Thursday, July 3, 2014

Children are a mirror of family relationships

Children are a mirror of family relationshipsThat the microclimate in the family affects the process of formation of the child's personality, known to all parents. However, not all of them realize how deep this relationship.

Psychologists conducted a study of 4-5 year old children in kindergarten: for they laid the table and offered to present themselves as adults, playing in the celebration. As a result, "tipsy" lemonade children began to behave just as some adults behave during a party - began to fuss and fight.

We lovingly find the infant is similar to other features - the nose, ears and eyes, later discovered and abilities, inherited from one parent, and maybe even two at once. Then why are we surprised that the child inherits or receives in the process of upbringing and what we ourselves would have preferred him not to pass?

From early childhood, children tend to imitate the behavior of adults. Even the most insignificant, according to our estimates, the actions can serve as an example for the child. Accumulated in childhood models and patterns of behavior, as adults, they are more likely to implement them in your life. Contact with older forms of individual role of each child and understanding of the diversity of the environment, and the attitude to it.

Certain moments in family relationships may have a so-called "mirror effect", only in some cases the situation may appear to be exactly the opposite. If the child grew up in an atmosphere of complete freedom of action - not the fact that he, as an adult, will not be influenced by authority, the child frugal parents can grow by Rangiroa, and the child is not too good owners can be a neat, loving in the whole procedure.

From the point of view of children, parents for them "available" adults" who, being in the immediate vicinity, are examples to follow. Do not forget the fact that genes passed on to the kids, too, will appear as they get older.

Select model their behavior with children and the degree of openness of the relationship. However, we must not forget that the child understands, remembers, and his conclusions may be the most unexpected. Remove the child from the room during a serious conversation adults is desirable, but it should be done in a gentle manner so as not to offend him.

Open relationship between parents and children is quite acceptable, but should not move the permissible measures. Children need to explain what a bad mood mom or dad in no way connected with them, that the reason for that trouble at work, and the desired toy not bought not because of their bad behavior, but because of temporary financial difficulties. It is unacceptable to allow the child to discuss adults, especially teachers. Of course, to go to extremes is not necessary. To listen to the child and his complaints about this or that teacher, to give advice on how to behave in the current situation, to talk to the teacher you want, but in the presence of a child over-dramatize the situation is not worth it, otherwise, he received a bad grade, each time will give all so that it treated unfairly.

Be sure to watch for his actions, which may become known to the children. In no event it is impossible to make clear to the child that nefarious act can be justified. This can lead to the fact that sooner or later he would learn that even the most terrible things can be good reasons.



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