1) a born housewife, able to find a highlight of any home-based business;
2) hating homework in all its manifestations;
3) calmly relating to some part of the household chores, say, cooking and washing, but not passing them to the other part, such as mopping floors.
In practice, to carry a permanent watch on the family vehicle or as yet on a personal yacht have representatives of all three categories. First do it with pleasure, but such is negligible. Second regularly nervous, and still others are trying to "rightly divide responsibilities and shift execution hated operations husband, children or other close relatives. And we all dream about the housekeeper. However, these bright dreams of a better half of humanity it for the vast majority and remain dreams - often for financial reasons. Therefore, if a four-digit dollar salary or the Prince's Palace and the army service in the near future is not planned, you should as soon as possible seriously and to take a new look at the ritual of performing the cleaning in the apartment.
Remember the main rule: one of the most beautiful things in your home should be the appliances and household equipment, that is, a broom, a bucket, bowls, brushes, pins, and so forth. Buy more polishes, detergents for washing glasses, good powders, various brighteners, attributesa and fresheners. One of my friends, whole life is regarded to be pressed by the tragedy a year ago bought a "super-iron, both in appearance and function, and convenient Ironing Board. Fan of Ironing it, however, after it was all finished, but the tragedy is no more because this iron is pleasant to take. Why don't you do the same?
If you can't afford to turn "to the fullest" bought the whole economic Department of the supermarket, then at least make a list of household chores piled on your fragile shoulders, arrange them in order, starting with the most unpleasant to more or less tolerant. Opposite each operation, specify the tools and equipment required for its performance, mark what you would like to replace or purchase. As replenish the family coffers list will be reduced. By the way, before coming celebration, such as birthday or New year, it would be "accidentally" to familiarize with the list of relatives and friends that are just languishing in search of a gift. The benefits will be mutual.
Now go directly to the cleaning. It can be of several types.
1. Weekly, or "preventive" in order not to overgrown dirt.
2.Force majeure caused by extraordinary circumstances. For example, when you cannot even feet to stamp a pile of clothes in the closet, when suddenly in the fridge you come across a dried piece of cheese, the lost six months ago, when stumbled on Slippers loved, dumped the contents of the tray with "Breakfast in bed" directly on the bed, on the carpet and half-owner of the ill-fated Slippers
3. The General, with a knockout of carpets, furniture cleaning, wiping books, washing Windows and chandeliers, washing blinds and curtains, "rejuvenation" of the tiles in the bathroom and bring in divine form of Wallpaper in the kitchen.
4. Cleaning after repair. So far no comment.
Cleaning weekly. There are two ways of its implementation.
"A La carte" - when during the week after work you perform some small part of the harvest. For example, today, washed the floor, tomorrow - the stove, the day after tomorrow - tub, and so forth. Some find this method very convenient, considering that it is easier to pay cleaning every 15-20 minutes than once a week a few hours. In addition, the apartment constantly pacimedia, and fight any day of the week, guests will not stumble on stubborn to the sink pasta awaiting formation in "day of purity". On the one hand, maybe it really is better, but on the other. Not every one of us can stand it "fun" daily, so most still prefer the second method. I will only add that the dishes should be washed portions, and during the whole day, even if you think that you are deadly tired. Remember, two days later, when they run out of clean spoons and cups, you have to clean up this mountain and for sure this time really at the most inopportune moment.
"Complex" - when cleaning is carried out one time, how many hours that took. By the way, experience shows that during the week to perform the same "scope of work" it takes about two times less time than in the output. The result, undoubtedly, the best, besides, who doesn't dream about absolute weekend! The problem is that only a few can give scented bath after a hard day on the rag and cleaner, even the most well-known firms. So, anyway, and cleaning in most homes is on a weekend. No official announcement "Saturdays and Sundays" confident in the country.
By the way, but whether you take? Surprised by the question? In vain, because even the hostess with experience can sometimes make all topsy-turvy. For example, lick the floor and then sweeping him crumbs from the table, RUB to Shine the sink, then rinsed in her gray-brown-crimson cloth. So some focus and develop the optimum plan "harvesting works specifically for your apartment. Describe it in writing, not forgetting obsession with replacement of bedding to put before wiping dust to pretty pokrajinski in the air Pooh doesn't lay on svezhenatertuyu furniture. This plan and take the base.
Always combine business with pleasure: during operation, turn on the tape recorder, however, it is desirable with some upbeat and cheerful. When the "process" must provide yourself. The role of the medals in this case, well it will perform, for example, a salad of your favorite and exotic fruits. Besides, cooked and removed from sight before the works start, its the smell of it will make you fast.
By the way, a unique way to "accelerate" cleaning turn off all phones, post in a conspicuous place a plan to not be tempted to skip "some little thing", and put in the oven the cake, bake an hour and a half, with the firm intention to look into it, only after all items. Then close the oven and tell yourself: "On your marks, ready, go! " After repeated forced ventilation of all rooms and formation "it is not clear what" from pan my friend, izobretatelnie this method, learned how to remove the "speed of light". Until tender cake she manages to turn on the phone to announce a new personal record of his friend and brew fresh tea. On the days she masters a new recipe for some fantastic cake, preparing the entire hour.
I think everyone will agree that cleaning is not only a moral, but heavy exercise. So the "day of purity" can safely be deleted from your "routine" exercises. A trifle, but nice! The only thing to remember, if you want the cleaning was good for your figure, -, smooth shoulders, watch out for posture, change hands, wiping the cabinets, and vacuum or scrub MOP the floor on "bent", i.e., bending your knees, not your back. And if you are fat, forget about the mops! You better crawl on all fours, occasionally pulling the stomach and tensing the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. When after a couple months of regular workouts you will finally be able "with a rag in his mouth" on their bellies to sneak under the double bed to the baseboard, not stuck while never (even before the speech could not go), cleaning will certainly become your favorite diet, and the fitting of toilets - the best promotion.
However, if you live not one and do not intend to monopolize cleaning with a secret in order to catch up and overtake in harmony neighbor, unnerving you with their damn animals, it is not necessary to complete all the items on their own. The Golden rule housekeeping share with others! Find a way to connect to the cleaning of the apartment all spinachia" in it elements which are in the first place your own husband and children.
With children, if any, is much easier. Promising your child to give five times to lick the ice cream, you can achieve incredible: within seconds, the carpet is torn off the clay, from flower pots - dug "kinder" and other surprises, and registered under the coat rack in the hallway 2-metre crocodile Gena, bent in three deaths, inserted into the box for toys.
My husband and harder. But you probably know what it can buy. However, it does not matter on their own or not your husband is involved in cleaning. It is important to make this part an enjoyable and rewarding both for him and for you. For example, turn cleaning into a fun competition, handing him who is faster and better will lick your plot, "the challenge pennant name Moidodyr", post at the head of the bed to the side where sleeps the winner. Cleaning and not dispute can be solved many problems.
Say, who is to cook dinner, who the following week to go for bread or something to watch in the evening - fashion on the fourth channel, or racing for the second, if they go at the same time, and the TV just one. More serious problems, for example, when a husband wants to buy a motor boat, and you're a diamond ring for the same amount, but you both realize that the two purchase family budget is obviously not pull, dare similarly, but in the presence of "independent arbitrator" and the results of the quarter, year or even five years.
By the way, using the "labor" of their loved ones, do not forget the saying "More people, less oxygen, which here is understood as "don't have to knock heads together in five-meter kitchen". Rationally distribute the work front! And if you find that your husband is so awkward that his every movement rises "desert storm", so slow that in any competition participation cannot accept, and in General only under foot due to complete their uselessness "send him in the bath", that is to netravati tub, promising to get it together immediately after cleaning.
Cleaning force majeure
If we are not talking about the broken pieces in the middle of the food Bank with sunflower oil, but of force majeure, so to speak, "predictable", the main thing that you should learn better than to bring up the past. When the Cabinet is still freely opened and closed, but to find in it something is already quite difficult, put yourself on notice that it was time to investigate. You remember at the first onset of right mood for such cleaning requires inspiration. Methods there are many, but the most effective is to spill everything on the floor and, vowing not to leave anything extra and calling upon the wit, pulling on one thing from the resulting heap.
Most difficulties cause the boxes with all sorts of things. There for years side by side lie screws, pins, postcards, broken and not broken watches, glasses, ribbons, etc. etc. need to Throw out everything that can't find the application or a separate place. Don't know where to put your hilarious letter from pioneer camp? Shove them in books, they never hurt anyone, but how much joy will come across them in about twenty years! Stamps and icons give son girlfriend, nuts and spuntini - husband. For everything else, nevypolenie, but unsuitable, select the mailbox and put in a prominent place - when will be come friends with kids, its contents will continue to decrease.
If you disassemble closet, in no case, nothing to try, otherwise they will sink back in the beginning. Eye define what in life do not wear, and depending on the state of things or let her in rags, or that painless set aside for "inheritance" friend, her daughter, or neighbor. Only give immediately, otherwise again "dissolve" in the closet. All you wearable and adorable gently fold on the shelves and hang on hangers. If you have a spacious wardrobe, it makes sense to gather strength and Pat all stavshiesya to month, at least, enjoy ready-to-use things.
If the husband does not respond to your hints and clearly not going in the near future to eliminate the only remaining apartment hearth disorder, that is, to understand on the shelves with tools, suggest to him in more detail. This can be done like this: secretly put one of the cans with screws so that when you open the door, she fell to the leg opening. Then persistently ask her husband to reinforce any loose nail. Hearing his wild screams, "from the soul" expressed his condolences by inserting: "Well, that's not a hammer! " If it will not come this time, the operation will be repeated with the fall of the heavier object.
Cleaning General
The frequency of cleaning depends on the strength of your health and moral stamina. But still it is recommended to do at least twice a year, coinciding with this event is to wash and replacement Windows for the winter or to depressurization and again wash them for the summer. Before I advise you to read the book on housekeeping, in it you will find many valuable. You know, for example, what is the best way to clean carpet? Reload husband and send it to the dry cleaners!
Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for particularly valuable carpets, and also for those who have no husband. In this case, try to collect friends. If after the group auditory training type "So you want to remove, already itching... " each will assume in the window, and then everybody will vivolokut on the street and will occupat thick carpet cleaning can be installed in half a day, without missing the ceiling and cobwebs behind the wardrobe.
Cleaning after repair
This is the most horrible and time consuming of all existing types of cleaning. For a start, please be soothing. To repair try to take all that amenable to transportation. During repair wygrania only debris from the floor. After its successful completion invite all who are able to work, and, having their sumptuous Banquet, feel free to connect to work. Those who have "good reason", leave alone only after they will tell you at least a couple of useful tips. For example, than to clean off the paint with glasses, how to stretch blistered Wallpaper and what to do with the traces on the newly varnished parquet. Tips remember, and better record - after recreating the apartment of the human conditions of existence, will publish a book that will surely become a bestseller. And the fee will spend on the promotion helped friends. By the way, after that you will long enjoy making weekly, force majeure and even General cleaning, " thank God that it's not cleaning after repair!
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