The situation first
"... I know that you are now very hard, and that no words of consolation will not help you come to terms with your loss. But it seems to me that you would be less felt the grief of this loss, if they could better understand the situation, in particular, to get an answer (or answers) to the question "Who is guilty? " and "Why did this happen? "whether it's a random event, or was it inevitable?
I think your break with her husband was not a predefined event, that is was not originally incorporated in the fate", though to call it a random event would also not quite right. Just at a certain stage of your marriage as if exhausted, had no future (this is irrespective of the question of whether to have children, just a feeling that further internal evolution and yours, and your husband - is somehow inhibited by the limits of your marriage, and not stimulated by them, as it was before).
Apparently, your husband simply was first aware of this situation and the first to have made this a necessary step (ironically, his decision he helped himself, and you, because after this radical change each of you have or will be new opportunities for evolution, which was almost absent in this last period of your cohabitation).
I think to understand that my approval you will not come immediately, but I am sure that in the future you will succeed, and only having gained this understanding, you will be able not only to forgive her husband for causing you pain, but even for him to experience a sort of gratitude for what he has taken the initiative in your gap.
Do not try to use your energy trying something to improve the situation with her husband, trying to bring him back, or hoping that he will not be living with his new woman (on this occasion will be "show advanced, but even if it turns out that his life with this woman will not be so happy and harmonious, as it now seems, objective possibilities in order to restore your marriage no longer exists, and all attempts to challenge this reality will not give you anything but new suffering).
You now have a sort of transition period, when broken and disappear the old binding, habits, traditions, and this thing is always very painful (from an energetic point of view it looks as breakage or deformation of the living energy of the fabric, first of all, the fabric of the emotional-mental structures), so it is quite natural that you feel this tension, don't want to eat, feel despair and hopelessness. In such cases, help like simple tools like baths, massages, walks in the fresh air - in short, the money that can be called cleansing.
Your Energy Living Space (ASP) there is now an abundance of any debris, fragments, splinters, and they must all be gradually removed, only then you will really feel better and realize that the worst moment behind that you've updated that between you today and you, what were you even in the recent past, ran a kind of border that makes your connection with the past is already not direct but indirect. These mediated communication can be quite extinct, and can be saved, but in any case, they allow us to have a position of power and emotional and mental detachment, does not evoke the feeling that the "cut and burn".
With regard to the condition of the body, it is clear that it is not easy among all these energy debris, it is subjected to considerable strain, and, first of all, at the level of the nervous system, well, and in terms of digestion, too. To the extent possible, try to pay more attention to your body, from this, by the way, your overall emotional and mental state will only improve...
You did the right thing, that wrote me all these details: see, that you not just make your confession (by the way, the confession is a tradition very wise! ), you still do some energy work, the one about which I wrote you in my first letter; you make a deep spring cleaning/disassembly of their emotional and mental apparatus, purge out all that relates to the past, not the present, and especially not to the future. I feel that you cut with the pain, cut in a lively, but otherwise will not work: if these "energetically outdated and exhausted its evolutionary potential items are not removed, they will begin to fester and poison you from the inside, so now your main task is to them as soon as possible to free. While you're off this load is released, you will not be able to look at your situation from a distance, and, unfortunately, will not be able to free ourselves from suffering, although, of course, mount thy will be gradually diluted.
Well, meanwhile, will come to new positive incentives, you will feel that much has changed, has become more Mature, stronger, and, most importantly, more bold. By the way, I think something positive that you will gain from this situation of rupture with her husband, it is courage. That is, the courage you have there, but she was being forced so deep inside that no one can see her - or others or your own. Finding this new, previously uncharacteristic for you courage, you will be able to make decisions and do things that previously would not have ventured.
Now, regarding your opponent and your relationship to it. It is very narrow and restricted person, she has a very narrow-minded, and very limited ability to develop. What is she so attracted (or lured? your husband is probably feeling a kind of vulnerability and spontaneity, childishness reactions, vulnerability (all this in a complex stimulates it normal men need to feel a strong need to be someone really needs to be a necessary support for the other person to protect him from the outside world). I think your husband he is not very strong, so when he met a man clearly weaker and limited himself, he could not resist the temptation to use this "gift".
By the way, think about whether your internal changes over the years of marriage it is the willingness "to fade in favor of the husband, try to look less bright, less powerful, not to frighten him and his chronic self-doubt? If so, then now, perhaps, it's time to go, "to restore the suppressed you (supposedly the best of intentions) quality of the past, and to acquire new qualities corresponding to the new phase of your life. I understand that my words right now it is unlikely you will especially convincing, but I will say that you got more than they lost!
As for your husband, he is also, without doubt, something will get in his new marriage, but it seems to me that its acquisition is more likely to be categorized as "illusory" than "reality", while your purchase can and should be, above all, real.
About the strength and durability of his new marriage. It seems to me especially happy not call him, but, at the same time it can be quite sturdy, despite the fact that built largely on illusions, what isn't in reality, the expectations projected onto fictional, not real partner. But, apparently, such a layout them both happy, and neither he nor she feel the need to get rid of these illusions, so probably they will be able to live together for a long time, convinced that love each other, but actually I these relations do not appear to be love, but rather a behavior resembling the ostrich, which hides its head in the sand, hiding behind a non-existent barrier.
I don't think you should be jealous of this relationship, you were created to live in reality, and now it's time to revisit your purpose, to leave behind the unnecessary illusions and try to realize their own value and their own importance, to believe in themselves, to learn to appreciate and love yourself and your personality.
You certainly have an inferiority complex (almost everybody has it, one more, one less), do not encourage you to make him completely to get rid of, that would be unrealistic, but still it would be nice to be able to reduce its impact on your life. A significant part of this inferiority complex associated with your appearance that you find unsatisfactory and unattractive, and it's not just the figure. You just don't believe in yourself, in your ability to attract the attention of men, and mask this deep-seated unbelief more superficial considerations, type insufficient slim figure. Think about these my words, try to find the inner strength to change the situation radically, then appears and incentives to improve their appearance, and generally will be a revaluation of such superficial factors like appearance.
I would like you to begin with offered such an exercise. Try to formulate (can even write on paper) all of your strengths, the things that in principle is the basis of your attraction, everything you may think you need to be proud of. In another Spacek put those features that, on the contrary, you seem negative or from which you would like to get rid of. See if you can do this job very seriously, you will discover lots of new, herself surprised!
And by the way, when the light of God these little-known or forgotten quality, you will certainly feel the desire to strengthen their communication with others, be found in communion confirmation of your discoveries, to learn about yourself is something new, watching the surrounding react to you and your changed (or rather, changing) behavior. And then - go ahead!
It's just that I want you to warn against the errors to try to find a "substitute" husband. Certainly, girlfriend you will try to introduce some suitable candidates, fearing that loneliness for you too hard. Communication in General - of course, Yes! But the communication with the aim to find immediately a reasonable substitute for the husband - no! You still are in the process of this deep release and cleansing, getting rid of splinters "energetic, mental and emotional heritage of your marriage, then you have now just simply no free space, space which could harmoniously to develop some new relationships.
If you're going to begin to make some attempts in this plan, you risk to lose even more confidence in themselves, that is, from such attempts will be much more harm than good! It is necessary that it took some time, and then you will feel that the creation and development of new relationships for you and perhaps naturally (whereas now it would be just more violence and the source of suffering).
Try to expand the circle of their acquaintances. Girlfriend is good, but it would be nice to communicate with new people who didn't know you before, who are ready to interact with you on the basis of the present, not the past... ".
The second situation
The following situation is also in the category of "hopeless". "First impression is the feeling of despair and hopelessness; that is, it seems to me that your marriage is hardly possible to "save", that is, you can certainly try, somehow, to delay the time of the final break, but none of the parties will not benefit from it.
As far as I can tell, your marriage from the very beginning did not have what I call "objective energy base", that is, from the outset, you and your husband, from the energy point of view, it looked like two random companion, each of which "went on his route; although on a particular stretch of road you were together, but, nevertheless, the proximity of this was accidental and transient and did not lead to the creation of this "objective energy base".
When I say that you and your husband, there is no joint power base, it means that from the point of view of logic of your two evolutionary processes cannot create "collaborative mechanisms/attributes of development", that is, these two processes do not intertwine with each other, do not form some kind of joint tissue and the logic of development, "energy serving each other, and remain at that level two little connected with each other energetic processes - hence a ' two fellow travelers".
And how many years you have lived together, it generally does not matter; it could be a whole life to live, remaining, however, in this position the two random passers-not related-depth energy connections.
That is, in my opinion, not entirely correct to talk about the root causes of your break, because, from the point of view of the deep energy background, your marriage is not initially provided a stable and lasting Union - that is, it arose at a pretty random reasons, and broke up (well, or at least gave the first obvious crack) again due to accidental circumstances.
Your husband decides to leave you for another woman, worldly (surface) measure, of course, you can call the word "betrayal", but from the point of view a more in-depth energy mechanisms, I would call rather a natural reaction to a sense of inner distress; that is, he felt, rather unconsciously than consciously, that this marriage doesn't suit him, that he in some measure rapes and slows down its development, that this marriage is unnatural and inharmonious. But, being weak and not especially developed spiritually, all this underlying motivation he could neither understand, nor, especially, to adequately put into words, so he chose the most easy and simple way - using an external (outside) of the preposition (of this woman, Ya), to get out of the uncomfortable situation (well, or at least to distance themselves from it).
That is, I, in this case, the lever, the victim, the lead, which he used to create yourself additional and compelling motivation to break your marriage. What Ya he soon parted ways, I do not wonder, in fact, they didn't arise, and his Union with Ya was still largely devoid of objective basis than his Union with You.
About his current relationship to You and the daughter (by the way, You have a wonderful daughter, a very sensitive, caring, affectionate, able to enjoy herself and be a source of joy for others, in this sense, the destiny gave You a wonderful gift, think you know yourself! )
In principle, the predominant component of his current emotional indifference, unconcern, apathy... Clearly, there is fear (he feels that I did something wrong, but to understand where and when, can not, and now very afraid to make mistakes, hence a certain sluggishness of his behavior).
Special interest in the preservation of the family in its present as I have not seen, there is a fear of further worsen their own situation, the fear of external punishment, fear of loneliness; I think that his periodic outbursts of interest to the family is mainly due to these emotions, and, of course, this motivation in any way may not be harmonious basis for maintaining the family.
In my opinion, the best way out of this situation for all parties - this is the final break. That is, You just no reason to spend your energy on making attempts and efforts that still doesn't change the objective reality, not able to create a strong power base for family Union where it doesn't exist.
Naturally that you are suffering in this situation, but that you will continue to make efforts in this direction, your suffering will only increase, but the objective logic of the situation they will not change.
So my advice to you looks unequivocally: translate the situation in the category of "uncertain" in the category of "specific", making the choice in favor of a final break with her husband.
Your own development of this, of course, will win, and the sooner you do, the more will increase the probability of creating a future harmonious Union with another, more suitable to You man.
And another thing: don't waste your energy on internal reflections and disassembly about what you did wrong, what's Your wine, etc. Simply did not have you and your husband, in-depth energy compatibility, that was your Union fragile and short-lived, but the responsibility for this one is not responsible, neither he, nor You, and, by and large, in this case, there is no blame.
Perhaps if you will be able to leave, as two random companion, by force of circumstances, brought together at a certain step of the way, it is quite possible the continuation of friendly (or at least friendly) relations between you; that is, there is no need to break ties with root and forever, but the main thing is that each of you would feel again free to continue the trip on your specific route for searching and finding other, more suitable companions and followers.
It seems to me that the decision about the final gap should emanate from You (Your husband is now in a state of inertia, apathy and indecision, but the marriage did not want him just as you do not need and You just have it in this period hardly capable of decisive action, and prefers to go with the flow).
The main thing is that you realized that you want to part with him not because of his betrayal (by the way, what you are betrayal forgive or ready to forgive, it is in any case very well, first of all just for You! ), and due to the lack of in-depth energy compatibility between you.
The end of marriage with this motivation is the most pure and harmonious completion option situation, which will not create any negative consequences for the future, but on the contrary, most will clear the path for Your future.
I understand that my information may seem pretty harsh, but I do not belong to the category of those "experts" who tell people not what is, but what people wanted to hear... I Think that if we cut the dog's tail, you should not do this piece by piece."
The third situation
The following situation looks very similar to the previous two (husband left the family for another woman), but has quite a different depth energy background. "... To describe what is happening with Your husband Oh, I dare to use such an expression before our curators never used): cancer of the soul. Feeling that his Life Energy Space (ASP), at the highest levels of energy structures accumulated some caustic and corrosive substance, which affects the external surface behavior of Your husband.
The definition of "cancer of the soul" according to my sources, it looks like accelerated and premature dissolution and decomposition of some "energy operating parameters of the program for the current incarnation" (by analogy with cancer of the physical body). Has been a certain decrease (reduction) of spirituality, and not at the level of Acting (level of reincarnation), but at a higher (or deeper) levels of its structure.
Its essence/soul made some "mistakes" in the preparation of the program of the present embodiment, in particular, "did not accurately calculate the parameter spirituality". Oh, and accordingly, as a substitute for spirituality have to use a different, rougher, and not quite adequate energy material, which forms a sort of energy cyst, or growth - a reminder that we are talking about deep energy processes that the O. affect only indirectly.
To treat cancer of the soul" is unlikely, but possible to make efforts to minimize and mitigate its effects and manifestations "on a purely human level" (the level of Acting). Current state of mind Oh, I would describe the term "discomfort and besplatnoe". Now came this way: some alien landscape that suddenly changed his usual landscapes. This alien (energy) landscape he feels lost and alone, desperately seeks a way out and help (or at least the illusion of), feels that he not come out of there (well just not have the strength and energy to make such efforts).
Committed efforts stall and fade", at least according to his subjective feelings. This is the most energy besplatnoe and lostness, the sudden loss of familiar landmarks - the main reason for his "confusion of the senses".
His current attitude towards you has several components. It permeated the happy memories that it "warm" and "Shine" in this current homelessness. He feels a responsibility to You and to your family and suffers from the fact that it wasn't the height that have not lived up to his expectations.
There is a component of fear: what you don't want to do with him, will refuse "to mess with him and help him. There is a component of envy to You or, to Your energy sustainability, to the fact that You, unlike him, was not unexpectedly embroiled in a weird energy binding.
There is a sense of sin and "own downfall", the disdain for this fall and simultaneously desire to continue to fall, to further test and verify that worse and harder will be gone, and so then it will be possible to start the path to the top" (to light) without fear that the situation will come under control.
The feeling of disdain at times becomes very strong, and flashes even to the point of self-hatred, the desire to harm themselves in the form of punishment for their own shortcomings.
Now about his feelings for the "other woman". Love, I wouldn't call them that - rather, it is a hobby and "projection" closely connected with infringement of pride and self-esteem. Their relationship is reminiscent of not a love Union, but rather a competition, fight, rivalry. And even now heard the expression "everything" (in this situation, a lot of chaos and uncontrolled processes and combinations, a lot of "energy fume and energy dirt").
In this situation, both heroes tend to behave - not as much as adults but as teenagers, the Challenger society, others and ourselves. She looks pretty Orthodox and uncompromising man, particularly in his relation to (someone else's) life values, tend rather to firmly dispose of both its own and foreign Affairs, to invade the form of uninvited guest on other people's energy and space. Her feelings for Acting are a mix of sports passion with child attachment and children's desire to challenge the circumstances, but not in a constructive way and in the form of a "latent vandalism" (desire something to spoil, to damage, someone to annoy).
A particularly strong passion, physical attraction is also no (this component has already been reduced considerably compared to the earlier period). Friendship is present as one of the components of these relations, but this friendship is not quite sincere, and it looks like some shrapnel, terrifying and haunting, but not inspiring and not peaceful". Of course, this is not a basis on which to build a strong family Union...
Hardly Acting are able to have with it long-term relationship, too much of it "comes on the heels" and "clamps and prejudice" his natural behavioral tendencies. So, this Union, in any case, short-lived, I think it can be argued with a very high degree of confidence.
What do You do with Acting? To forgive or not? To take back or to expel definitively? I usually don't like to give too narrow or rigid tips; prefer as much detail as possible to describe the energy implications of the situation, well, so decision-making is the prerogative of the person concerned.
From my point of view, your husband "mutual energy service" is still far away potential has not been exhausted, and from this point of view, your marriage, of course, would save not knocking back artificially not yet exhausted itself in terms of further spiritual development levers and strings.
Can you believe his feelings for you love? I would call this feeling "depleted love, or love, from which he plucked a few basic components of rods and poles" in power and energy processes going on deeper levels - that is, this love is "shaky, unstable, insufficient self-sufficient, while, at the same time, quite sincere and full." Well, you can say that love has lost a certain amount of its energy integrity, but managed to stay on his feet (and most likely will be able to continue to stand on his feet and in the future, though not quite stable equilibrium).
Hardly in the future this syndrome weakness, partial impoverished and lost integrity" will disappear (remember the initial diagnosis of cancer of the soul"? ), and in this sense should not create unrealistic hopes, but, on the other hand, this "uncertainty" is not so shaky that your Acting Union might not have enough solid ground under the feet, i.e. the Union is quite viable, and could continue to be more or less reliable harbour, though with some "cracks" (or reservations).
Now I came this way, a very strange and unexpected. O. now, as it were, is the energy of the pregnancy, and bears no child, and some artificial energy build-up, or "hump". Soon will start the "battle" and ultimately the hump, which is currently "inside", will have to go out and weaken his attribute toiletries, connecting it with the name and, so to speak, to having its own independent existence.
After that, the "birth of the hump, the state's Acting will improve, he will feel more whole, more wise, as if past a certain life school or received a lesson. At the moment he is using this metaphor, is on the eve of the fights: inside the hump has developed so that it can live independently in the external environment, and in the near future will want to go outside.
On a superficial level this energy "the birth of the hump is likely to correspond to some cleansing crisis (catharsis), and even mystical experiences or loss of consciousness (or temporary weakening of the Acting self, "I"). We advise You in any case wait for this "exit hump out" - then the energy dynamics of the situation in any case will change, and You (and Acting) will be easier to make the best for both of you and for your family decision.
Oh, by the way, there is a probability that "hump" is born stillborn - that is, leaving out, he would instantly lose his own energy autonomy and will dissolve in the environment (such an option, perhaps, for Acting would be even better).
Is it possible to call what is happening with it a consequence of (manifestation) of the spell or damage? In my opinion, no. I feel that the one who told you about the alleged "black spell", "off" to spell many of those internal energy symptoms of trouble Acting, or rather, all of its energy structure, about which I told you before. That is: there is a distinct energy problems About. plus an external circumstance, as his sudden departure from the family - hence logically begs the version of the spell, and "black and aggressive".
But confirmation of this version can be found without problems; the Subtle world is very willing to respond on requests associated with obtaining real information and requests related to obtaining information illusory. I approach the other; I tend to go from the inside, not from outside. If something was done in terms of violent external influence (which is absolutely not true! ), it wouldn't have worked, or whether such a vulnerable and uncertain-homeless the energy situation of the Acting Accordingly and supposedly "removal spell" (or rather, from the removal and mitigation of individual symptoms energy trouble Acting) should not expect any miracles; moreover, I feel that this withdrawal is unlikely to even be able especially to speed up the "battle" and the exit time out "power hump".
Under the classic spell I mean "artificial interference obsession"; but in this case crazes something from Acting as times and no; there is a "feeling unhappy and painful responsibility (and actually pseudoephedrine)", is "the desire to hide from himself to shut his mouth gag", there is "deprivation, besplatnoe and tourmanent" with internal, not external origin.
The disadvantage is its energy structure is a very serious (after all these years our curators, the term "cancer of the soul" is used the first time), but it is much wider than any kind of spell. I think that understanding the logic of the situation will help You be sure (and not only in this difficult time, but also equip You with some new criteria for the future).
Acting was in a situation of "no growth" is too complex or multidimensional situation: to some extent we can say that the Acting is without guilt, because he was unwittingly involved in the processes, energy which is much more complex than the level of its own energy development. Try to feel the energy of innocence"; if you choose to stick with the decision to forgive and continue family life, it is the understanding that he in some way was an innocent victim of circumstances, You will help.
Now about the "hump". "To dissolve" the hump can't, that's why I talked about labour and birth, about the liberation from something alien that was born and is present inside EGP Your husband in his mental body. I think that the best thing for You would be to wait for this moment and give birth to understand About. your support, your willingness to accept it, as if he had returned from a long and difficult trip, in which he was beaten and that he was deprived of the normal and usual energy supply".
In the energy plan he is now, like, eats bradbrad and cold food, and absorbs quite a large number of non-organic and alien energy of the material. After the hump will come out, the Acting will be better soon (although the speed of achieving relief will depend on how high would be the internal integrity of this energy hump - hump, that is, how quickly will dissipate residual binding O. to this education).
Wait an instant and miraculous improvements would be a utopia, of course, the process of recovering energy and emotional balance Acting will be gradual and "torn", but the probability of a successful outcome is quite high (under favorable outcome I mean its voluntary and spontaneous return to the family and the gradual recovery of sincere, not fake, family harmony).
You are right that the first step, asking for help and forgiveness have to do it from Acting (and You have to wait for this moment), but at the same time, try not to miss and not to ignore these signals, because it is not necessary that this request for help and forgiveness will be formal, most likely it will have a format like "ambiguous semi-finished product". That is, not sellimages on "formal-bureaucratic aspects, most importantly, to catch a sincere impulse on his part in terms of the desire to restore family harmony, but after that you will inevitably will need to work in tandem, jointly and in a coordinated manner, to restore the old bearings and create new ones.
If your with him family Union will be restored (the likelihood of this happening is quite high, though not absolute), then OA will need to seek and find new shades of harmony to replace those that were lost. The feeling that he is in search of these new forms of harmony and the missing energy of the material, will act spontaneously chaotic and clumsy and probably will periodically bump into sharp corners" - treat it with understanding, not judge him too harshly, do not find fault with his words.
In addition to the image of a man returning from a long and full of dangers and shock travel, can still be used this way - a man who emerged from a state of General anesthesia or even coma. I don't exclude that at first, "after emerging from a coma" O. you may experience some (hearing) hallucinations, some background communication with "the other world" (due to temporary weakening and erosion of the" normal and natural bindings to the physical plane), well, or even some "unusual for him oddities". Try to treat this with understanding, without reproach, without skepticism, without surprise.
Now there's something else about the relationship of O. with this "other woman". Because of their individual energy performance, its structure tends to boost and increase in other structures (the people) "option to uncontrolled situation." In this case, the stimulation parameter uncontrolled situation" was superimposed on the background of deep energy processes Acting that I was diagnosed as "cancer of the soul". And of course he already had a certain number of split-off and released the energy of the material and energy close interaction with this woman was the catalyst that made this chaotic process of liberation, of throwing and the occasional clipping is much more powerful and uncontrollable than it would be under normal conditions (i.e. in the absence of catalyst).
Be it any signs of deep energy reorganization processes Acting still would have gone to the surface, though probably not in such a clear and painful form. After "coming out of his coma" Acting gradually weakens the energy associated with it, though again, not immediately (power relations, as a rule, weaken and lose its texture, not immediately, but gradually), so it is possible some of the bursts and recurrences in the process of progressive weakening of these links don't react on them too seriously, it is not the lightning and the lightning, not the thunder, and the far echoes.
Now about future scenarios. Most likely at this point is the scenario that assumes your reconciliation with Acting and his return to the family, restoring Your family Union. It will be good if you, yourself, Your actions and behavior will try to "serve" this scenario as the most harmonious for all actors of the situation (instead of, say, oppose this development).
"Service" does not mean immediately rush to Acting with a request to return to any conditions; and means to listen to the dynamics of the situation and possible signals from Acting in favor of this scenario, and adequately to these signals to respond (I've already wrote about it).
Of course, Your forgiveness must be sincere, but it seems to me that this plan you will have no difficulties (especially now that you are much better than before, imagine the depth of the energy implications of this confusing situation and realize that Acting is "guilty without guilt").
About the "birth" Of.. There are only two options. Since this is the "power hump" to dissolve itself will never be able (had grown too big!, too far gone. ), or it will come out, bringing About. release, or he would cut his throat from the inside (make it into a living dead).
The first scenario is much more probable than the second (the second I'm even earlier and did not write, to not be bothered descriptions unlikely version of future development).
So try not to lose hope, do not give up the chance to implement more harmonious and more energetically viable scenario (for Acting, for You, for your entire family).
In regards to your possible future. If you read my site, you probably realize that rigidly predetermined future, from the point of view of the mental planes, does not exist; there are certain energy options, challenges and trends that one way or another, "service" their specific surface actions and deeds. Oh, and can choose one or the other of "possible scenarios", realizing, thus, its energy autonomy and their right of choice.
One of the most important for you energy trends is the tendency to "calculate the size, dimensions, volume - well and subsequent adequate filling of this volume". (I am not going to talk about this in detail; maybe later we can talk separately about You, about your Life Purpose, about the specifics of Your energy patterns).
In terms of personal life, this trend calculations and filling volume, in particular, means a very high probability of having a family (we can say that the Heavens are trying You best to help and support your efforts to create a family and/or preservation of the family, because this family is a very important, necessary and favorable moment for your individual spiritual and energy development).
Family, family energion is a good and stable support for the "energy filling of the volume" (that is an end in itself - the family, the absence of loneliness, from the energy point of view is a lever, means for performing the tasks of the present embodiment in terms of energy building).
So worrying about the possibility of loneliness you is hardly worth it, but still, before looking impatient, "in the misty gave" (for the purpose of obtaining information about the new partner in the case of a final break from Acting), I would advise you not to do anything rash or hasty conclusions, and to give an opportunity to that same chance to save this family, which are still very real and significant (despite the discouraging outward signs).
Of course, I understand you - and a human being and a woman, " but as "your energy and information consultant ;-) I want to warn against excessive haste, against the attempt to sharply turn and throw the Palace (track), which is still quite possible to make further steps forward, including for a more comfortable and harmonious transition to the new Palace (track).
Thinking the universe does not like the desire to throw out the trash yet, in principle, very suitable firewood, in the pursuit of other wood (other types of energetic material, the other surface scenarios and incentives), and sometimes gives a person to feel that his "disapproval"...
So be patient a little more, and primarily for its own sake, in order to exhaust and "capitalize" that must be exhausted and capitalized, in order to secure the conditions for a more successful and painless transfer to another train, or (which is still the most likely scenario for the future to restore the family Union, Acting on a new soil... ".
The fourth situation
Well, in conclusion - another situation associated with a sudden and seemingly inexplicable flash of interest "good, good and loving" husband for fornication.
"The first feeling I have is: A. has been a distinct depressurization of its Energy Living Space (ASP), so it was crowded alien energy "outside" stimuli and "alien" and unnatural for the A. motivation - in particular, the motivation to challenge fate, no matter what", "to go against fate, "spit against the wind" (now I've heard this phrase "Found spit on the stone" - well that is this motivation involves jamming on some demand or at a certain status or some kind of "freak" and a distinct reluctance to reconsider this position, to compromise, to give up the status or condition or "toys", which are the outward expression of this motivation).
In this burst of interest in other women and infidelity are a thing of secondary importance and not particularly revealing - well, that is A. in these conditions depressurized ASP, could "jam" and some other reference, and call the fate he could throw and some in other ways.
In particular, as an alternative scenario, viewed this as the acceleration of the process of natural aging, premature aging, intentionally hastening their own death (motivation: trying to prove that he is the master of its fate and free to dispose of himself as he wants - including to hasten their own death).
At first glance, this motivation seems a bit absurd, but from an energetic point of view it is not so absurd and not so rare - just jamming situation is on a quest to challenge fate, using the available means at hand, may adopt and clearly masochistic and semidestructive form.
I don't know how you will console you, but from my point of view, we can assume that a is lucky in the sense that if it was implemented this alternative, instead of the current scenario "hard call destiny", to restore the energy balance A. it would be much harder (those processes that involve the acceleration of aging and approaching death, it is much harder to stop and reverse, than the processes associated with the betrayal and denial of the harmony of family ties).
My intermediate-preliminary diagnosis is approximately the same. Your family situation continues to be reversible, in the sense that with the restoration of the integrity and tightness AGP A. it is quite possible recovery and harmony in your family, though, as you understand completely cross out what happened, it is unlikely, that is, we are not talking about magic restoring the situation that existed BEFORE the emergence of the jamming, and the gradual return to "correct and harmonious state, exemption from alien bindings and incentives about upgrading and rebuilding your family relationship and considering the recent circumstances.
Now let's talk about the root cause that caused this depressurization AGP A. and jamming scenarios "hard and melooking (or even meaningless) call fate". My feeling is that it all started with some very minor losses that A. was not able to adequately perceive and evaluate, failed to "let go", and began, as it were, to try at all costs to translate these losses in the category of "acquisition", and in the pursuit of these pseudoproblem and artificial energy materials - substitutes (which could create the illusion of the absence of losses), as if he too withdrew from its natural and original territory, "off course", "lost", and in the category of relatively independent and Autonomous "hunter and hunter turned into the category of "object catching", that is, was the focus of the alien species energy fuels and types of motivation.
Protective factors of its structure have not been able this abnormal shift (offset) and depressurization ASP to adjust, and the situation got out of control, became chaotic and lightly managed. Can immediately say that A. at some point you will need to mentally go back in time (in the period when there has been these very minor loss that he was not able to harmoniously and adequately release"), and run in a virtual retrospective mode this is not done in the past.
Energy delving into the past, into the fabric of cause-effect relationships of the past - a thing not particularly difficult; it is sincerely to formulate appropriate thought - intention and then try it the intention of the "energy service".
Now about this "anonymous" woman that caused the A. some pretty strong feelings. I feel that this woman is not so much a real presence as a "symbol" and "vehicle": means/lever cast call destiny and life circumstances, the means by which A. is committed to rising ABOVE life's circumstances ABOVE their objective reality, which he is expected to serve OVER natural fabric causality.
Well, he kind of tends to fall out of reality, is in a state of energy being suspended, not based on solid ground - that in itself is a state of constantly and inevitably generating a high level of internal tensions. Accordingly, their relationship, from the point of view of the deep energy of the background, as if they are "out of the real world", are symbolic projection, not a reality (and I think this inability to "catch" the elusive situation is A. very painful and painful); both A. and this woman are not so much real participants of the situation, how many "guests", "ghosts", "hallucinations" (at the same time and each in relation to oneself and to each other).
To call these relationships "fate" I cannot, moreover, from the energy point of view, these relations are a Mirage and not have a clutch with the deep levels of Being. Despite this miranet, suffering A. quite real - but they resemble the suffering of a man who fell in love with a soap bubble, iridescent extraordinary colors, but that melts from the real touch.
He suffers from the inability to maintain harmony, from the inability to make a soap bubble is more dense and reliable shape, from fear that this bubble can and generally will suddenly dissolve into the air, having thus A. to further the feeling of loneliness and being lost.
He was tormented by the feeling of fear the prospect to admit to myself that they had made the wrong choice, because the next step on this journey of introspection can be a situation of doubt in his own mind that prompted him to this incorrect choice made so that the Mirage was passed for reality. Well, under the effect of this latent fear of doubt in the behavior of their own sanity A. prefers to defer consideration of and a decision on then, to delay the moment of honest and unbiased analysis of their behavior, relies on chance and that "flow" will somehow beat him to the shore.
It is very hard now, and it is not surprising that his physical health is not up to par. Such sensation, that he wanders alone through the magic deadly maze, and did not know - nor how to get out of, no one to turn to for help. Of course, he feels guilty (remorse) in front of You, and cannot itself explain the true motives of his conduct; he regrets himself and You, and sincerely seeks to restore the previous harmony, but doubts that he will have the energy and vitality to fuel yourself in the right direction" (direction, suggesting the preservation of the family, he at heart instinct continues to perceive as correct).
I think that for you is very important "little talk", the opportunity to share with each other the past and present suffering, cry on each other's shoulder. For A. very important feeling that you can't just forgive and understand the paradox and the burden of his situation that you sincerely try to help HIM get out of the quagmire (and not just selfishly want to keep the family together, because YOU want to do that for YOU so better).
Try to jump on him and give him to understand it - I am sure that he will feel a huge rush of gratitude to you, and gratitude is by definition a power opening and, accordingly, the possibility of real positive energy progress, aimed at harmonization of the situation.
From the energy point of view, the status of A. now could be described as "indigestion" - I clearly feel a huge lump "undigested alien energy", which burdens them and put pressure on him. One of the most important tasks now is to try to get rid of this "coma" - metabolizing that you can metabolize, and to dispel wind and "crush" - the rest.
It is unlikely he will cope with this task of liberation of energy from waste, because at this stage of his participation in changing their own lives can be mostly passive. Well, that is, he can formulate a request for help and try to open towards this assistance, but assistance should be rendered to him by someone else (say, a good professional bio-energy-internist).
Just want to emphasize that we are not talking about the removal of "corruption or evil eye", or about "the top", but rather for help in restoring the power of identity, originality and naturalness A., to assist in the liberation from alien cargo that he now presses. However, if the healer or bio-energy-internist qualifies existing violation of energy balance and depressurization AGP A. as "damage or hex (because as usual, they use such clichés and stereotypes), it is not so fundamentally; the main thing is that they were able to provide a stimulating harmonizing effect.
Well, after this A. will recover a higher level of energy independence, and accordingly he will have himself to work to further harmonize their situation (because without his personal involvement full harmonization is still not possible; I hope that both of you understand it).
So my advice: fight for the preservation of the family and for the restoration of the energy balance A. it is necessary; Your help and support in this situation is fundamentally important, and I think that the assistance will benefit and Your own development. The energy potential of Your family egregore is still far from exhausted (and probably both of you, one way or another, feel).
You might say that your family unit was "predetermined" in the sense that in its creation were interested not only you with a level of reincarnation), but the highest levels of both of your structures, although it is not the option, when two structures have already had a situation close energy cooperation in past incarnations. (I know that the traditional fortune-tellers and clairvoyants quite like to tell such a beautiful romantic story with a sequel, but I personally in my practice with situations of personal relationships, ongoing in several incarnations, have encountered very rarely, so the "noodles on the ears to hang I won't."
Bergo And.
Female magazine WWWoman
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