the workplace can provide considerable support in conquering career heights, achieving well-being and health preservation.
Today, the arrangement of the workplace is popular, prestigious and fashionable art. The workspace is usually found in the office. Of course, in business establishments, we are not always able to choose the size and color of the table, the location and shape of the chair. But the interior of the Desk is possible and necessary create with regard to the laws of business space and in accordance with their own tastes and preferences. Many scientists ladies write diplomas and dissertations house, where the "view your work nest. Here the freedom of their creative imagination is limitless.
How to put a table
Leading psychologists of the world's proven that much business success depends on the location of the desktop.
Perfect location - back "protected" by a wall or partition, that is, no one can "unnoticed" to approach from the rear; door "controlled" by the sight and the window markedly side view.
If your place is not far from the door, then be sure to check the table to sit up to the door sideways. Avoid position back to the entrance - subconsciously you will be expecting a sudden attack. Position facing the door constantly creates a distracting situation - you addressed all the issues included colleagues and visitors.
A window seat is the most comfortable. But the table should be deployed to the window sideways. If you sit in front of the window, the window, the scenery will take your thoughts into a transcendental distance. Yes and bright field computer monitor, framed by the sunlight, adversely affects the eyes.
Table "face the wall" suppresses cheerful mood. Don't despair that you got this working place is dull wall easy to revive a painting, a photograph or poster. Women, too phlegmatic, is "paint the wall yellow-orange colors, exciting activity. Too temperamental and unrestrained ladies mollify soothing blue color from pale to heaven rich blue, and green colors of all shades. On the wall a good will be fresh flowers and paintings of nature: trees, flowers, forest, Park, green meadows. Image of the traveler, suffering in the desert, or sea storm inappropriate. The mood of the picture should be calm and balanced. Every detail of the interior should cause a pleasant Association.
The shape of the table
French psychologists have proved that the efficiency of labor is affected by the shape of the table.
1) Desk with rectangular top - most suitable for the job. It creates a serious mood, supports the rhythm of work and provides professional growth.
2) a Table with a round top or rounded edges inspires creative thought and creates a friendly atmosphere. For such a table to write good novels, answer love letters or chatting with a friend. Business the fate of this table will not help.
3) Square top "focusing" attention. This table is the perfect companion of brainstorming. For a square table come to mind rapid ideas, but carefully to work out the details and perform "routine" it can be quite difficult.
Zone desktop
It is known that every object has its energy, which can both help and hinder the work. Therefore, each item should be placed in a certain part.
Conventionally divide your table into six equal rectangles.
Zone A is called zone career. It is a place of honor for your computer. This part should be facing the light source. If you are not using your computer, the area And should be free from unnecessary papers and objects. Here is the most necessary thing is only what you are working directly in the moment.
Zone area assistance. Part of it is the pad with the mouse. Here can be a telephone, to lay the necessary references. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is desirable to put any shiny object: handle or simply a metal plate to hold the paper.
- partner. A great place for business letters and folders with contracts and working papers. Folder with lawsuits and complaints, as well as piercing and cutting items: knives and scissors - the better to hide in the drawers. Anyway to remove this zone.
The main part
zone D called area families, usually hidden behind a computer. On the open side edge place a written instrument. Relive the zone family favorite photo and trinket dear to your heart.
Area E area wealth and peace of mind. Here the clock, Cup and flowers. On a Desk with a computer, it is preferable to put the cactus. If the computer on the table there, then you can choose any green plant is a symbol of growth, so necessary for business success and financial well-being.
Area F sector knowledge. There can be books that help in the work, a weekly collection of aphorisms. The sources from which you derive the necessary information.
On the table should be the most necessary paper - only those over whom you work today. The rest are buried in boxes. Recently psychologists recommend to "domesticate" the workplace. Only table objects, reminiscent of a home should not be more than three. This can be a favorite Cup, a small toy, a photograph of the family members. They can decorate sector D, and E.
If you have the opportunity to choose the color of the table, choose brown. This is the most suitable and respectable color. He does not tire and creates work focused mood.
Black Desk helps serious cases. But to be at that table not more than 2 - 3 hours. Then you should make a 15-minute break. Otherwise you will feel the rapid exhaustion.
Long stay for gray Desk can lead to depression. Behind him are you'll complete the paper, but it is unlikely you will visit the new bold and daring ideas.
Creative thought is more likely to come to your mind for a white Desk. But systematically and accurately to make this brilliant idea for a light buffet will be difficult. Americans, approved in the early 80-ies the idea of black and white office interiors, gradually abandoned. This is a contrasting combination deprives people of power and work excitement.
What are you in for?
The chair's height
. The ulnar side of the hand, whose fingers running on the keyboard must be parallel to the table. Then the load is distributed equally on all groups of muscles.
The height of the backrest. High back supports the spine. Leaning on it at the moment rest or talking on the phone, you will relax back. This chair has a psychological effect - it elevates you in the eyes of others. Therefore, in the solid institutions of the chair for visitors below.
It should be rigid enough and large buttocks must be placed completely on the chair. Soft relaxing chair inappropriate next to the work Desk.
Health is perhaps the most important factor is the location of the monitor. Its screen is just ahead, at arm's length, at the level at which the gaze is directed at the center. If the monitor is closer, then over time you will have vision problems. The screen shifted to the right or left excessively loads the spine.
Every hour and a half, especially if you work at a computer, it is necessary to do a five-minute break, during which, not rising from a chair, you need to perform a few exercises.
The working charging
1. Sit on the chair, freely straighten your shoulders, place your hands flat on his knees, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. During inhalation, hold your breath for 10 seconds.
2. Close your eyes and promassiruyte eyebrows from the nose to the temples.
3. Blink it's eyes and rotate them in different directions.
4. Several times tilt the head left-right-down. Not only sapacitabine it back.
5. Use your hands and wrists.
6. Preheat the shoulder joint movements forward and backward. Then lift tense your arms and lower down. Relax.
7. Tense and relax the muscles of the buttocks. When done correctly, you will have a little bounce.
Exercises can be performed in different sequences and an unlimited number of times.
Sardina Century,
Women's health
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