Explain the principle of operation
Microwave cooking is an electromagnetic excitation contained in the products are water molecules. Instantly penetrates, for example, in the depth of the piece of meat, the waves are absorbed contained in the water molecules. From this the molecules are excited, their thermal fluctuations are amplified, they collide with each other. And this is the cause of temperature rise. The same increase of vibrations and collision of molecules happen if traditionally put food on fire. With the difference that fire the excitation of the molecules slowly transferred from the outer layers to the inner and microwave energy is instantly penetrates to a depth of 2, 5 to 5 cm (so thicker pieces better cut).
Save time and effort
The microwave is much cheaper and more compact plates, and their capabilities in the performance of a variety of recipes are almost the same. They are economical electric plates, they are easier to keep clean. Not to mention the considerable gain in time. For those who buy a microwave as an additional device for defrosting food and heating food, it very soon becomes the main tool for cooking. Microwave does not create the typical kitchen atmosphere with heat, heat, and odors. Moreover, during the entire cooking process, you can open the door to stir, add the ingredients to check availability of food without worrying about heat loss and disturbance regime.
Cook without fat and maintain vitamins
Nutritionists claim that a food is heated to a high temperature greases of animal and even plant origin has a negative impact on human health.When using microwave technology products, whether meat, fish or vegetables are processed quickly without the use of fat, which contributes to improving their nutritional and dietary value.
Scientists examined cooked in a microwave oven meals. Checked the level of preservation of vitamins in vegetable and meat dishes. The result exceeded all expectations: the most valuable vitamin C remained after treatment in a furnace at 75-98% (each kind of products correspond to their numbers). While traditional methods of cooking vitamin content does not exceed 38-60%.
Warms baby food
Microwave allows you to quickly heat up the jars of baby food. You only have to Unscrew the lid from the jar and its contents put into a bowl. After heating check the temperature of food before giving it to your baby. Similarly, you can heat the milk in bottles. But expressed breast milk heated in microwave ovens cannot.
Select the specific ware
You can use what you already have in your home: ordinary porcelain, earthenware, terracotta, ceramics. It is important that your ware was not gold and silver headbands and patterns as those containing metal paint conductive and can cause weak electric discharges. In a microwave oven, you can cook even in paper cups (the so-called quick soups), reheat cooked food in paper bags, waxed paper.
And yet the most practical special microwave cookware heat-resistant glass or special plastic.
And give tips
Generated during defrosting fluid may be hot. Because of this, the defrost is uneven. Remove fluid around the middle of the defrost cycle.
If put in the microwave product weighing less than 100 g, on the rotary table, you must put at least 100 ml of water in a microwave bowl. Otherwise, not finding the camera enough water molecules, the microwave will return unspent energy back to the radiator, and there is a risk of overload. In General, it is desirable to keep in the furnace of a glass of water, so that if accidentally activated not to damage the magnetron.
If you use mode of the microwave oven with grill, place under the grill plate, to collect drained oil.
If on the inner walls of the furnace remained erosion-resistant stains of grease and dried-on food residues and place in the oven a glass of water and boil it for 5 minutes. Under the action of a pair of dirt will soften and will be easily removed. The rotary table of the furnace can be washed by means of washing or in the dishwasher.
Five simple NOT
- Do NOT use the microwave oven for frying in oil, because it is difficult to control its temperature and there is a risk of ignition of the oil.
- Do NOT cook and do not heat eggs in shell, they can "explode".
- Do NOT leave without special training products with natural membrane or shell (liver, potatoes, carrots, sweet pepper, chestnuts, peas, corn). They can be arranged in the furnace "explosions" because of the quickly escaping steam and loud bursting shells. To prevent this from happening, vegetables and liver have to prick with a fork or incision. Meat, fish or bird to be covered with a special film for microwave ovens.
- Do NOT give in to publish in periodicals tips of Russian craftsmen to adapt microwave oven for drying clothes, medicinal plants, sterilization, baby diapers or jars of homemade pickles.
- Do NOT place pans and other large metal objects on the top panel of the furnace. They may be picking up the currents, and the view of the panel may be damaged.
We hope our tips will be useful to everyone who decided to buy and who will continue to use one of the latest advances in technology life - microwave.
The family site
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